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Why is the pop so low?


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I'm on Nar Shaddaa right now and the is a whopping 8 people on. Is there a reason for this? It is hard enough to find a group in this game let alone do any Heroics or Flashpoints.


Not exactly peak time for East or West.... soooo? It also depends on your server...

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Sharding and it being a low level questing zone.


Questing planets have multiple instances to prevent too many players from being grouped together, so it's possble there are multiple shards.


Otherwise, it could just be because its Nar Shadda or you're Republic. On my server, the Imperial planets will all have 10x the number of Republic players from Tython/Korriban all the way to Coreilla.

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Populations generally are lower because the original experience at launch was during an international holiday and the game had just launched. Every MMO does this - there is a massive peak at launch, especially if during a holiday period, and then the population drops off. Time will tell exactly what this means.

What does this do?

If you look on the map and go to the bottom right there's a dropdown that says something like Nar Shaddaa 1 - if it has more than one, there are multiple copies of the same map running on your server. These terms vary depending on who uses what, sharding, instancing (especially since for a period the concept of e.g. Warcraft multiple realms or TOR multiple servers was also called sharding servers more generally).


General chat is shared, but the idea is that people in different instances don't have to compete over respawns etc. Usually used when there are high populations. Pain in the *** when used on low populations.

Edited by Grammarye
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Populations generally are lower because the original experience at launch was during an international holiday and the game had just launched. Every MMO does this - there is a massive peak at launch, especially if during a holiday period, and then the population drops off. Time will tell exactly what this means.


If you look on the map and go to the bottom right there's a dropdown that says something like Nar Shaddaa 1 - if it has more than one, there are multiple copies of the same map running on your server. These terms vary depending on who uses what, sharding, instancing (especially since for a period the concept of e.g. Warcraft multiple realms or TOR multiple servers was also called sharding servers more generally).


General chat is shared, but the idea is that people in different instances don't have to compete over respawns etc. Usually used when there are high populations. Pain in the *** when used on low populations.

Oh. Well they shot themselves in the foot then. :/

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No, I really doesn't. Quite being useless and tell me what it does.


Sharding is basically taking the server and splitting it into several subservers that are identical to each other.


In other words there's an area and that area has x amount shards within it, thus people can be spread among those shards but are not aware of each other, unless you switch shards.


Sharding is a good way of spreading the people around in a high populated area...such as starting area when the game first lauched but becomes unneded after a while. Aion used the same system but only for the starting area (1st 10 levels), that worked great there because you could also switch between shards with ease and no cooldown.

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Not to mention that 7:30AM CST means it's only 8:30AM EST and 5:30AM PST so most of the US players will still be asleep. And it's hmm 2:30 PM in CET so maybe we can use this thread as proof for all the EU whaaa whaa you do maintenance during the day that it's not a heavy population during the day :)
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