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Will SWTOR ever become an e-sport?


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Keep blaming 3rd party addons (pretty sure you are whining about Gladius) for your failures. ;)



Who said I failed? You assume to know me.


I used add-ons too. In WoW you had to, to stay competitive. I just didn't go nuts over it and preferred to pvp without them when a can.


I rather faceplant players without cheating.

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As long as thing like expertise exists, and gameplay is gear-oriented instead of skill-oriented: No way.


To be fair, gear is only an advantage early on. Like other games, at "competitive" levels - people will have the same gear so there is no real advantage.


Right now, because of the "lottery" method of gearing and the different pace many are progressing (I'm only Valor 40 on most of my toons for example) people are geared very different from game to game.


You can have skill based combat in a gear driven MMO. However, I do agree that TOR is lacking in the "skill-oriented" department.

Edited by Rasstavad
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Not a chance...


Not a chance...


This game reeks of Mythic design ... the pvp game is a literal joke.


Mind you, the premise was good, the implementation is pure malarky, the Mythic trademark.


Thanks for showing this entire thread that you have ZERO idea what you're talking about. Zero.

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This game was never designed as such or intended to be an E-Sport platform. I would be surprised if Bioware ever attempts to make the changes that would be necessary to call this an E-Sport platform. With GuildWars 2 Looming on the horizon and the fact they already have a competitive league up and running within their closed beta, I think it would be a waste of Bioware's time and resources.


Unfortunately I think many people were tired of WoW, and Rift didn't have enough class balance with their open ended spec design. So we ended up with a whole bunch of hopefuls looking for a place to PVP and Bioware didn't deliver that game.

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AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ha ha ha, Ha. Funny. Oh wait, you were serious? Not likely ever being that the pvp dev team appear to have come from Hello Kitty Online and the very engine itself leads to ability activation problems.
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And for those of you who think sport means physical activity.... well you are misinformed...


Sport comes from the word "Desport" which means leisurely activity. The first time Sport ever appeared in English it was defined as any recreational activity with the intended purpose of entertainment. Or any activity engaged in for relaxation and amusement.

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Huttball could be argued that the potential for PvP in this game could be categorized as a e-sport type of PvP game for the future.


Arena is a e-sport, and the lore of the Hutts, to lore of arena does exist when it comes to Starwars. This debate is still up for grabs but you can't argue that potential is there.


Let me be clear, Arena in SWTOR could work. I do think this game could fit that bill for level 50's. The things Warcraft did can be avoided, and this game really could launch some e-sport type of Arena and do really well with it.


More subs would pile in and make Bioware alot of money.


GuildWars 2 is a game that might have some good e-sport PvP soon, but truth is you can't trust any FTP game to be balanced. You JUST CAN'T.


I assume Bioware knows that PvP is a huge part of Starwars, and even in mmo's. The crowd out there craves and wants competitive PvP.


What better way than to introduce a rank match form a Arena to SWTOR.


I sense something like this coming in later years.




It appeals to hardcore/PvP heads alike + money.



Edited by Caeliux
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No. This game's survival is backed on the subscriptions of people who want instant gratification. When an actually fair system somehow does not comply with that, they will drop and the game will die unless BioWare folds and turns this into another casualfest.


The second any person becomes good at anything they do, people will want that person dragged back down to their level because it's unfair.

Edited by Knifewrench
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No. This game's survival is backed on the subscriptions of people who want instant gratification. When an actually fair system somehow does not comply with that, they will drop and the game will die unless BioWare folds and turns this into another casualfest.


You make no sense at all. PvP is a huge market as you can see in Warcraft, Aion, Warhammer.


E-sport games like Arena in Warcraft or League of Legends with a RPS feel is very successful, and brings in cash.


Games do well with great pve, and options in pvp.


E-sport PvP is another beast that could make SWTOR a blockbuster.

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And for those of you who think sport means physical activity.... well you are misinformed...


Sport comes from the word "Desport" which means leisurely activity. The first time Sport ever appeared in English it was defined as any recreational activity with the intended purpose of entertainment. Or any activity engaged in for relaxation and amusement.


That's just something that fat and out of shape people tell themselves.


It's a video game people, not a sport.

Edited by Torcer
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Physical activity such as operating a mouse and a keyboard? Sports are about competition not the physical part. Many times they are linked, but go say golfers who earn millions that golf isn't a sport. Any healthy human being can get physically fit but how many become best in the world at something?


Think about. Think about it hard son.


Golf is a sport.



A sport is physical activity in which one or a group participate in a certain activity to maintain or achieve physical fitness.


Tell me where sitting in a computer chair can be considered a sport? It can't. Which is why is E-Sport is so pathetic.

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E-sport? There's no such thing as an e-sport. Sports include physical activity which I doubt most of this games community has ever participated in.


Semantics, e-sports = competitive gaming which is experiencing unprecedented growth in the US right now mostly because of Starcraft 2 and the resurgence of the fighting game genre. Nitpicking on a word is dumb.


SWTOR being an e-sport however is not likely. MMO PvP is rarely skill based, when actions are limited by 1.5 global cooldowns the skill ceiling is way too low to be a good competitive game. Most PvP wins are about stacking better gear on a team (in TOR's case, more max level people), and having very very basic stategy (peeling, assist trains, huttball having a stealther hang out by the goal line to throw to from the bottom, etc.) These strategies are easily replicated by any team with a IQ above room temp.

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hahahahaha rofl No....PvP was an after thought. You want an E-sport, play SC2, or wait for GW2.


Guild Wars 1 wasn't an E-sport why would you think GW2 would be.


I do hope this game gets an arena/ladder system and tries to compete with WoW in terms of pvp but i really doubt EA will invest the cash/effort to get it going and warzones/battlegrounds will never be pvp endgame material.

Edited by Antipiety
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Guild Wars 1 wasn't an E-sport why would you think GW2 would be.


I do hope this game gets an arena/ladder system and tries to compete with WoW in terms of pvp but i really doubt EA will invest the cash/effort to get it going and warzones/battlegrounds will never be pvp endgame material.


Probably because GW1 was an E-Sport. They had competitive PVP with tournaments, awards, world recognition, and the such. It had the most competitive PVP system to date of any Online game that wasn't RTS based.


And you should expect GW2 to have an e-sport feature because it already does. It currently has a competitive PVP league with the members of their closed beta system. They have been doing tournaments at the game conventions.

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no this game has terrible pvp


diablo 3 will become an e-sport before this game - and thats a freaking derivative of a isometric dungeon crawler


this games pvp is so god-awful. no combat logs so i cant even tell what i died from. ability delay. simplistic class design (grav round spam, anyone?)


i loved my monk in guild wars and my mage in wow. those took skill to play effectively - and i noticed if i didnt play them for quite a while i would lose that skill...that instinct i had developed. with this game, there is no room for improvement because spamming grav round takes no skill

Edited by Thelongroad
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No. This game's survival is backed on the subscriptions of people who want instant gratification. When an actually fair system somehow does not comply with that, they will drop and the game will die unless BioWare folds and turns this into another casualfest.


The second any person becomes good at anything they do, people will want that person dragged back down to their level because it's unfair.

another who confuses gear for skill
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