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Mercs in PvP.


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I wish I hadn't gone Mercenary, I would reroll but I just don't have the time to spare as a casual player.


It seems like more of a PVE class to me, high sustainable damage is great for raids but for pvp you need burst. Decent opponents will never stand still for your damage rotations, they simply move out of range, break LOS or jump in your face and interrupt.


We have low survivability and low burst. I would go so far as to say we are the easiest to kill, other DPS classes are squishier, like the operative and sorcerer but they have get out of jail cards on hand, instant stealth or force run away. We have jet boost, which is only a useful defense in huttball.

Edited by Conq
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I wish I hadn't gone Mercenary, I would reroll but I just don't have the time to spare as a casual player.


It seems like more of a PVE class to me, high sustainable damage is great for raids but for pvp you need burst. Decent opponents will never stand still for your damage rotations, they simply move out of range, break LOS or jump in your face and interrupt.


We have low survivability and low burst. I would go so far as to say we are the easiest to kill, other DPS classes are squishier, like the operative and sorcerer but they have get out of jail cards on hand, instant stealth or force run away. We have jet boost, which is only a useful defense in huttball.


You are speaking only from the perspective of an arsenal merc, pyro does not need to turret at all to deal its burst.

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Pryo has even worse damage. You'll get awards and see big numbers at the end of the match from spreading around DoTs but you can't burst down a single target when it counts. Edited by Conq
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Pryo has even worse damage. You'll get awards and see big numbers at the end of the match from spreading around DoTs but you can't burst down a single target when it counts.


That statement is completely false. 80% of my targets will get taken down to 40%-50% of their health during my initial opening sequence. The other 20% are usually when I fail to look at their buffs for defensive ones or when I get interrupted.

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Stand still and turret tracer missile. Highest kills/dmg/medals.


not 100% accurate but not 100% wrong im sad to admit


you need to have jet boost ready, rocket punch specced, use unload procs well, and know how to los by running with rail shot fired and heal up while they try to catch you. In huttball if you stand on the catwalk you can just tab spam tracer and use heatseeker on cooldown to destroy people that ignore you or cant reach you.

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and reading some of the other posts saying we dont have burst never learned to save up a heatseeker/rail shot/unload all at once. main hand hitting for 2k with unload, heatseeker for 4.8k, and rail shot is stupidly underpowered but instant and with a 5 stack is enough to finish them off if heatseeker didnt.


Also saying we have no survivability is the difference between forum QQers and people who play the game. we have a lot of survivability with our bubble defence, a short cooldown on rocket punch, extra power of knocking back with jet boost, and self heals. if you want to talk about no survivability play a marauder/sentinal. even the good ones i can usually destroy before they get to me. assassins not in dark charge also fall over fast.

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Pryo has even worse damage. You'll get awards and see big numbers at the end of the match from spreading around DoTs but you can't burst down a single target when it counts.


Thermal detonator -> power shot -> rail shot does about 10k damage with crits and with adrenals / relics could go upwards of 13-14k.


Pyro has no damage?

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and reading some of the other posts saying we dont have burst never learned to save up a heatseeker/rail shot/unload all at once. main hand hitting for 2k with unload, heatseeker for 4.8k, and rail shot is stupidly underpowered but instant and with a 5 stack is enough to finish them off if heatseeker didnt.


Also saying we have no survivability is the difference between forum QQers and people who play the game. we have a lot of survivability with our bubble defence, a short cooldown on rocket punch, extra power of knocking back with jet boost, and self heals. if you want to talk about no survivability play a marauder/sentinal. even the good ones i can usually destroy before they get to me. assassins not in dark charge also fall over fast.



on unload your main hits 3 times for well over 3k total without crits, up to 5ish k if they all crit, and your off will do 1k total with non crits, 1.5-2 k with crits ... that is a low end 4k high end 7k shot... people dont notice because it is 3 ticks with each hand and only see the 2k crit not thinking about that spam of numbers behind it..


unload is the *******


fyi my crit is 38 and my crit multiplier is at 79

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To stack the burst properly, do you have to adjust "ability Action queue window" speed?


What are you guys running?


i set mine to 1, as high as it will go, once and a while an extra TM gets mixed in when i would prefer an unload but overall i like it better.

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"Burst" has become one of the most subjective...and over used...terms when defining PvP DPS. It will never happen...but there needs to be a consensus on the definition of "Burst" before this conversation can continue.


For example..."Burst" is defined as what?


75% health down within 4-6 moves?

50% health down within 3-5 moves?

30% health down within 1-3 moves?


People need to define their expectations of what is good/bad DPS is before starting their rant. I'll start off...


I'd like to be able to take somone down to 40% or less health within 5-7 moves. Can the cookie cutter Arsenal or Pyro builds do that...with all things being considered equal?

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"Burst" has become one of the most subjective...and over used...terms when defining PvP DPS. It will never happen...but there needs to be a consensus on the definition of "Burst" before this conversation can continue.


For example..."Burst" is defined as what?


75% health down within 4-6 moves?

50% health down within 3-5 moves?

30% health down within 1-3 moves?


People need to define their expectations of what is good/bad DPS is before starting their rant. I'll start off...


I'd like to be able to take somone down to 40% or less health within 5-7 moves. Can the cookie cutter Arsenal or Pyro builds do that...with all things being considered equal?


burst: to issue forth suddenly and forcibly

(from dictionary.com)


burst has nothing to do with how many moves, it has to do with having a spike of dps. For example if my average DPS is say 300 (just a number) over 30 seconds but my peak DPS is 1000 over 5 seconds, that means the rest of my dps was only 160 for the other 25 seconds. That is burst.


How do you get burst? having multiple attacks hit at the same time of course. Lets say you throw explosive dart, then a tm, followed by a HS followed by unload, you will have all of those attacks hit within a second of each other followed by the rest of the Unload hits. The order you pump them out factored in to the time til damage is taken. That is burst.


Burst does not have to happen out of the gate, as a matter of fact for BH it is mid rotation that you should get a good burst because you have to build up debuffs, so your "take someone down to 40% in 5-7 moves really does not apply, when i burst i have probably taken 50% of their life on the 3 tracer missles used to build up heat signatures, then i burst and ... oops you are dead.


Most people see some damage and dont think about it, then they see they are at 60% and they decide to do something about it, but they dont realize that they already have the ED on them, a tracer closely followed by a HS coming at them when the first unload shot hits. They are a dead man walking and do not even know it...


that is burst.


burst is the opposite of constant damage


when i have a combat log i will work on true numbers but i think this appropriately talks to your question of what is burst.

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Pryo has even worse damage. You'll get awards and see big numbers at the end of the match from spreading around DoTs but you can't burst down a single target when it counts.


I am gonna have to disagree with this statement. I forget where, but another bounty hunter posted a good spec, with rotations and how to use it for pyro.


I paid my 100k and respeced to it, and it is the only viable pvp spec I have seen, and still does very good dps in pve.


If I trinket, and i have both power and surge pvp trinks, incd miss, therm det, railshot...most of the time my target is at 20% health....not to mention all of these abilitys are instant that means...gues what....im running and doing it at same time. I will stop and unload, will finish cooldown on rail. and hit it again. Plus you get increase damage in the tree from your regular shots, wich can be done on the run....with the flame damage i can burn someone down with just blasters if they are ignited.


I would do some more research , but this is the only spec I will use on my 50 merc for any kind of dps from here on out, because im 95% mobile.


My main complaint is that we get no kind of interupt and could use better increase defense to our shields.



Here is the link

Edited by Broncomen
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