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Dont know what im doing wrong...Lving as Sent


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currently lv29 as Watchman, I like the style of it, burn damage, dual lightsabers, its ******..but when im facing groups of standard mobs(not strong or elite)they **** me and bring me down to 55%-45% HP, then i heal, then i do it again rinse and repeat, same thing with groups with strong mobs, i die a lot tbh.


Same thing with killing elites,I kill them rather fast but they hit me and its like im wearing no armor at all, my health melts just as fast as theirs does.


My equipment is fine, Dual Custom Sabers, Custom Headpiece, Custom Boots,Custom Pants and Custom Chestpiece all upgraded with the best Hilts/Mods/Armoring I can get from the commendation vendors.


Also there's times where ill use Cauterize and it will do no damage and show the animation or times where i hit my abilities and it shows animations but again does no damage..


Currently my rotation vs Elites/Champions/Strongs are Force Leap>Overload Sabere>Zealous Strike(the move that gives you focus)Cauterize>Slash>Slash then repeating everytime Overload Saber is off CD, always making sure 4 dots are applied(3 from Overload, 1 from Cauterize). I also always use Zen for the healing effect(when my dots are applied)


I seem very squishy and underpowered when it comes to simple mobs.


Also a few questions....


1)Crit or Power which is better

2)Which Mods/Hilts should I use? I currently use Might

3)What SHOULD my rotation be to achieve max DPS as my level

4)When is the right time to use Zen?While im applying my dots or when they are already applied?



Thanks in advance to the people who read this and give me advice

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Once you get Doc, providing he doesn't forget to heal you (he does all the time), it gets a lot easier.


Definitely don't only use those below 30%. Go into the fight knowing what to expect. There is very little change in mob behavior throughout leveling. Once you learn how most fights work (should take under 5 minutes), it becomes simply a game of balance.

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Main thing i can say is use your interrupts on interruptable attacks tbh.. force kick, stasis etcetc... might seem fundamental but the stage of sentinel you're at now basically training you to make it second nature to interrupt any attacks... Do not fear you do get doc a healer companion later on in the mid 30s which makes things a lot easier but i think they wait so long to give you a decent healer companion to train that up. It does make things very close when it comes to elites/bosses/whatever for a while until you get doc. Edited by AngusFTW
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A little trick I learned while leveling up is when you're facing a group of non-strong/elite mobs (or even 1 strong and 1+ standard/weak mob), try using Force Leap on a standard mob, cast Force Sweep, then cast Pommel Strike on the stunned (for 1.5 secs) standard/weak mob (it's a really hard-hitting ability). That'll usually kill one of them right off the bat.


Otherwise use Rebuke liberally, as it's only a 1 min CD and it's a powerful damage mitigation tool. Use Saber Ward if you get the feeling that the pull is going to be a little rough, with Rebuke and Saber Ward up together, you're a pretty tough nut to crack. Remember to use Pacify on the elite/strong mob as well.


Lastly, a nice thing about the Doc is that his healing abilities on you will generate some threat. So if you attack a group of mobs, eventually he will pull threat on the mobs that you aren't actively attacking, thus giving you a little breathing room. Just remember that good ole Doc isn't a tank, so he can't handle too many people hitting him for too long.



Edited by Hormuz
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What about rotation for strong/elite/champion mobs?


Power vs Crit for Watchman, and also when is the correct time to use Zen?



you would probably go for crit, since your selfhealing relies on crit, and as you mention, you tend to die a lot.

but ofc, you also need some power for your dots, so it's a matter of balancing it out to your liking.


what i did the short time i played watchman (i'm playing as focus mainly), force leap, charge saber (or whatever it's called), zen and force sweep. loads of dmg and healing at the start, when dot's run out, rebuke.

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Dont bother.

Thats the usual to sentinel.


some will say that you need higher equip, or higher lvl, or another companion. bla bla bla.


The truth is, sentinel is weak compared to other classes. so if you like the class. play knowing that you will have a hard time.


if you want to face roll, re roll.

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Stop using Kira, and you won't have that problem.


I use T7 and rest after golds and the occasional group with a silver. I finally got around to gearing Kira up around 35 or so and found that I had to rest after every.single.fight.


She did make out with me on my starship tho, points for that.

Edited by Vember
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Well I'm only at level 26, but I don't agree about Kira. T7 draws more aggro than she does, but all that means is that after the fight when T7 is your companion, his HP needs to be regenned instead of yours (since with Kira, I, at least, draw more aggro than she does). I guess if death occurs, better him than you... But you're aiming (or at least I am) not to have a death occur either of you or your henchman. I used T7 almost exclusively based on comments like this on the forum about him and Kira, and then finally around 24 I said, "Let me try Kira out." She was under-equipped since I hadn't touched her in 10 levels, but once I get her specced out, I actually prefer her. Yes I take more aggro... but things die much faster with her than with T7, it seems. At worse, I would say it is a wash -- pick the one you like.


