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Can we have Server Merges after the first month?


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Every MMO makes a big mistake of creating too many servers at launch, the population drops off after the first month (which is normal as not everyone who buys the game will like it) and lots of servers become dead. The developers see merges as some sort of failure, so they fail to merge them and lots more people leave because they're sick of being on a dead server. The game ends up dying because most people have left purely because they have no one to play with.


The servers are becoming less and less populated, there are many reasons for this which people will flame me for I'm sure. That doesn't stop the fact that it is happening and it will drop off even more once the game requires you to pay for the first time. This isn't a doom and gloom thread, it's just what happens and we need server merges to keep the population high, especially in the lower levels. It isn't like too high of a population would be an issue seeing as you can clone the zones.

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Every MMO makes a big mistake of creating too many servers at launch, the population drops off after the first month (which is normal as not everyone who buys the game will like it) and lots of servers become dead. The developers see merges as some sort of failure, so they fail to merge them and lots more people leave because they're sick of being on a dead server. The game ends up dying because most people have left purely because they have no one to play with.


The servers are becoming less and less populated, there are many reasons for this which people will flame me for I'm sure. That doesn't stop the fact that it is happening and it will drop off even more once the game requires you to pay for the first time. This isn't a doom and gloom thread, it's just what happens and we need server merges to keep the population high, especially in the lower levels. It isn't like too high of a population would be an issue seeing as you can clone the zones.


Well, you pretty much nailed it, and unless they do something akin to server merges, people will preach doom and gloom before long.

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I support the idea of merging servers. People have now put time and effort into their characters and dont' want to have to start over. Besides what use is a slow dying server.


You'd have thought it was in the interest of BW/SWTOR to offer some free transfers and get populations to a better level. There must be a significant number of people who have lost interest in the game to cause such a large number of servers to never reach above Standard. Certainly on the EU side of things, I've not looked at the NA side of things.

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Well, you pretty much nailed it, and unless they do something akin to server merges, people will preach doom and gloom before long.


Having to merge servers is generally something people will use to preach doom and gloom.

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Yeah this has been a concern of mine since day one, launching with to many servers. I've brought it up with quite a few friends that I thought the population was going to be spread way to thin. Which I think is an issue for some of the newest servers they brought online. My server (Mask of Nhilius) seems to be fairly decent population yet, we rarely have issues finding people for flashies etc.


I don't think it would be a big thing to merge some of the lowest population servers although I for one would really truly hate losing my character names. Which would be a serious issue for many. I've been through merges on other games and lost my name almost every time. IMO they would need to come up with a unique identifier for characters so no one looses their name. It was one of the things I loved about Champions Online, that no matter what name I wanted I could get it.

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Servers are still reading as heavy load during peak hours so a server merge would be a dumb idea. If you think the server is quiet it is because you either (a) play at off peak hours or (b) leveled all of the way up to the 40+ planets which the majority of the player base hasn't even reached yet.
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The thing that scares me about server merges is having the same name as somebody else and ending up as "So-and-so 1" I hope the Legacy system helps alleviate this when merges eventually do happen.


First BW would have to allow multiple same first names on same server. (They do not right now) Right now I got eight names reserved on one server and I know for a fact that some of them are already reserved by others on other similar servers, so i have no interest in going to another server and loose my selected names.

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I don't see how anyone can be getting bored, game hasn't even been out 30 days, and we're already getting 4 new endgame bosses and a new flashpoint.


Hell i'm level 50 and still haven't done every quest yet <shrug>


Guess I'm just a fan boy

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what the hell people? please give me the name of a server that is actually in dire need of being merged. I will roll a char on both republic and empire site and check numbers on the fleet during peak hours.


Im not sure if you've noticed, but posts like yours with actual sense and content in them seem to be ignored :confused:

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*Equips Flame-thrower*


What are you basing this off? I would like to see some hard numbers here


Common sense. Of everyone who makes the purchase, there are those who don't like it. Of everyone who makes the purchase, there are those who don't want to pay to play.


There is -always- a dropoff after the first month, before subscriptions tend to rise again due to positive word of mouse on the internet fora.

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So everything would stay the same?! Lol! ;)


Nah, the first page as it is is people complaining about this or that, or basic trolling. There is very very few actual doom-sayers. People who say this game is going to die or go F2P. You only see one or two of those on the first page at any given time.

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