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Unofficial European Language Servers


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No offense, why so Sidious? I just feel that you prefer to believe in some prejudices, rather to believe in people. Maybe i'm wrong, i'm not claiming anything. You want to play on english server - so do i. At least this we have in common.


Rather I would say Im rather safe then sorry.



In vanilla wow I was server first to lvl 50 only to find out the language spoken in general was italian. So after finding that out my entire guild had to reroll.


Caused me to quit the game for 2 years. I dont want this happening again. Specially since this time im playing a more casual style. My friends are not as hardcore and might be really sad if it turns out their beloved character are stuck on a server where they cant communicate with people.


I'm just looking out for myself and my guild anything wrong with that?

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I am German and I will play the game in English, the German translation simply sucks compared to the English voiceover.


So I want to play on an English European PVE server without having a language barrier.


I dont want to speak ingame with other Germans having to translate and retranslate skill and abilitynames. And I dont want to see (lotsof) global chat that I cant understand, no matter what language, and then not being able to group with a relevantly huge part of the serverpopulation because they simply dont speak English in groupchat. And I dont want to be (or at least feel) ignored in global or group chat when I speak English myself.


To those who havent understood the point yet. THIS GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH RACISM. I dont not care about that. This is only about my very personal game experience. Back in my EQ and VG days I loved playing on US servers in an Asian guild and I am very sad that Saviours dont come to SWTOR but sticks to fantasy style games only.


Picking a random US server wont avoid this issue. Obviously some US servers will become unofficial Portoguese, Spanish, Oceanic etc servers.


So Frostclaw sounds like a good choice, yes?

Any more info about The Red Eclipse? Dutch and Scandinavian folks are generally very good at speaking English.



Also note: English folks cant "claim" a server, only the "others" can do that. In English you can claim as much as you want all day long, as soon as there are enough others on your server that wont speak English at all, its over and done.

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Two words. Time zone. For instance i have a job and not much of a free time, so when i log in - i want action. Not the empty server.


Good point. I take my statement back. However, I still think many might have other intentions though. At least that is my experience from WoW.

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The majority of the PVE should be ok, most of the "communities" have gone for PVP servers - I'd avoid Nightmare Lands, The Red Eclipse, Hidden Beks.. But I could be wrong :)


The Red Eclipse is a PvE server and it will be home to a coalition of 25 english and scandinavian guilds that have chosen to go to the server for the express purpose of making sure public chat channels will be mainly english. All 25 guilds agree on this and together we have around 1100 players just counting the numbers of the guild pre-launch site (my own guild only counts 38 on that site, while we are 75 members in reality).


So guilds and players that prefer english in public chat shouldn't have anything to worry about on that server.

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Originally Posted by MajesticBeast

Learn english instead of claiming servers.

The wisest post this thread consisted of.


Don't fool yourselves. Most of us from Spain and other EU countries can speak english good enough for playing an MMO. And some of us, even as good or better than many US native population (as for my job I'm required to constantly speak with US customers, for example).


That does not mean in any way that many of us don't prefer spanish speaking server mates than english speakers (even more when we speak about guilds, voice chats, raids/ops, and so on...). Call it laziness if you like. Or Patriotism. Or whatever. No offence here, I'm sure you would feel the same if the opposite was true.


And most of us understand the General chat of an "English server" should be english when required (except for a few 'individuals', but remember, there are trolls everywhere, even here in Spain, just ignore them as we do)


BUT, trolls aside, noone can forbid us from marshalling our playerbase together in one or two servers, just for making easier to find same-tongue speakers for guilding or raiding, or even for chatting for a while.


Remember, MMOs are mostly 'social' games. Insulting or harassing other people, (be it about language or anything else), is usually a very poor 'social' behavior. Which turn yourselves in very poor MMO players...


The day BioWare/EA open up some Spanish servers (or finnish, or swedish, or russian...) we will go there and leave your precious English servers alone. But meanwhile, all of us have to stay together as best as we can.



Edited by Lokken
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Good point. I take my statement back. However, I still think many might have other intentions though. At least that is my experience from WoW.


is it a good point? biggest difference in europe timezones are 2 hours. I guess 3 hours if you count russians. But russians only speak russian soo...

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Everything else aside, I can tell you right now that at least two Polish guilds have been assigned to Hidden Beks PvE-EU server and I've seen several players from Poland there already. Apart from that, it seems that the community is - for the most part - speaking English.
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If they speak English and intend to do so in the game, why do they insist on finding a server with a majority of their own nationality? Your logic is flawed.


There is no flaw. As a purely danish guild we need to make ensure that we are on a server with danish players so we dont die out if we lose members and cant replace them. If our starting members are the only danes on the server we can't ensure the guilds future. That doesn't mean we want to take over public chat channels and force all other nationalities off the server.