As for what to do about sentinel, the OP didn't mention a bunch of abilities, particularly kick. One recommendation I have for strong, elite, and champion mobs is to NOT fire your abilities off the instant they are available. Watch the enemy carefully, and when an interrupt-able ability is being used -- interrupt it! Usually these are big-damage abilities or big-DOT abilities, so if you can stop a couple or three from hitting you your HP will not suffer so much. Force Leap, if you can 0m it (which you can as a Watchman) can also do an interrupt sometimes (though it's not as reliable as kick).


Note I am not saying here "don't attack." But for example Master Strike is a long animation... I usually wait to use that until AFTER I do a kick/interrupt, since kick will not be usable for a bit anyway. Otherwise you risk being caught in a longer animation when the guy starts his ability and then by the time you can kick, it's too late.


I also don't think you mentioned Force Stasis, which is the lockdown ability. This is an excellent ability... against elites and higher it doesn't always do a full lockdown, but it often will do a partial lockdown (or lock them down for 1 of the 3 seconds) and even that helps mitigate damage.

Edited by Chessack
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Use rebuke at the start of a fight, it's mitigation rather than avoidance like saber ward, so the more hits you mitigate the more it does for you. At 29 where are you? If you're on Alderaan, go do the Tatooine bonus round. Alderaan is slightly overtuned, and you want to start it no earlier than 30. Starting it before 29 will also leave you underleveled for the Nar Shaddaa bonus round and Balmorra. However, at the end of Balmorra when you get Doc, the game gets easy.
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currently lv29 as Watchman


it's normal especially when you get in that range of levels, to feel a lot of pressure as sentinel. For a number of reasons: yes the class is weak compared to others; even though it's not a facerolling machine like commando or other classes, you can get good results with sentinel but you really need to learn how to play, no bad rotations, no mistakes, no forgetting to use cooldowns; from 30 onwards you get a pretty noticeable spike in the general difficulty of leveling; your companions are kinda **** generally speaking.


The good news is that when you get your healer companion on




it gets much easier and the worst problem will become the occasional retardness-bug that prevents the healer from healing you (can't switch off carbonized stream too ffs).

So just bite it for a few levels more, in the meanwhile try to understand the class as better as possible.


On a final note, watchman is a very good spec but i personally find it better when you have the full 31 points into it; while at lower levels, you might consider trying combat.

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Dont bother.

Thats the usual to sentinel.


some will say that you need higher equip, or higher lvl, or another companion. bla bla bla.


The truth is, sentinel is weak compared to other classes. so if you like the class. play knowing that you will have a hard time.


if you want to face roll, re roll.


Typical answer from people who won't admit they are the problem, not the class.


Dismissing facts as something to be ignored. Way to go.


While some people have problems, many others do not. Do you think they are some MMO gods or something? No, of course not.


I'm not saying you are, but a lot Sentinel players simply do not think for themselves. They just try to follow rumors or "pro" guides and then fail at it because they don't understand how it works to begin with and claim the class is broken when they can't do anything.


Sentinel is a complex class. It's not broken, it's simply not for the average player who likes to catch flowers and watch the sky during combat.


Sadly, Bioware was not smart enough to include a difficulty indicator on character creation. Maybe then we'd have less garbage threads in this forum.


I'll agree ability stuttering is a pain in the a... though.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Dont bother.

Thats the usual to sentinel.


some will say that you need higher equip, or higher lvl, or another companion. bla bla bla.


The truth is, sentinel is weak compared to other classes. so if you like the class. play knowing that you will have a hard time.


if you want to face roll, re roll.


Truth is that Sent IS "weaker" in certain respects to other classes... Weaker = tougher/complex, not worse. And you can learn to play it well to really take a lot of that frustration and "hard time" away. It's just yes, not easy for many ppl to do and Sents ride the edge a lot won't be blitzing through things always.


It's not for everyone, but I think even more casual players can enjoy Sent. I had an initial tough time really learning rotation/timing and the many skills - there's many can be overwhelming to a lot and their proper uses not 100% clear right away. And your spec - some take longer to shine.


