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How are people bored already?


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It is a very minor gripe compared to respec costs and unintuitive lfg interface, but I have to agree, there is just no reason for those little space stations to be there at all.


Where you have to leave your ship, walk through an empty space station, board a shuttle, and end up on the planet. What is the purpose of this space station, and that extra loading screen?


They didnt want to place all 4 Hangars on the Planets that dont need (starter ones), or Storywise dont have them (Balmorra).



Im Happy so far, rotating between 3 chars, and play an MMO only after Work & Family.

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Completed all content on hardmode, thats why we are bored.


I personally hate levelling up and its not why I play mmo's. In the grand scale of things levelling up in mmo's is a tiny percentage of its gameplay.


Darkfall is probably the best mmo I have played in years, its way too hard and and way too harsh but boy it has its moments.


Shame the "nub" money is not in this type of IP but we are beginning to see the boredom associated with this holy trinity gameplay.


You left the RPG part out of MMORPG (Club penguin is an MMO) SWTOR is an MMORPG

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I'm going to split the "this is not an MMO" crowd into two camps (because I like doing this!).


1) Those who enjoyed WoW: don't like it because they find the MMO functions of this game are not as well implemented WoW's and they see SWTOR as an inferior product.


2) Those how hate the WoW model: don't like it because the MMO functionality is a copy pasta of a previous WoW expansion and it sucks.


Either BW needed to copy and improve on WoW's mechanics, or they needed to break away and do something completely innovative. They have done neither.


1) I enjoyed WOW on and off since pre launch in 2004 Wow is a better MMO than SWTOR will ever be due to the combat system and seamless world of WOW. There is less classes the builds are more restrictive and talent trees are almost pointless in SWTOR and very limited choice of races to play all looking the same.


2) I don`t like the fact they copied WOW every thing they have copied is inferior the small amount of things they changed like crafting and space combat and companions I think ruined game-play. The use of speech and illusion of choice only make the grind more drawn out and frustrating and destroys any replay value due to the same leveling areas being required to be done in the same order each time WOW give you a choice I have leveled just tanking Dungeons thx the the LFG tool.


SWTOR turned out to be utter rubbish little more than another failed WOW clone which will no manage to get the average gamer to subscribe a month is more than enough of this crap. I found the game boring from the start and disappointing in the middle and dead at the end. This game will fail due to no game-play innovation and lack of polish.

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1) I enjoyed WOW on and off since pre launch in 2004 Wow is a better MMO than SWTOR will ever be due to the combat system and seamless world of WOW. There is less classes the builds are more restrictive and talent trees are almost pointless in SWTOR and very limited choice of races to play all looking the same.


2) I don`t like the fact they copied WOW every thing they have copied is inferior the small amount of things they changed like crafting and space combat and companions I think ruined game-play. The use of speech and illusion of choice only make the grind more drawn out and frustrating and destroys any replay value due to the same leveling areas being required to be done in the same order each time WOW give you a choice I have leveled just tanking Dungeons thx the the LFG tool.


SWTOR turned out to be utter rubbish little more than another failed WOW clone which will no manage to get the average gamer to subscribe a month is more than enough of this crap. I found the game boring from the start and disappointing in the middle and dead at the end. This game will fail due to no game-play innovation and lack of polish.


Read my signature please.

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Because we expect more out of mmorpgs these days. We want enough content/features to keep us entertained. We want something new to the table instead of the same rehashed garbage. I've been playing the game steadily since launch actually watching the quest cutscenes(nothing new just polished and more so than other mmorpgs) and am almost 50. However the quests are all the same kill 5 womp rats and bring their ********s for a Hutt to eat.


We have been asking for core features and content for a while now. Something akin to dcuo/aoc combo systems, or fps/3rd person melee combat. Actually having an impact on the game world. Stuff like this, but apparently Developers are very stupid and don't listen to their community. Instead they try their variant on WoW which usually flop. There are reasons mmorpgs aren't do that well these days and numerous people have pointed out why.


I have to agree, the level of intrigue and political goings on in DF and Eve are enthralling, becuase most people have not played these games as they are too hard or complicated to play they are missing a trick, why not have the emporers throne availible to anyone who claims it? Once a week the throne (in an all Vs all PvP area) becomes vunerable and anyone can click with say a 5 minute timer to claim it.


What benefits you would get from the position Ill leave to the imagination, but the thought of GvG and internal political subterfuge whets the appetite.

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So, are respec costs just the elephant in the room no one wants to talk about because it's so horrid, or is this thread actually just full of WoWtard trolls trying to torpedo this game so their old folks home of an MMO will remain on top?


Or, could it even be that blizzard, in their infinite marketing genius, has their community managers trolling these forums to make sure their game is mentioned in almost every thread?


Viral marketing ftw?


This thread is titled "How are people bored already" if you want a respec cost thread search for one. Theres a few out there. No need to take up posts on a different topic.