We will be using our own language in guild chat, when running guild groups and on our voice chat. But in the public channels and when grouped with non-danes we will use english, which is no problem as the vast majority are well versed in english (except for our goofy foreign minister!).

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This whole situation should've been avoided and Russians, Italians, Spanish etc should've been given their own servers. Yes there is a tonne of languages spoken in Europe but the ones with big populations should be supported with servers to stop this situation, where an entire server is taken over and everyone avoids them.


It's not fair on the Europeans who speak English and want to communicate in English... they go to an 'English' server from the start and level up only to find out a month down the line that Russian is the primary language spoken in General Chat and they can't communicate with most of the server.


I've experienced this too many times in the past with online games so I made as much effort as I could to go somewhere a lot of UK players seem to be going so hopefully English will 100% be the primary language. It is not racism as I couldn't care where the other players on Legions of Lettow are from as long as they speak English in general.


Yesterday with only a limited number of people on Tython there was already multiple people saying they moved themselves to Legions of Lettow because other servers were full of foreign languages in General... this is not good for day 1 and all the English speakers who've been Guild deployed to those servers.

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Rather I would say Im rather safe then sorry.



In vanilla wow I was server first to lvl 50 only to find out the language spoken in general was italian. So after finding that out my entire guild had to reroll.


Caused me to quit the game for 2 years. I dont want this happening again. Specially since this time im playing a more casual style. My friends are not as hardcore and might be really sad if it turns out their beloved character are stuck on a server where they cant communicate with people.


I'm just looking out for myself and my guild anything wrong with that?


No. Nothing wrong with that, you don't doing anything wrong by game rules or from moral point of view. It's just sad that people run from russians, im from Moscow myself :( I know some of us deserved such kind of reputation (i was shocked after i visited native server in WoW. Left back to english one in a matter of minutes). But not all of us are of the same kind. I played many years among english speaking (US mostly) gulds, still have many friends there. But now i have no means to play with them, my free time is rather limited (2 hours after work at best) and in this time most of them are off to RL. I joined russian guld some time ago and through we are agreed to use english in global - people running from us just because we russians. I feel somehow wronged :(

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When we non native speakers talk about an "English server" we are talking about a server where the official spoken and written language will be English. But everyone, regardles of nationality will be more than welcome to the community if they also prefer English.


I used to play in a Russian guild in wow where they had as a rule to always speak english unless they are in an all Russian group. In retrospect they were some of the nicest and coolest people i've ever played with.

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This starts to look bad for EU servers all rdy, every1 claiming servers and good normal ppl speaking english will ditch EU and go US for the easy life there. Any new commer will just quit and soon enough there is no eu servers...well done all.
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When we non native speakers talk about an "English server" we are talking about a server where the official spoken and written language will be English. But everyone, regardles of nationality will be more than welcome to the community if they also prefer English.


I used to play in a Russian guild in wow where they had as a rule to always speak english unless they are in an all Russian group. In retrospect they were some of the nicest and coolest people i've ever played with.


Yes, this is the way it should be. But sadly it is not always like that.

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This starts to look bad for EU servers all rdy, every1 claiming servers and good normal ppl speaking english will ditch EU and go US for the easy life there. Any new commer will just quit and soon enough there is no eu servers...well done all.


I have no interest in playing on US servers. So no I wont be going over there. I want to play and be able to go on ops with people that are on similar timezones to me so that it fits in around real life. But that's just me.

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Please stop derailing my topic with rants about whether non-English speaking players are nice people. That's irrelevant.


We need information on which servers have become unofficial language servers in Europe.

Edited by Gwella
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There is no flaw. As a purely danish guild we need to make ensure that we are on a server with danish players so we dont die out if we lose members and cant replace them. If our starting members are the only danes on the server we can't ensure the guilds future. That doesn't mean we want to take over public chat channels and force all other nationalities off the server.


We will be using our own language in guild chat, when running guild groups and on our voice chat. But in the public channels and when grouped with non-danes we will use english, which is no problem as the vast majority are well versed in english (except for our goofy foreign minister!).


What server is the "danish" server, so i can stay away, i dont get it at all, i see enough danes on a daily basis, mmos are for meeting people from all over the world imo.

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I think I'll start on a US East Coast server (or whatever), all this claiming is putting me off the EU servers and I'll wait to the dust settles and see who actually got what server etc. :rolleyes:


Wont help you one bit, on US servers they got the same problems with brazilines etc.

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Legions of Lettow PVP EU English is where alot of English speakers are heading to, thats if your into PVP. PVE i'm not so sure on :(



im realy not think of jet on wich server tipe im gona be, but 80% on PVE.At start pvp server is not realy good, because when i want to leveling always someone comes and kills you and that runes my gaming

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