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How are people bored already?


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Heres the facts: You should just quit if the game doesn't appeal to you. I appreciate you taking the time to type this all out, but the hard reality is this game isn't for you. There is no use trying to prove that point on a forum.


How about you stop denouncing people who are actually stating their opinion and state your own on the subject.

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Everquest online adventures had a similar combat system and was out before wow and phantasy star online , phantasy star universe has real time fast action combat.



Those are console games, not (what was then) mainstream MMO titles for the PC. Console games were generally more arcade-like in nature.

Edited by Apax
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You're really being overly dramatic.


If the game isn't successful, it's precisely because of the highly linear, highly fractured, overall relatively weak for hinging your game on it, advanced class quest story lines.


There's enough content for someone who plays less than ten hours a week. The issue, however, isn't necessarily a lack of content, it's that content is used extremely poorly, and that all kind of barriers were designed into the game to effectively minimize social interaction.




But seriously, don't underestimate community. Look at how long EQ has lasted. It's lasted this long because of the community. Games like LOTRO have community has one of their biggest positives. If a game gets rep for having a terrible community it does have an impact.

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The post was an answer to Devonloy.


I'm not here trying to tell everyone else that the game sucks because I think so, I am glad that alot of people enjoy this game, and I do want it to succeed wether I like it or not, the mmo scene does need a competitor to that other mmo imo, and I think SWTOR can pull it of.


Fair enough. Thanks for the clarification.

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Okay a month into the game is not called rushing lol.


Some people have more time to play then others doesn't mean they are sitting at their system saying omg omg i have to get to 50!!


This game has very little replay value for alts to be perfectly honest. Theres 2 starting planets for each side, just slight differences in story.


Same quests same linear progression. Only thing that changes is the few story quests lol even then your going to the same place and doing the same thing but its just worded different lol.


Swtor replay value is bad.

Well when you look right at it, SWTOR has two sides which visit planets in different orders etc, and as such have a different story. The mere fact that you HAVE a class-centric story quest sets TOR off from other games. Rift sure doesnt have something noticeable like that, wow doesnt, eq2 hardly has anything noteworth in that respect.


As far as Im concerned, the classes play different enough, and have enough story difference - along with the option to have moral choices - to offer replay value for me.


I cant quite share the thought of an empty game world, in some places its pretty deserted so far, but other points on the map see plenty of people around.


The cutscenes honestly are a welcome way of actually conveying story and giving you a bit more immersion than other games. I mean lets face it. All the other games out there throw a text box in your face, which has "kill 10 rats" written on it, along with a few scraps of story. in SWTOR you get EVERY single quest fully voice acted, with dialog choices and the option to respond in different ways and such.


I cant really speak for the end game. But thats the curse of all MMO´s out there, endgame is always lacking at release. Im pretty sure bioware are going to remedy the situation in the coming weeks and months, right now im enjoying my time going through the quest lines, and plan to run a few flashpoints and later on OPs with my small guild of friends. Im sure by the time we reach that phase, there will be more things to be done, as well

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I, like the OP am leveling multiple characters in rotation as I go along. So, NO, it's not a given that after one month it's "game over".


I never said it was. But it's also not indicative of any sort of "rushing." I don't play several characters at once. I play one character to end-game then I start working on alts if I'm interested in doing so.


That's a SPG FPS shooter mind set you got there and it does not server MMOs very well at all.


What the heck does being easily able to reach 50 in a month have to do with a SPG FPS?


The reason for my approach is because: 1) I play for the long term, so there is no hurry to get to 50, and I like having multiple characters. 2) new MMOs NEVER have enough end game content to keep you satisfied when you hit level cap.


That's great. That's YOUR approach. I'm glad it works for you. I don't like repeating content over and over again so, guess what? Your approach is never going to work for me, no matter how much I attempt to rationalize it like you do:


MMO veterans, if they step back and think about it honestly, know that for MMOs it's not about getting to level cap in month one. It's about all the content, new features, and improvements coming in future patches over the coming years. IF you want mature end game content when you get to level cap DO NOT subscribe to a new game until at least 6 months post launch.


This in no way changes the point of my post to which you responded. Also, it's simply incorrect. Games like Rift immediately immersed you in end game content that worked, was relatively bug-free, gave you a reason to keep playing, made the economy relevant, and did so from the day of launch. No, it wasn't enough to, by itself, keep a player interested for months. That stuff has come in regular content patches month-to-month since release, content patches that make 1.1 look like a hot-fix. Rift forums weren't filled with thread-after-thread of people complaining about terrible end-game, which is how you know that TOR's end-game is exceptionally bad.


