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How are people bored already?


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Why bother arguing with you. You've already made up your mind you dont like this game. The funny part is you'll either A. go back to wow and be just as bored as you are here. Or B. Try another mmo and go through the same progression of getting bored again. Problem isnt the game, its you.


Actually no, I'd back to RIFT. Kept my sub up whilst trying swtor, had hopes that swtor would offer something new, but it did not offer anything that I found worth paying form. I was never bored in RIFT.


I've been playng swtor for this month to give it a real chance, to see if BW can come up with something that make me think "wow thats just great, its worth me subbing for another month", sadly they have not. I'd like to play a Star wars MMO, its Star Wars after all! but if its not fun for me, then I wont pay for it.


The problem is the game its not kept me interested, which is what its supposed to do. If you are, great, I'm happy for you, hope it keeps you interested for a long time.

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(Spacebar, spacebar, spacebar HEY THAR IS NO CONTENTZ IN THUS GAME!!!1111!!11!)


Still better than "Hey, again I wated my time just to find out my epic hero is nothing more than the mechanic of the old republic."


No thanks.


Apart from that ....clunky combat + inbalances + no people to play with as they dont use the groups finding stuff = no fun at all.

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Actually no, I'd back to RIFT. Kept my sub up whilst trying swtor, had hopes that swtor would offer something new, but it did not offer anything that I found worth paying form. I was never bored in RIFT.


I've been playng swtor for this month to give it a real chance, to see if BW can come up with something that make me think "wow thats just great, its worth me subbing for another month", sadly they have not. I'd like to play a Star wars MMO, its Star Wars after all! but if its not fun for me, then I wont pay for it.


The problem is the game its not kept me interested, which is what its supposed to do. If you are, great, I'm happy for you, hope it keeps you interested for a long time.


I think its just premature to quit after playing for 1 month. That just boggles my mind, but hey its your choice. As they say on the wow forums whenever there's a quit post "you'll be back".

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1) Rush to 50.

2) Wait for others to catch up.

3) Complain on forums.


Okay a month into the game is not called rushing lol.


Some people have more time to play then others doesn't mean they are sitting at their system saying omg omg i have to get to 50!!


This game has very little replay value for alts to be perfectly honest. Theres 2 starting planets for each side, just slight differences in story.


Same quests same linear progression. Only thing that changes is the few story quests lol even then your going to the same place and doing the same thing but its just worded different lol.


Swtor replay value is bad.

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Some of us are bored as we thought we were paying an MMO, not a lackluster RPG.


Skyrim is an rpg


This is an mmo. The only difference is you probably are:


A. Not in a guild

B. Not trying to /friend anyone.


What makes an mmo is YOUR interaction with the community, not people running after you to be your friend. Too much hand-holding from wow.

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Still better than "Hey, again I wated my time just to find out my epic hero is nothing more than the mechanic of the old republic."


No thanks.


Apart from that ....clunky combat + inbalances + no people to play with as they dont use the groups finding stuff = no fun at all.


I do have to point out that, though broken and not at all easy enough to accomplish, you can type a level range into the who window on the social page and randomly send tells to people on the server who might want to do whatever group content your looking for.


This has proven to be more effective for me than spamming general chat or just flagging LFG.

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Lifeless worlds, no other people around ever, boring quests that are all the same, boring fights with slow combat and the same goddamm pull over and over and over again. Repetative voice overs, no connection wiht character as its not mine its bioware's, no real choices that matter at all, linear gameplay, excessive travel time and too many loading screens.


This. A lot of us aren't bored because we rushed to 50. We're bored because the game itself is really quite boring once the novelty wears off.


My character is not really mine. He's just a scripted actor in a mildly interactive cartoon. And underneath all the clever little cartoons there is just a very mundane MMO with all the safe standard MMO mechanics and nothing innovative at all other than the companion system.

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If you're not 50 yet, you either play 1 hr a day, or you're not very good.


Or you're one of those self-delusional fanbois (redundant, I know) that intentionally play slow and get nothing done, so as to pretend there's more to do than there really is.



Edited by Feskitt
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This. A lot of us aren't bored because we rushed to 50. We're bored because the game itself is really quite boring once the novelty wears off.


My character is not really mine. He's just a scripted actor in a mildly interactive cartoon. And underneath all the clever little cartoons there is just a very mundane MMO with all the safe standard MMO mechanics and nothing innovative at all other than the companion system.


Dont worry, pandas and pokemon are truly groundbreaking.

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If you're not 50 yet, you either play 1 hr a day, or you're not very good.


