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CTD and BSOD issues have existed in this game since as far back as I can remember (August 2011). I have three different computers that I play on and I have experienced CTD and BSOD problems on all of them.



This is a problem with SWTOR. It has been documented in many threads and responded to by the development team in many of the following:




No Error Crash to Desktop



Client crashes to desktop from loading screen



Constant crash to desktop



Crash to Desktop/Freezing/Locked up, Unable to play.



Play for 5 minutes, Crash to Desktop



Crash to Desktop Issues



SWTOR Crash: Blue Screen of Death!



Blue Screen errors related to SWTOR?



Blue Screen - Stop: 0x00000101 Error



Black Screen (BSOD) with Error code 9000 and 2005.



I'm not sure if this problem is isolated to particular "worlds" or "zones" or what-have-you but I seem to come across problems on Taris (Imperial) and lately Belsavis. This issue is well documented here on the forums as well.






However, please completely remove or severely reduce death penalties until you get this worked out or corrected in some reasonable way.


I am the most fanboi of fanbois (I have two very visible KOTOR tattoos) but the combination of BSOD/DEATH PENALTY is really painful.


Thanks in advance...

Edited by Anzel
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In the mean time, please completely remove or severely reduce death penalties until you get this worked out or corrected in some reasonable way.



Umm.......Bioware can't fix problems with your computers bud. Time to upgrade one of them.

Edited by TheUnNamedHero
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Repair costs? I don't know of any other death penalty.


I would rather them just fix the random deaths..like every time you take a shuttle on Voss...or the invisible mobs..or the mobs standing in melee range in a clear field that i don't have line of sight on...

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This is cute, are your 500 credit repair bills breaking you?


The death penalties in this game is an absolute joke, if you're not trolling this is the biggest whine i've seen yet.


Also i have -never- gotten a BSOD or CTD in this game, i'm not saying certain pc setups wont have conflicting issues with the game but this is an isolated issue with YOU and a very small percentage of others.

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BSOD is almost always RAM, CPU or Video card. I can say it's not the game for certain because I have never seen a BSOD at all the entire time I have been playing. Not once. Most other people will tell you the same. So either fix your PCs or stop complaining because the Death Penalty is what makes this and any other game exciting. Just being able to "pop back up" like nothing ever happened instantly sucks all the drama and excitement out of trying to fight an elite and a strong 4 levels above you.
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A repair bill isn't a penalty. A short wait to rez in place after a full wipe(fully stealthed to let you move to a safer spot to rebuff) isn't a penalty.


Losing XP/levels for dying is a penalty. Thank the Maker ToR didn't go that route.

Edited by MissTrips
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CTD and BSOD issues have existed in this game since as far back as I can remember (August 2011). I have three different computers that I play on and I have experienced CTD and BSOD problems on all of them.


I'm not sure if this problem is isolated to particular "worlds" or "zones" or what-have-you but I seem to come across problems on Taris (Imperial) and lately Belsavis. This issue is well documented here on the forums as well.


In the mean time, please completely remove or severely reduce death penalties until you get this worked out or corrected in some reasonable way.


I am the most fanboi of fanbois (I have two very visible KOTOR tattoos) but the combination of BSOD/DEATH PENALTY is really painful.


Thanks in advance...


bsod's are 9/10 not related to the game but your own hardware or software either lack of drivers, conflicting drivers, or hardware going bad or faulty hardware was bad when purchased(it happens). I'd advise you to LOOK at your own rig first, get new drivers, insure your removing all old drivers, and if needed upgrade/replace any bad hardware might be going. Are so many reasons this could be happening but it is probably isolated to you specifically.

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I'm one of those players that has been crying for a bigger/more substantial death penalty since beta. I still believe a credit fee for gear is way too light, and does not do enough to discourage death, or using the "death taxi" as a means of fast travel to medstations. This suggestion is probably one of the only things bioware could implement that really would make me consider a "nerdrage qq unsub" type of post.


It is patently ridiculous to think that the penalty of a few credits is too steep a penalty. NO OTHER MMO in the history of mankind has a lighter penalty. There is a reason that asking for pure immortality in a MMO does not work, its just not fun. There is no challenge with the way it is now, an easier penalty would make death in game completely pointless, might as well just remove death and healthbars all together.

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This is cute, are your 500 credit repair bills breaking you?


The death penalties in this game is an absolute joke, if you're not trolling this is the biggest whine i've seen yet.


Also i have -never- gotten a BSOD or CTD in this game, i'm not saying certain pc setups wont have conflicting issues with the game but this is an isolated issue with YOU and a very small percentage of others.


No, two deaths while equipped with purples at my level can go upwards of 7000 credits. When this happens several times per day it gets pretty annoying. The disruption in game play combined with a credit penalty is excessive.


I don't think they should be permanently removed however the problem is definitely the game itself and is well documented here on the forums by players and devs alike.

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