The biggest issue is ability studder - Sents have a lot in their rotation and rely on good timing in that rotation and that just blehs you hard or can. We're so-called sqiushy and are, but we have skills to counter that but they need thought and timing to use. We lack some extra quick CC and stuns say Shadows have which are MORE squishy, but we have tons of interrupts seriously those become so vital and I know many ignore or misuse it requires a lot more attention. Force kick's and well timed leap and stasis have saved my butt many times. Later most of what kills your health are elites/bosses and even trash mob special attacks interrupting them much you can really can limit your dmg received or knockbacks/etc.


Saying to be properly geared, hilts etc, your companions is a given for any class. But saying Sent is just weaker and nothing else matters is rubbish. Sent can be given a few "boosts" yes, an extra CC or stunbreak or etc. or some offhand dmg increase - and some reduction of skills, just like Opp/Pomm strike which dont work PVP or bosses - but imo nothing MAJOR needed. It's something where ppl will learn from the players who really showcase the class over it's weaknesses/complexity making it shine - I remember in ME2 ppl hating Vanguard and as weak charging in etc as horrible class skill but eventually players showed how to properly use it/best setups and how awesome it could be and powerful it was.


Sent DOES have its issues and can be frustrating but rewarding too.

Edited by ErisktheRed
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I'm sorry, but the Sentinel is SIGNIFICANTLY more complex than other classes to play. I finally gave up on it today after leveling to 44. I don't care if there is a right way to play the class that makes it possible to survive and do as well as the other classes. It wasn't fun. Let me repeat that again. It was not fun.


I could more than likely grind out the last 6 levels, but why? It's sad, but this class is less fun than others for me, and for many other players. I really wanted to like the class. I really did. I persisted with it because I liked the story. I like how the class looks when it fights. I WANTED TO PLAY A JEDI KNIGHT. But if it's not fun, why bother?


And if this marks me as a noob gamer, well, I'm OK with that. :cool:

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It's sad, but this class is less fun than others for me, and for many other players.


And many people love the class FOR it's complexity. Not all classes are for everyone. I'll personally never roll a commando again because of how bluntly straightforward the class is.

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I love the class for the hard mode.


I think reason folks are upset is some classes can solo flashpoints and 2man-4man heroics. While Sent is blowing their Oh Crap cool downs on trash and have difficulty with their class story mobs. Troopers feel powerful. As you should in a game setting like this. They feel like heroes. Where as sent really has to play well just to survive. Resting after every fight sort of lowers that I'm a bad *** jedi factor. I've played both classes to high level. And honestly they feel like they're from seperate games.


The glaring problem I see is the fact they they have paper thin armor absorb and 5 base avoidance. They need to survive to do that sustained single target damage. Taking their base avoidance to 20-25% seems logical. All other MMO's non hybrid melee dpsers have decent defense. I don't know why bioware dropped the ball on this. More than likely PVP related. They too deserve to feel a little powerful. They still get to keep their hard mode playstyle.


I don't mind LFG for heroics and Flashpoints. I don't wish a nerf on any class. A buff to avoidance on a sustained pure DPS class doesn't seem to be asking too much. I've never seen a melee dps class with lacking defense like this. And I have played a dozen or so MMO's since 1999.

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There is a skill that allows you to reduce the CD of rebuke with every riposte. Considering that the 1 minute CD of riposte starts immediatly after using it that means 5*riposte = no CD on Rebuke. Although the Sentinal lacks the abilities to easily trigger riposte it will trigger quite often especially against groups. Its very much underrated but defintely worth it. It basicly allows you to pop rebuke at the beginning of every combat (which i highly recommend) in longer fights even more often than that.


There is another skill which gives you additional focus when rebuke proccs dmg, which means you get 10 extra-focus over the duration of 30 seconds.


Those skills make Rebuke the ultimative defensive skill of the sentinel and i strongly recommend using them for leveling.

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First off GO BIOCHEM for reusable medpacks. This helps TREMENDOUSLY with the grind. I also stay fully buffed with stims and food from the cantina (the one that increases out of combat health regen).


That being said. Your rotation sucks. You completely ignore that you can force sweep for a talented 1 focus. You didn't mention master strike or blade storm (one of our hardest hitting abilities) in your rotation at all.


People saying don't use kira....i say *** to u. She actually has an AoE in her ability list...you just have to turn it ON. I just leap into a pack of normal mobs, sweep, she does her aoe. Then you just start pickin em off. If they are low hp mobs they are aoe two shot.


If you learn to mitigate damage well to reduce downtime, kira's damage is an awesome addition. Also, kira's actually not that squishy and even has saber ward to use when she needs it. Me and her have solo'd champion mobs.