Or you're one of those self-delusional fanbois (redundant, I know) that intentionally play slow and get nothing done, so as to pretend there's more to do than there really is.




Wow, what a close-minded person. That is all I have to say about this post, the answer to this will be flamed to you within 5 minutes.

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Respec costs is not what bothers a lot of people. Please understand your issue =/= everyone's issue.


It's probably the main issue for anyone that likes to heal / tank in group content but DPS when going solo for the fun factor.


As it stands, I have played the entire game up to level 45 as healing spec. My game play experience as a sage has amounted to ....


Target fess. press 5,5,6. Loot. Repeat.


For 45 levels.


I started to mess around with some other specs, trying to get some healing and damage. Didn't work. Tried a hybrid between two damage trees, tried each damage tree and found the one I liked.


Unfortunately I wanted to heal mealstrom. So I went back to healing for that, and when I came out to reset for my solo spec, it's 80k.




Im not so much worried about the 80k, as I am about what i'd have to pay to go back to healing if my guild needs a heal.


So what do I do? 5,5,6? Until I go complete insane and quit the game?


Start another character and wait a full week? Over and over again. Till I go insane and quit the game?


I don't want to do that. I like this game.


But I dont want to be stuck pressing 5,5,6 and looting either.


This may actually be the biggest issue effecting this games ability to remain a player, and retain players in the long term.

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Skyrim is an rpg


This is an mmo. The only difference is you probably are:


A. Not in a guild

B. Not trying to /friend anyone.


What makes an mmo is YOUR interaction with the community, not people running after you to be your friend. Too much hand-holding from wow.


I'm going to split the "this is not an MMO" crowd into two camps (because I like doing this!).


1) Those who enjoyed WoW: don't like it because they find the MMO functions of this game are not as well implemented WoW's and they see SWTOR as an inferior product.


2) Those how hate the WoW model: don't like it because the MMO functionality is a copy pasta of a previous WoW expansion and it sucks.


Either BW needed to copy and improve on WoW's mechanics, or they needed to break away and do something completely innovative. They have done neither.

Edited by Slightlycampana
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Level 25 in 4 classes.


The "push" to 25 was getting my ride so I didnt have to run everywhere.


Now that Im off to a new questing planet, I cant seem to get motivated to play.


What is there to look forward to?


More new gear. More PvP. Work more on crew skills. More crafting. New planets to explore. A few more abilities. All just seems...meh.


I have to admit, SWG spoiled me with so many non-combat activities to do.


So yeah, I am officially bored. Still love the game. Maybe just a few day break is all I need.


yeah, I loved sitting in the cantina hours on end, standing in front of Theed starport hours on end, spending hours on end collecting harvesters and putting power in them.....really spoiled. SWG seems like a relic to me now after playing TOR.

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I'd be good if they had LFG and dual spec. As it is I log in, do pvp daily's and some warzones. Then there's nothing really much else to do. I can't be bothered to sit there for 30 min-1 hour spamming chat to get a group together for instances....I'd rather log into WoW where I can get into an instance or raid within 1 min of logging in.
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So which of those are you?




The one with multiple alts, that enjoy listening to the cutscenes and following the story of the quests. The one that also enjoys doing flashpoints because they are fun to do with friends even though it is not the fastest way to level up.


So many people seem to forget this game is about having fun.



...... There is more than just end-game.

Edited by Lemonqc
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(Spacebar, spacebar, spacebar HEY THAR IS NO CONTENTZ IN THUS GAME!!!1111!!11!)


If the best content they have to offer is leveling and voice over quests they really failed at hitting the big market for MMO's endgame is what will make Bioware money not 1-49 if that was the selling point they might as well have made this a single player game


Also the game has been out for enough time that most people should be 50 by now, if they have played an MMO be for this one.

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Im never bored I play WOW do Achievements Arena and Raid twice a week we also do guild PVP.






SWTOR... fail





...And here you are, on the SWTOR forum boards, complaining about SWTOR. I bet you are the kind of guy that quits his job then hangs around like he still works there.

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I'm going to split the "this is not an MMO" crowd into two camps (because I like doing this!).


1) Those who enjoyed WoW: don't like it because they find the MMO functions of this game are not as well implemented WoW's and they see SWTOR as an inferior product.


2) Those how hate the WoW model: don't like it because the MMO functionality is a copy pasta of a previous WoW expansion and it sucks.


Either BW needed to copy and improve on WoW's mechanics, or they needed to break away and do something completely innovative. They have done neither.


Very insightful. VERY insightful. +3 internets and a cookie. I must think on this.

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