Just because you're taking longer to get there isn't going to make it any better once you get there. If it's better it will be because Bioware fixed the things that are wrong with it, which is only going to happen if people complain about what's wrong with it.

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But seriously, don't underestimate community. Look at how long EQ has lasted. It's lasted this long because of the community. Games like LOTRO have community has one of their biggest positives. If a game gets rep for having a terrible community it does have an impact.

Community has a very large impact on how games perform.


1. It helps devs figure out what to do.


2. A bad community is very impressionate on new gamers


3. Community is a lot of times what makes games fun to play.

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Quite a lot of MMO players focus on one character. This game seems to be designed around 'having' to play multiple characters to stay engaged, which isn't going to sit well with many long-time MMO players. Alts were typically something only to do when you were bored. Now, its the main game design feature it seems.


YES! Oh I am so glad someone thought this...I used to keep 1 alt, JUST 1, for when I needed a break from my 'main'. Now, it seems that I'm supposed to keep re-making and going through the same worlds / motions just to keep myself amused. They even put in a whole Legacy system specifically for alts!


Of course, they haven't implimented it yet...so why would I keep making alts until I run out of room if there's eventually going to be a model put in-place specifically for that?

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Those are console games, not (what was then) mainstream MMO titles for the PC. Console games were generally more arcade-like in nature.


Pso and psu were on the pc and are/were mmo's , but anyways I was just pointing out that there have allready been other combat systems in mmo's and that Eoa had a similar system to this before wow thats all.


Yeah the arcade quality in pso and psu was / is a good thing , not sure what people wanted in the combat system on swtor.



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1) Rush to 50.

2) Wait for others to catch up.

3) Complain on forums.


BS right there. This game is so easy to get to 50 that it is hard to not "rush". This game is just a boring game with nothing to do. The only thing that is decent about the game is the cut scenes and voice over. This game is the most linear, lifeless and bland mmo in the past 10 years.

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k so why are you playing a mmo at all? you dont like the expect of new gear you dont like the aspect of pvp you dont like the aspect of crafting skills you dont like to explore or more abilities? only thing you've missed are the flashpoints but you seem to dislike alot of major points wich make an mmo?






There is a general misconception that there is only one type of MMO, often referred to as a Themepark. This is mainly due to the popularity of WoW. Before WoW came to existence MMO's like Everquest, Ultima Online, SWG, EvE, FFXI Online, Lineage, etc were played very differently.


Themepark MMO aka "rails" = developer driven game play and economy. very linear. grind for gear to then grind a raid, to then grind for more gear, to then grind another raid. Usually story driven to help the monotony of the linear grind. Crafting professions are usually just for fluff as all good gear is obtained from the linear grind. if they were not it would "de-rail" the game play. As obtaining gear is the most essential part of progression. Most can be played as single player games until the raiding phase. +(WoW, Aion, Rift, Allods, WAR, SWTOR)


Grinder MMO = semi developer driven/semi player driven game play and economy. semi linear. grind for gear to then raid or pvp. Usually very little to no story. Gear still a very esential part of the game play but not needed for progression. Usually bot heavy and very monotonous gameplay. Usually group focused for progression. (FFXI Online, Silk Road, Lineage, alot of Korean based MMO's) *WoW upgraded this game design to what is the standard Themepark, hence it's popularity and the reason it's usually compared to every Themepark that came after it.


Sandbox MMO = very heavy player driven game play and economy. non-linear. usually story based but not as much as a Themepark or as little as a Grinder. Gear is usually not as essential as skills/attributes. Socializing and group focused for progression. Contrary to popular belief, Carfters and Industrialist are the foundations of the games as most everything is player generated/created and has meaning. dynamic gameplay. (EvE Online, Ultima Online, Perpetuum, Mortal Online)


So the question is not "why is he playing an MMO at all?"

It should be "why is he playing a Themepark MMO at all?"

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YES! Oh I am so glad someone thought this...I used to keep 1 alt, JUST 1, for when I needed a break from my 'main'. Now, it seems that I'm supposed to keep re-making and going through the same worlds / motions just to keep myself amused. They even put in a whole Legacy system specifically for alts!


Of course, they haven't implimented it yet...so why would I keep making alts until I run out of room if there's eventually going to be a model put in-place specifically for that?


Exactly. I guess it's not on the developer to provide a game where you can focus on one main, but rather to simply keep re-playing their content over and over again to kill time until they get around to making your main relevant.


