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How are people bored already?


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I'm not even 50 and I'm bored. Questing has become a grind and mobs are getting stupidly strong. It's a pain in the *** to get a group together to run flashpoints. PvP is pointless until they separate out the 50s. And there's not even anything to do on the AH because the market sucks so bad.


Honestly I think people have stoped even trying to get Flashpoints on my server. There isn't even anyone in the Fleet Flaspoint area most of the time. I can't get groups spamming as a healer. Heals are important enough that if you see one spamming, and you've been trying to get in a Flaspoint/Dungeon/Instance ect., you grab them.

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This argument is now moot. The game has been out long enough that anyone who has played during normal "TV-time" after work can be level 50. At some point you guys are going to have to stop falling back on this. It made sense a week after launch. The game is a month old for most players and it no longer carries any weight. Pretty sure next month at this time we're still going to be hearing defenders using this increasingly irrelevant argument.


I played during pre-launch and am still only level 23 on my highest toon, though I do have 2 others around 20 as well. I'd imagine quite a few people leveled multiple alts up and are around the same level as I am(since my quest areas still have 100+ in them during off-peak hours). I don't get a lot of time to play because of work/school, so usually an hour or two a night.

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Well disagree here. I only have 1toon, play casually 4 nights a week, maybe 3 hours a sitting and still am not 50. Close at 42 though. I think 6-8 Weeks is about an average time to take an average player to get to 50. Unless of course you play 4 or 5 hours every single night...but that's hardly a definition of average casual....


There are other games to play as well, sometimes that's easy to forget...not like this is the only game a person might play all the time...


You seem to be hypocritical here.


Are you claiming that people could not have played the game normally, and reached level 50, because you have not yet reached level 50?


Your first and second paragraphs seem to conflict with each other.
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I played during pre-launch and am still only level 23 on my highest toon, though I do have 2 others around 20 as well. I'd imagine quite a few people leveled multiple alts up and are around the same level as I am(since my quest areas still have 100+ in them during off-peak hours). I don't get a lot of time to play because of work/school, so usually an hour or two a night.


Okay, except I never said "everyone is now or should be 50."


I said that being level 50 is not indicative of rushing. You could pretty comfortably be level 50 right now playing 2-3 hours a night with maybe a few longer sessions mixed in there. And it's not like we had a major holiday period in there where people would have had more time than normal to play the game, right?


Oh. Wait.

Edited by Mannic
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Same planets, same quests same guy every class wants to kill to get there title...


Same small bgs... same slow *** walking then slow *** speeder at 25..


O and u can only do the fp's so many time b4 ur space barring everything.

Painful is coming to the realization that video games will be video games.


Painful is having to slow walk two continents for 40 levels without a Sprint at lvl 14 or a mount at lvl 25.


Painful is having the freedom to let go of something one doesn't enjoy doing yet choosing to continue embracing it.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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And the haters will tell you "there's no content at end game" when the game is 1 month old.


A game now should have end game content and proper community support.

A game 10 years ago wouldnt need to only times change that the quality that a product needs to give just keeps increasing.

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Okay, except I never said "everyone is now or should be 50."


I said that being level 50 is not indicative of rushing. You could pretty comfortably be level 50 right now playing 2-3 hours a night with maybe a few longer sessions mixed in there. And it's not like we had a major holiday period in there where people would have had more time than normal to play the game, right?


Oh. Wait.


Very true, if I played one toon straight through I would probably be 50 by now.

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A game now should have end game content and proper community support.

A game 10 years ago wouldnt need to only times change that the quality that a product needs to give just keeps increasing.


Those are things that come with the evolution of the game its futile to expect everything at launch.

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1) Rush to 50.

2) Wait for others to catch up.

3) Complain on forums.


If you aren't 50 by now, you're playing at a snails pace. There's no "rushing" to 50 four weeks after launch.


The 5 hour a month players club is irrelevant in the MMO community in regards to suggestions to a developer on how to improve their game.

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Because people had very high expectations. Never have high expectations of a newly launched MMO ;)


The people who bought the game to play through the storylines and/or have less time to play and/or take their time levelling are still meandering their way through the levelling. They are mostly enjoying themselves because so far they have been given the game they wanted.