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Right. So you play 1 hr a day.



Don't complain about not being 50, or wonder why others already are.





First off where in my post was I complaining about not being 50,please explain this.. also i play heck of a lot more than 1hr a day..thats just silly saying that.

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1) I enjoyed WOW on and off since pre launch in 2004 Wow is a better MMO than SWTOR will ever be due to the combat system and seamless world of WOW. There is less classes the builds are more restrictive and talent trees are almost pointless in SWTOR and very limited choice of races to play all looking the same.


2) I don`t like the fact they copied WOW every thing they have copied is inferior the small amount of things they changed like crafting and space combat and companions I think ruined game-play. The use of speech and illusion of choice only make the grind more drawn out and frustrating and destroys any replay value due to the same leveling areas being required to be done in the same order each time WOW give you a choice I have leveled just tanking Dungeons thx the the LFG tool.


SWTOR turned out to be utter rubbish little more than another failed WOW clone which will no manage to get the average gamer to subscribe a month is more than enough of this crap. I found the game boring from the start and disappointing in the middle and dead at the end. This game will fail due to no game-play innovation and lack of polish.



If you look at it like a WoW clone it's not as good as WoW. But if you look at it like SWTOR it's doing great.


People really need to stop coming from WoW and expecting just a better WoW with lightsabers (Not you necesarilly just didnt feel the need to post again)

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I rotate between 3 classes leveling and pvp. Unless you're 50 and sitting around waiting for people to catch up i dont understand how people are getting bored. Maybe its the notorious new mmo grind but i find it to be necessary to change up your classes instead of sticking with one all the way to 50.


Quite a lot of MMO players focus on one character. This game seems to be designed around 'having' to play multiple characters to stay engaged, which isn't going to sit well with many long-time MMO players. Alts were typically something only to do when you were bored. Now, its the main game design feature it seems.

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If you look at it like a WoW clone it's not as good as WoW. But if you look at it like SWTOR it's doing great.


People really need to stop coming from WoW and expecting just a better WoW with lightsabers (Not you necesarilly just didnt feel the need to post again)


We were expecting something other than WoW, but instead we get a lesser variant of WoW.

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I have to agree, the level of intrigue and political goings on in DF and Eve are enthralling, becuase most people have not played these games as they are too hard or complicated to play they are missing a trick, why not have the emporers throne availible to anyone who claims it? Once a week the throne (in an all Vs all PvP area) becomes vunerable and anyone can click with say a 5 minute timer to claim it.


What benefits you would get from the position Ill leave to the imagination, but the thought of GvG and internal political subterfuge whets the appetite.


That wouldn't work in SWTOR because of the story arches revolving around said throne or thrones.


Maybe if they had some type of neutral stronghold in PVP areas that people or guilds could fight over.

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We were expecting something other than WoW, but instead we get a lesser variant of WoW.



Once again comparing it strictly to WoW. I've seen nothing wrong so far. And to the people complaining about there not being enough endgame content.


The game took like 4-5 years to fill the game to what it is now. Developing content takes a while give them like a month. (or you know the 17th when there is literally an expansion coming out.)

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Most of my guild are levelling alts as we don't see the point in nightmare modes atm while the bug which causes most bosses to drop hardmode loot isn't fixed. Since we're all relatively geared in rakatta and have rank 60 pvp chars from premades in less than a month... raiding 3 nights a week, its not hard to imagine why we're bored :p
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Lifeless worlds, no other people around ever, boring quests that are all the same, boring fights with slow combat and the same goddamm pull over and over and over again. Repetative voice overs, no connection wiht character as its not mine its bioware's, no real choices that matter at all, linear gameplay, excessive travel time and too many loading screens.


Just some ideas. People can have valid complaints, you may like it, but putting forward arguements against people who disagree with you just makes you look like a blinker fanboi of rather limited intellect.


you could say that about every single MMO ever made.

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I had no expectations i paid little to not attention to the games development, I saw it in the store when i was doing my xmas shopping and picked it up, Story was fine, Bugs they happen, Graphics were average, Creativity in the game non existent, Game play is what made me unsub its so dull compared to every other mmo out and has no variety (and before the fanboys have a fit game play and story are not the same thing)


got to lvl 32 in about 6-7 days a few alts with a friend got bored because the game is boring.


So to sum up people are getting bored because this game is boring.

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I agree with all of your points here, but people need to stop saying that the combat is just copying WoW. I dont understand why MMO's for some reason don't follow the same rules in peoples heads about genres. MMO is a genre, and lots of games in genres feel the same. You wouldn't say that battlefield is a call of duty clone. No you wouldn't but they are still both shooters (a genre).


You have to understand, it's easier to say the combat is like WoW than it is to suggest it's like (say) Dark Age of Camelot, because more people have played WoW than DAoC and are more likely to understand exactly what you're talking about.


