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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What is the point of playing a melee?


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Indeed, huge is a massive overstatement for that. Endure Pain CD being reduced is better, doesn't magically fix everything though. As for the push recharging charge, that doesn't solve kiting, it just makes juggernauts even better ball carriers.
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Using more force charge will just build up whoever your attacking's resolve bar faster. gogo 2sec immobalize kicking you in the balls later.


Force charge does not fill the resolve bar unless you spec'd it to stun.

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You rolled a melee class, that when geared is absolutely a 'juggernaut' in PvP. You have to get there first though.



You just can't be level 17, get hit by someone like me in 500 expertise and full Champion\Battlemaster\t3, and then incorrectly think the game is broken for us.



Trust me that level 27 operative who I crit for 7860 earlier today thinks juggernauts are broken to hell and back.

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Cool Downs aside, a tank of any sort isn't really that much better at taking damage than any other classes, as far as PVP is considered. Shields don't work on almost any player move aside from some glowstick and sniper specs, defense can't work if CC'd, so it doesn't help you getting focus fire'd at all, and pretty much everyone has close to no internal/elemental resist, so that hits the same.


Leaves tanks with about 20% more reduction through armor in tank stance, only against attacks that care about armor, of course. Even HP is pretty similar, since the way gear works in this game tanks only have more HP because their gear is weighted more heavily towards endurance, not due to anything intrinsic about the class. Other classes could take the high endurance gear and swap mods around, and have close to the same hp, if they wanted.


But yeah, those 10 seconds when the cool downs are on, look out! Great for Hutt Ball, and desperately trying to prevent enemy from capping while you wait for your better teamates to respawn and save the day.

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