The people who bought the game for the MMO experience and/or who are competitive, efficient levellers and/or are not interested in the story are disappointed because the game did not meet their expectations and they do not have the game they wanted.


Spot on

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The 5 hour a month players club is irrelevant in the MMO community in regards to suggestions to a developer on how to improve their game.
They'll never get past the starter content, and starter content is always the most detailed in half-assed MMOs because it's what reviews are based on.
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First off where in my post was I complaining about not being 50,please explain this.. also i play heck of a lot more than 1hr a day..thats just silly saying that.

You said what I said was wrong.


It wasn't.



Unless we're now playing the "shift the goalpost" game of changing what I said, what you said, and what we were talking about. Which I didn't.



If you're not 50 by now, it's because you play very little, you're not a very good gamer, you make a bunch of alts simultaneously, or you're trying to deceive yourself into pretending there's more content than there is by doing nothing and calling it "playing."



There. Try and twist that around.



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I really just find the "go away elitists we don't want you here" mentality, ironic as all get out.


"we dont want you here, or those additions, we wan't a tight knit community! Now bugger off"


You don't want the elitists, so you act elitist about it.

You don't want the add-ons, you want a tight community, so you kick people out it.





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You said what I said was wrong.


It wasn't.



Unless we're now playing the "shift the goalpost" game of changing what I said, what you said, and what we were talking about. Which I didn't.



If you're not 50 by now, it's because you play very little, you're not a very good gamer, you make a bunch of alts simultaneously, or you're trying to deceive yourself into pretending there's more content than there is by doing nothing and calling it "playing."



There. Try and twist that around.




Why does it matter to you if someone is 50 by now?

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Why does it matter to you if someone is 50 by now?

Where did I say it did?



People were talking like you had to rush to be 50 by now.



That's false.



(oh I get it -- this is irony -- you were trying to twist what I said, change the premise, just as the response you're citing said not to do! LOL, GOOD ONE!!!)





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This game has major issues and probably won't be nowhere near as successful & competitive as it could have been.



Only fanbois think otherwise.


I seriously doubt your logic or lack thereof.


It has nothing to do with "fanbois," it's different strokes for different folks. This game caters to a different crowd than the hardcore elitist MMO players which make up the majority of complainers on these forums. Bioware isn't going to change it to their standards when they have a perfectly strong player base with their current model.

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To the OP - It's because you are rotating through 3 classes. ;)


If you concentrated on just 1 character - you'd probably be at 50 right now. My main is at level 46 and I will admit that I've "skipped" certain dialogues. If it's a side quest - and if it's not english - I will quickly read the subititles and space bar to the next line of dialogue [habit from leveling alts in other text based MMO's].


Logging out in cantinas and running space missions = huge xp gains.


Some people play MMO's to get to the end game - they have no desire about the story or content - just what happens at the end game. Since this MMO currently doesn't offer the same type of end game that other MMO's offer - they are bored.

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Some people play MMO's to get to the end game - they have no desire about the story or content - just what happens at the end game. Since this MMO currently doesn't offer the same type of end game that other MMO's offer - they are bored.


Exactly why their complaining will get them nowhere, this game wasn't made for them and they should move on.

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Exactly why their complaining will get them nowhere, this game wasn't made for them and they should move on.


Who says you can't have both? Why must a game that has a ton of story not have a competitive endgame for the 'hardcore' raiding elite? If I am running an MMO I would want to attract the widest possible audience. I imagine BW want to also have a competitive raiding environment as well or they probably wouldn't have introduced difficulty modes.

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Exactly why their complaining will get them nowhere, this game wasn't made for them and they should move on.


You're a dev? Or are you just trying to second guess what the devs motivations are?


If it's the latter, you are most definatley wrong.


It may surprise you to know that even before launch, Daniel Erickson confirmed that those who focus solely on one character at end game (which he referred to as those who are "traditionally MMO focused") are a huge core part of their intended audience.


(5:50 mark) Edited by Tarka
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