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Quoting the OP.

but when im facing groups of standard mobs(not strong or elite)they **** me and bring me down to 55%-45% HP, then i heal, then i do it again rinse and repeat, same thing with groups with strong mobs


and i said, if you want to face roll, re roll. Because other classes kill faster/easier/less effort, no matter what you say about sentinel.



And here are the answers to me, exactly as i said it would be.

Typical answer from people who won't admit they are the problem, not the class.


Dismissing facts as something to be ignored. Way to go.



This guy keeps going this way untill the end, when suddenly.



I'll agree ability stuttering is a pain in the a... though.



And another post also answering to me.


But saying Sent is just weaker and nothing else matters is rubbish. Sent can be given a few "boosts" yes, an extra CC or stunbreak or etc. or some offhand dmg increase - and some reduction of skills, just like Opp/Pomm strike which dont work PVP or bosses - but imo nothing MAJOR needed.


Sent DOES have its issues and can be frustrating but rewarding too.


He says it is rubbish to say it is weaker, following by a list of things that sentinel "can be given": extra cc or stunbreak, offhand dmg AND some reduction of skills, but NOTHING major.

and i didnt say nothing else matters. I said sentinels are weaker WHEN compared with another classes. In any moment i said that it is not fun to play, or easier, etc.

I though i was clear enough, but what i was trying to say was this.


Other classes can pass throughout mobs easier, without resting so much as sentinels NEED to do. Thats why i said it is weaker, and it doenst matter your companion in this, because with doc, you have hp, but the fights take longer, so the time you could be using to heal, you will be fighting. With kira, she dies sometimes, since she is not tankish enough for some mobs, and you get the idea.


Try other classes and you will see what im talking about it.

or read this post from another player.


I love the class for the hard mode.


I think reason folks are upset is some classes can solo flashpoints and 2man-4man heroics. While Sent is blowing their Oh Crap cool downs on trash and have difficulty with their class story mobs. Troopers feel powerful. As you should in a game setting like this. They feel like heroes. Where as sent really has to play well just to survive. Resting after every fight sort of lowers that I'm a bad *** jedi factor. I've played both classes to high level. And honestly they feel like they're from seperate games.


The glaring problem I see is the fact they they have paper thin armor absorb and 5 base avoidance. They need to survive to do that sustained single target damage. Taking their base avoidance to 20-25% seems logical. All other MMO's non hybrid melee dpsers have decent defense. I don't know why bioware dropped the ball on this. More than likely PVP related. They too deserve to feel a little powerful. They still get to keep their hard mode playstyle.


I don't mind LFG for heroics and Flashpoints. I don't wish a nerf on any class. A buff to avoidance on a sustained pure DPS class doesn't seem to be asking too much. I've never seen a melee dps class with lacking defense like this. And I have played a dozen or so MMO's since 1999.


I think he can use words much better than i do. thats why i did a whole quote.


I rest my case with this.

"Troopers feel powerful...They feel like heroes."

thanks Xesyr.

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I'm really not sure what you all are doing so wrong, or maybe I was just so used to playing a hunter and a warlock from WoW that my pet control was already there... but take advantage of your companion!


I use(d) Kira through the 20's and 30's and with a little bit of smart companion management you can kill nearly non-stop. Only certain mobs/groups or elites would even remotely give me pause. And no, I wasn't overleveled for the content.


Just send Kira directly at the Strong in the pack. Charge a weak (preferably one in a group near the most others so you can stun them all). Overcharge mid-charge. Sweep immediately to stun. Pommel Strike. One dead. Mow through the rest of the standards/weaks 1 by 1 with riposte/slash and then switch to the strong. Kira should have it half dead (or dead) by the time you get to it and you have taken roughly equal damage. Rebuke on cooldown. Master strike on strongs, OR for the occasional pack with the standards that are just super obnoxious, master strike on them to stun them while you kill them to mitigate even more.


Also, very important here: USE ZEN ON COOLDOWN. Once you reach the higher tiers of Watchman, you can use it VERY frequently, especially when cutting through large packs. Keep in mind that the application of Overcharge also counts as a "Dot" (does damage as it stacks with each hit) and will crit, chewing through your 6 Zen stacks. I would only rely on it for damage on packs with multiple strongs or an elite, and more for a free 18% hp everytime its up (practically once per pack) in every other circumstance.


Along with this, don't forget Biochem. If you don't feel like making the reusable packs, find someone who can. They're not BoP (or even bind on use, for that matter). Give them the mats and have them craft it for you. Use it every time its up unless you see a big fight coming up.


When outside and your companion is low and you aren't, mount up. Immediately dismount. It will heal your companion to full.


Just a few tips that have been useful for EVERY character, not just my Sentinel. It makes leveling a joke once you put all the pieces together.

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