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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What class do you get killed by the most?


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Lllooovvee to PvP, however, ive noticed that i get MURDERED by operatives n gunslingers. as in like, i get knocked on my face, stabbed two-three times, and im dead... most of the time before the guy even shows as out of stealth... how do i counter this as a marauder?


What class tears YOU to shreds?



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my own class since the gosh darn Maul attack (which is Sins main attack) is broke and never work half of the time = end up getting killed by trying to stab


I agree that there is such a bug but if you´re actually using maul as your main attack you have bigger problems than the bugg I´m afraid

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Operatives may APPEAR to kill you more often, but as an operative myself I know it takes a while to set up a good attack, the time that another class may have taken down a couple of toons. You get us out of stealth without our re stealth ability and we are toast!
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Sages and shadows, typically, but mostly because there's so gaddam many of them, and they all seem to find my sniper to be the most appealing target. Shadows are particularly tough if they're tank-speced because a marksman sniper is next to the only thing that their defense actually works against.


There really aren't enough scoundrels out there (yet) to claim the title.

Edited by SandTrout
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