In other words, just like all the other arguments we get from the defenders, it's your own fault if you're bored. Nothing is ever a problem with game-design or development. Always it's your own fault. You have a responsibility as a good citizen to extend your playtime as much as possible, even if it means doing things you're not inclined to do, because it's our job to compensate for whatever the developer didn't have time or interest in doing.


I mean, seriously, 90% of these arguments we hear could be applied to any game ever created. "You should have just stuck with WAR because you know eventually they'll fix the horrible lag issues and PvE-based RvR." "You should have just stuck with Matrix Online because despite the fact it was terrible, it would have eventually been less terrible."

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was ALSO a console game too..good one too....


Indeed and still is , its got a bit dead as the new content is mostly reskins of other old items now though , only the 360 one exists in the west now. Psp2 still exists but had no downloadable content , sadly. I play psp2I the japanese version as we never got it in the west. Phantasy star victory is on its way to a handhed nearyou soon and one day pso2 will be out the alpha was a sham recently oops , one day it will come out though :) . Pso 2 by the way has shocked us all and is going to be on pc only.



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For those that are bored I think one such reason might be the ease of the game. It is pretty easy to get to max level quickly. The endgame content is pretty easy (despite some bugs and HM gated content). It's also easy to gear up quickly. When a game is pretty easy some are going to get bored real fast. Those types of player may have expected/wanted more of a grind/time sink at max level and when they didn't get it....'bored.'


This is why there are multiple MMOs on the market, and always will be. The Korean game makers specialize in the grind model, so there are games out there for the hardcore.


It's a shame that some people feel they have to write long complaints about how an MMO does not meet their expectations.


Personally, I love this game and will play it for a long time. It will bring many new and casual MMO players into the genre, because it suits where they are in MMO experience. The hardcore veteran MMO players, and SPG players who pretend they want to play MMOs, seem to feel entitled or demand that the game be rapidly reworked to meet their particular special needs. Why? Just go play a game that meets your needs.


Not everyone likes the game or is satisfied with it. I get that and that is fine. It would be nice if those that find this game not to their likely just quietly leave and find one they do like, rather then needing to get on the forum and write walls of text about why they don't like it. It's not necessary, we don't need to know, and it won't change their view on the game. All we need to know is if we like it or not.


The forums are a place to exchange information and ideas, not write autobiographies about ones disappointments in life. It also is not the appropriate place to make Bioware aware of issues making them "choose" to leave the game (there are other parts of the forum for this).



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This is why there are multiple MMOs on the market, and always will be. The Korean game makers specialize in the grind model, so there are games out there for the hardcore.


It's a shame that some people feel they have to write long complaints about how an MMO does not meet their expectations.


Personally, I love this game and will play it for a long time. It will bring many new and casual MMO players into the genre, because it suits where they are in MMO experience. The hardcore veteran MMO players, and SPG players who pretend they want to play MMOs, seem to feel entitled or demand that the game be rapidly reworked to meet their particular special needs. Why? Just go play a game that meets your needs.


Not everyone likes the game or is satisfied with it. I get that and that is fine. It would be nice if those that find this game not to their likely just quietly leave and find one they do like, rather then needing to get on the forum and write walls of text about why they don't like it. It's not necessary, we don't need to know, and it won't change their view on the game. All we need to know is if we like it or not.


The forums are a place to exchange information and ideas, not write autobiographies about ones disappointments in life. It also is not the appropriate place to make Bioware aware of issues making them "choose" to leave the game (there are other parts of the forum for this).




Finally a well written post.

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This is why there are multiple MMOs on the market, and always will be. The Korean game makers specialize in the grind model, so there are games out there for the hardcore.


It's a shame that some people feel they have to write long complaints about how an MMO does not meet their expectations.


Personally, I love this game and will play it for a long time. It will bring many new and casual MMO players into the genre, because it suits where they are in MMO experience. The hardcore veteran MMO players, and SPG players who pretend they want to play MMOs, seem to feel entitled or demand that the game be rapidly reworked to meet their particular special needs. Why? Just go play a game that meets your needs.


Not everyone likes the game or is satisfied with it. I get that and that is fine. It would be nice if those that find this game not to their likely just quietly leave and find one they do like, rather then needing to get on the forum and write walls of text about why they don't like it. It's not necessary, we don't need to know, and it won't change their view on the game. All we need to know is if we like it or not.


