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How are people bored already?


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I fall into the latter catagory. The only difference is I love to roleplay (i play a male 49 sith jugg and a female 26 healing operative).


I like story a lot, infact World of Warcraft lore and history are well cemented in my brain. This game is too often boring and bland story wise and there are too many cutscenes. When you stuff the game completely with cutscenes it gets old. Chocolate will also get really old if you sit and eat a piece every 10 minutes.


If I EVER have to go back to an mmo with a wall of text giving me my mission I'll go mad. Cutscenes are the best thing about TOr for me.

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Look at my join date compared to yours. I am far from a hater.


You attack people just because YOU don't like what they say. rofl such a STALWART defender of SWTOR and yet you JUST joined the game, I have been here since the site flipped on. I think I have more skin in the "i care more about the game than YOU do"

Edited by Liberate
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How am I bored? Ok let me tell you.




I started out in wow playing a warrior. I like the warrior class.



So i quit after years of wow to come to star wars.



I wanted to be a warrior.



Guess what? My sith warrior, has the same damn skills as my warrior in wow. The same very ones.



How am I bored you ask?

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Because people had very high expectations. Never have high expectations of a newly launched MMO ;)


The people who bought the game to play through the storylines and/or have less time to play and/or take their time levelling are still meandering their way through the levelling. They are mostly enjoying themselves because so far they have been given the game they wanted.


The people who bought the game for the MMO experience and/or who are competitive, efficient levellers and/or are not interested in the story are disappointed because the game did not meet their expectations and they do not have the game they wanted.


So what your saying is the people complaining about the game are complaining because they got what they were sold (as advertised) but they ignored reason and expected the game to be what they wanted instead and are now unhappy and fault the game for their own displeasure? Sounds about right.

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So what your saying is the people complaining about the game are complaining because they got what they were sold (as advertised) but they ignored reason and expected the game to be what they wanted instead and are now unhappy and fault the game for their own displeasure? Sounds about right.



That is not right at all. If it said "Wow cloned" on the box I would have stayed away.

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I've spent the vast majority of my time the last week running dailies and then grinding mobs on Illum for hours so I can play the reverse engineering lottery. People don't buy crafted items (implants in my case) so it's not like all this tedium is going to pay off besides for my own personal benefit if I ever get the exact implant I'm trying to learn.


Not making many inroads in the hard modes. Last boss of BP has a bugged chest so it's not worth the effort and CS is no help, they just say to read the patch notes -- because the patch notes contain the items my group earned, right? Dealt with a bugged HK-47 in foundry either not going in his shell like he's supposed to or on one occasion enraging within a minute of starting the fight. Killed him only to be greeted by Revan who one shots our tank and everyone else after lightning storm.


So, what's that leave?


PvP grind? Not my thing. I have a low tolerance for doing Huttball over and over.


Roll an alt? I like my character and don't need another reason to grind out implants.


Run normal BT to grind social points? I think not.


Story? Oh, yeah, it's over. Bummer.


Talk to companions? Damn, they're all 10k affection and have nothing left to say. Only one of them had a real DA/ME style quest system while the others just chatted your ear off, supposedly did awesome stuff, and then came back to tell you about it.


Nope, back to Illum.

Edited by Marcato
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Because people had very high expectations. Never have high expectations of a newly launched MMO ;)


The people who bought the game to play through the storylines and/or have less time to play and/or take their time levelling are still meandering their way through the levelling. They are mostly enjoying themselves because so far they have been given the game they wanted.


The people who bought the game for the MMO experience and/or who are competitive, efficient levellers and/or are not interested in the story are disappointed because the game did not meet their expectations and they do not have the game they wanted.


Don't forget the fans that bought the game expecting it to be what they imagined a Star Wars game should be and are now pissed because the game doesn't match their unrealistic imaginations.

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(Spacebar, spacebar, spacebar HEY THAR IS NO CONTENTZ IN THUS GAME!!!1111!!11!)


Its not really a spacebar issue. The issue is that people play for 15 hours a day and accumulate 350 hours worth of gametime in 2 weeks and then complain about lack of content.


Skyrim (single player RPG) has about 100 hours of content.


IDK what they expected.

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Don't forget the fans that bought the game expecting it to be what they imagined a Star Wars game should be and are now pissed because the game doesn't match their unrealistic imaginations.


"This game isnt Star Wars Galaxies Pre NGE, ***. I'm cancelling my subscription. I was lied to."


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playing alone, all the time. having noone to play with them. rush to 50 and dont have the will nor motivation to try other classes.


all those things can literally kill your fun in swtor.



i've been playing swtor since beta, and im far, from been bored.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Don't forget the fans that bought the game expecting it to be what they imagined a Star Wars game should be and are now pissed because the game doesn't match their unrealistic imaginations.
WoW types want 7 years worth of add-on features built into the game. SWG types want 7 years worth of space combat, crafting and housing systems built into the game. Eve types want 7 years worth of professions and trade network built into the game. Skyrim types just want their graphics engine built into the game.


A big complaint is map linearity. Players from other games that feature flying mounts or pilotable ships are the ones who feel linearity. The game's terrains are actually pretty pervasive. Players just can't fly over stuff to get there - they have to either find paths through or go around if it's too steep. That's not linear, that's walking. WoW had it for 60 levels until they started nerfing everything. Remember getting to the questgiver in the cave above Wailing Caverns?


Expectations are as subjective as the players themselves.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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What is this respec cost issue?...


You have to be a horrendous money manager to run out of money in this game.


Its not like Vinalla WoW were many players hit 50 long before they had enough money to buy a lvl40 mount....

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Easy question : There is nothing to look forward to.


We all know the grind, we know the loot drops, we know everything there is to know. If you raid/hm a bit you have the gear that you will wear for at least 3-4 months, the stats are marginally better at best on new gear.


Plus, we know what we will not have, because right now BW is getting notorious for lack of communication and the "content patch" was burned through within a month.


Looking forward there is nothing to push me to continue, no awesome loot, no feats, no great pvp because of many imbalance. All in all, we pretty much know what is coming and well, it is not looking good. Why is Exotech and Columi/Rakata farmed at the same place?

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Combat, simplistic crafting and datcron hunting.


Not much there.


This is a Star Wars MMO and many who are here were spoiled by the older Star Wars MMO that had many combat, non-combat and social game play options.


Bored now. Maybe not down the road. Game is new. Yeah.

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This is the detail that they put into the game.


Bh Empire side. Spoiler just so I dont get another warning.



You goto your first class quest and the lady tells you they have few dozen BH that want the last spot. Sounds like an interesting story.


You go into the room and there are 10 people (not dozens) then when you go back to the lasy she says she saw a few dozen of them leave when in the screenshot only 2 leave.


Lets not take into account that some were crying that they were scared of the imps on DK. Hello, your in the imperial capital and your a BH and your afraid of people. You want to do the great hunt and be the biggest baddest BH in the land and your afraid.



This is just one example where they dont think about it but just put it in. Why bother with the cutscenes when the story doesnt make sense.

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