It's like saying "this taste's just like chicken" instead of saying "this tastes just like snake", even though they both taste similar. More people are going to be able to relate to the former, so it makes more sense to use that.


Interestingly enough, prior to WoW a lot of MMO combat systems (Everquest, DAoC, Anarchy Online) did not play like they do now. It was actually City of Heroes that shocked players and developers alike by showing them that MMO combat could actually be fun and fast paced. When CoH was first introduced to the press, WoW was still in development and Blizzard incorporated several aspects of CoH's combat into their own system.


Unfortunately, Blizzard left out most of the fun parts from CoH's combat and what we instead received was a combat system that was very much based on monitoring relatively rapid cooldowns and cycling through a rotation - a glorified wack-a-mole setup. All they really seemed to get from Cryptic was that "pushing a lot of buttons often = fun". Bleh. And, unfortunately, most MMO's have followed WoW's lead ever since. So it isn't completely wrong to refer to it as WoW's combat system.

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Most of my guild are levelling alts as we don't see the point in nightmare modes atm while the bug which causes most bosses to drop hardmode loot isn't fixed. Since we're all relatively geared in rakatta and have rank 60 pvp chars from premades in less than a month... raiding 3 nights a week, its not hard to imagine why we're bored :p



This is not WoW. This game was not made for Raiding.


And your right it's not hard to imagine why your bored. Your bored because (and this might not apply to you but it does to most people with that complaint) you've come off of WoW or another game after being at endgame and expect the exact same experience right off the bat.

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Why even start a thread asking why people are bored when you obviously don't believe people have a right/reason to be bored? You like the game. Great. Some wish it were better. They have that right as well. This thread and your responses are only going to make it more likely that folks on the fence are going to side with the 'this game is not what it should be crowd.'


I like this game, but, man this is one of the worst forum communities ever for an MMO. Mature, reasonable disagreements of opinion are impossible on this board due to people like the OP.

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Thought i might aswell get some thing out of the 55 euro i spent aye.




Ow i have mentioned what i would like added in other topics, But the mods just enjoy locking and deleting any criticism or suggestions for the game. I see no point in repeating myself, Besides i dont think they are actually capable of making more interesting pve mechanics for this game due to the engine or people perhaps its a lack of in house skill to code anything more than kill 30 mobs click box type of quests.

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Mostly it's because the game's so easy you can breeze to lvl 50 if you only play one character on any consistent basis. This is, of course, doing all available content and not skipping dialogue. Ontop of that is the fact that running alts is an immense chore. Once you make a rep and imp char, that's pretty much it. 90% of quests in the game are faction quests, and even then half of those are essentially the same between factions, just with different reasonings for why you're turning those 4 droids friendly.


So given the fact that once you level a character, the other three of that faction just become an immense chore. You're running quests you've already done, going through dialogue you've already done, going to the same places you've already done, all so you can get a couple class quests per planet. If the game had more replay value, people wouldn't be as bored, but as it stands you level up two or so characters and there's just nothing left to experience in the game.

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Even at 50, you have the following...



1. Prep for Hard Modes via PvE dailies on Belsavis and Ilum, 25 days of dailies to get everything the guy offers. Even if you skip the armoring and the speeder it is still 360 Daily comms to get the 3 Rakata pieces, @25 a day, that us still 15 days.


2. Datacron Hunt, there is 30-40 of your main stat out there, as well as a level 50 artifact relic, go get it!


3. Hardmodes once guildies and population catches up. Also a weekly and daily for these.


4. PvP, open world and instanced, with weeklies and dailies, great for cash and for gear, even a PvE'er can get geared with Champ gear by taking out the mod and enhancement and placing it in an orange.


4.a. If you are a "hard core" PvPer there is also the Crew Skills grind wheel to get your upgrades from each Crew Skill, in the end landing on Biochem (in prep for 1.1)


5. Space dailies for credits and artifact loot to sell (300ish fleet comms per box).


6. Operations Normal, then Hard, then Nightmare modes.


7. If you just did that on one character there are 7 more unique stories to see on alts.



The above constitutes the same or more than any other MMO launched with. End game gear to grind for PvE and PvP, multiple tiers of both. And more incentive to alt than any game before it.


If you are bored, if anyone is bored, it boggles my mind... this was not directed at the op, but more my way of agreeing with him.







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Lifeless worlds, no other people around ever, boring quests that are all the same, boring fights with slow combat and the same goddamm pull over and over and over again. Repetative voice overs, no connection wiht character as its not mine its bioware's, no real choices that matter at all, linear gameplay, excessive travel time and too many loading screens.


Just some ideas. People can have valid complaints, you may like it, but putting forward arguements against people who disagree with you just makes you look like a blinker fanboi of rather limited intellect.


Agree. I've tried several ACs and their mirrors. Can't get pass 20ish anymore without falling asleep. Lack of fluid combat and interesting abilities is prob the biggest reason.

I know it's tough to pull out alot of interesting stuff from star wars themed classes.

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