The forums are a place to exchange information and ideas, not write autobiographies about ones disappointments in life. It also is not the appropriate place to make Bioware aware of issues making them "choose" to leave the game (there are other parts of the forum for this).




Just to be clear. I am not one who is bored. Just giving my opinion on why someone might be. Also, I don't know that the Korean grind MMO is the best example here. Some may have be expecting something between a very easy experience and something like Lineage for example. I think the ease issue is why you see so many "You rushed" comments. In those people's eyes they didn't rush. That is how they play and now they are bored.


You are always going to get comments from people recommending changes to an MMO and those changes are always going to based on their perspective and playstyle. People don't recommend changes that don't fit their mold. Also, it's really to be expected that you are going to see a mass amount of these players looking for something new since this is a huge title and the first AAA MMO title in a while. It's to be expected really.

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In other words, just like all the other arguments we get from the defenders, it's your own fault if you're bored.


Since boredom is a state of mind, and exists only within your mind, yeah, it is your own responsibility.


Note I said responsibility, not fault (blame and faultfinding is a mind trick you play on yourself to maintain the status quo as a victim).


You must take responsibility because you are the person whose mind is bored.


Change what you give yourself for experience, or change your mind about what you are doing. Or, do nothing and remain bored. The choice is yours, and yours alone. You have complete and total autonomy to address an issue that is within you.


Blaming anyone or anything for your boredom is simply ignoring what you need to do for yourself. It's a ploy your mind uses to trick you into feeling powerless and unable to control your experience.

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  • Bored of cut scenes,
  • Bored of the constant tank and spank boss flashpoints
  • Bored of huttball as its all i seem to get.
  • Bored of how quick and easy it is to get geared at 50.


  • Like the character story, but this now being my second run through, i dont care for what any of the normal NPCs have to say.
  • Id gladly trade all the "normal" generic quests and their narrative for text, and have longer and more detailed class quests and additional content.
  • Like the classes, but alot of work is yet to be done. So i am interested to see how they go about actually making them different instead of near clones of one another.
  • Would love more battle grounds, even basic TDM ones, or plain old DM ones, not necessarily an arena, as i was never a fan, just an all out mass brawl.
  • definitely need more 50 content, every fp should have a hardmode. games been in production long enough, this for me, is a must that should have been done.
  • PVP boxes should give centurion armour pieces and champion marks, not the other way round because centurion gear is about the same as what you get to 50 in with expertise bolted on. Champion gear is very very good which is nice, but is far to easy to get.


In summary, its not that there is no content, i just find it all very underwhelming. Still enjoying it for now, but i am actually wondering when the "fun factor" will wear off completely. I've already retired one character in light of it literally having nothing to do.

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I am getting pretty bored.

Havent rushed to lvl 50 only when i got to level 50 it is either do hardmodes/lvl 50 instances or a boring pvp grind.


There is absolutely no proper pvp community support in this game which makes the pvp just a boring endless grind.

Also not being able to make full team premades makes it just as boring and further more prevents pvp community support.


Ilum is dead and is a complete failure, something everyone who played a game like WoW and has more then 2 braincells could have told you would have happened.


It failed there, swtor attracts the same kind of people so it fails here too and it did.


Leveling a new character is a option sure only that isnt really a answer to the problem there is now.

You choose a certain class because you like to play that certain class, being forced to level another character just because of poor community support isnt really a sollution.

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My first character was a sith inquisitor. I got him to about level 43 before I got bored. The game play was nice but the personal story was very weak. There was a part where you had to travel back and forth between DK and fleet and Korriban, if I remember correctly, and that annoyed me to no end. Run to spaceport, click the elevator button, load into the hangar, run to ship, load into the ship, run to navigation, listen to the stupid droid, pick your destination, run to door, listen to the stupid droid... Well, you get the rest.


So I decided to roll an operative healer, which is also a fun class to play. But while I was enjoying the gameplay for the most part (early level healing is a nightmare especially when no one uses CC) I realized that besides the personal story, I'm doing the same exact content I just did with my inquisitor a few days ago. So I got to Nar Shadda and couldn't take it anymore.


So am I bored? Yes. To be more precise, I'm not bored of the gameplay but I am bored of the content.

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Skyrim is an rpg


This is an mmo. The only difference is you probably are:


A. Not in a guild

B. Not trying to /friend anyone.


What makes an mmo is YOUR interaction with the community, not people running after you to be your friend. Too much hand-holding from wow.


You can have all the friends and all the guild support you like, but if the game is cr*p there is nothing to do with the community. Too much brain washing from BW.

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