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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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I would like an explanation with regard to still using a client for advertisement that they say is impossible to make available to the paying public.


I'd like an apology for their deception.


I'd like to see a more detailed plan of action from someone other than a PR rep.


Thank you.

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LotrO, WoW and a couple other MMOs didn't launch with High Res textures so why make a big deal now? They said they are working on it.


Wow laucnhed nearly 7 years ago, there barely were High res textures back then.


Also LotrO did have high res textures, later on thet added DX10/11 features.

They had Low, Medium and High settings. All which made the game look different.


This game has Low and Medium, they disabled the real High settings for everything bar cutscenes. This game is also a late 2011, it's rather unacceptable that many Free 2 Play MMO's are vastly superior in terms of graphics alone.


I rate SWOTR as plain old ugly unless you start messing with forced graphics settings with third party apps. Even then the amour and characters look atrocious to say the least.


They also said they are working on imporving fidelity, which is not the same as saying they're reintroducing the High res textures.


For all we know they can only make a small bump in details and say "What? We increased the graphical fedility, we said we were going to. We never said we're adding those textures from the Beta of Cutscenes back in"


That's the reason these threads are still going. We got a PR answer that's not a direct answer to the problem.

Edited by AlValentyn
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Inspector makes changes at the driver level where as the ini is engine, so depending on the settings used inspector will override the ini settings for things like aa and af.


Edit to add that I'm using FXAA as it looks to me as good as 8xMSAA with 2xTrSSAA but without the performance hit.

Gotcha, thanks. I may try that. Crurently everythings fine but theres a second delay/stutter when I open my inventory or my character screen. Maybe that will fix it. :)

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LotrO, WoW and a couple other MMOs didn't launch with High Res textures so why make a big deal now? They said they are working on it.


Since you cant bother reading and keeping up with the thread. Its a big deal as they seem to think it is ok to market Swtor with high res textures but limit us to piss poor medium textures. Their post about server strain with high res textures is complete bs because they said there is no downloading from their servers for textures. So theyre lying or just bsing us until their leadership figures out what to do.


High res textures can be switched back on now. They should be. There are us PC gamers who actually have and maintain gaming computers. EA taking more choices away from us. Put TOR on the consoles if you want to force muddy textures down our throats.

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LotrO, WoW and a couple other MMOs didn't launch with High Res textures so why make a big deal now?


Because this is a game released in 2011/2012. Because it isn't WoW or LoTR. It should be a standard by now for all developers to reach for this platform. We're not playing on a console which is restricted by it's hardware. We're playing on a PC where the hardware possibilities are endless.


Even Rift looked better than this. Alot better.


In the very least at least have high resolution textures for the playable character. I don't care what system they use to draw the textures for other characters, that should in the very least be a standard. The players character is probably the strongest focal point in the game.


Am I having fun? Sure. Would I be having more fun if the game looked as advertised? Definitely.


Would I be here complaining if Bioware had delivered? Nope.

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Hi all, I would just like to add that i have had to cancel my subscription due to the poor level of textures shown on my character's. I Feel Bioware understand the requirement for haveing your toon looking great which is why they added Items that you could upgrade to keep the cool look for your toon but only being able to see this in cut scenes is pretty pointless. As a suggestion would it be possible to have high res textures while on board you ship? or in sanctuarys where performance isnt such a big requirement but showing off ya toon is. Edited by slools
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After seeing
in HD, I really am wondering what BioWare was thinking releasing a 2011 game on a 2004, single-threaded, 32bit, Directx 9 engine. George Lucas must be cringing right now.


Now there's an MMO engine. It's simply beautiful to say the least.


I for one agree with some previous posters saying that Bioware should have used the Unreal 3 engine.


It's hardly very demanding as Unreal 3 Tournament ran fine with AMD/ATI 3870 gpus. Those are slower than some new IGP's and certainly slower than budget GPU.


Not to mention they already have vast amounts of experience with the engine and know how to make a good sci fi setting with it, such as in Mass Effect 2.

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LotrO, WoW and a couple other MMOs didn't launch with High Res textures so why make a big deal now? They said they are working on it.


Isn't that a bit like saying since Ford launched the Model T without, you know, anything that makes a car actually drivable today, it'd be OK for them to launch the next Taurus with only the features of the Model T? Times change, things advance, seven years ago is not the place where you should start today.


The graphics are a major annoyance for me. Some of the armor has looked so terrible (I remember one yellowish and white robe in particular) that I've just gone back to something with worse stats because I can't stand to look at my toon. My most recent experience with graphics and performance in a MMO is Aion. The armor generally looked spectacular and yes, there was a (sometimes big) performance hit during fortress raids. But otherwise, I never had any problems. This on the other hand seems pretty darn poor.


In the end, I feel as if I'll play through my story (I'm about 45 right now) - I don't know if I'll roll another toon as I'll have done most of the side quests already. Given that, I'll probably suspend my subscription and wait for some updates (things that make the game feel like the MM in the MMO is more important), including not feeling like I'm playing in a world colored with crayons.

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Now there's an MMO engine. It's simply beautiful to say the least.


I for one agree with some previous posters saying that Bioware should have used the Unreal 3 engine.


It's hardly very demanding as Unreal 3 Tournament ran fine with AMD/ATI 3870 gpus. Those are slower than some new IGP's and certainly slower than budget GPU.


Not to mention they already have vast amounts of experience with the engine and know how to make a good sci fi setting with it, such as in Mass Effect 2.


I agree. UE3 would have been the better choice.

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I still find this disappointing and the response as to why a bit of a slap in the face. Why can't those of us that have high end machines play with these textures on? Even if I have to run a command line argument with the game or something just so those who would ruin their game experience wouldn't be able to access it.


Most of us that are enthusiasts about this sort of thing are not going to be blaming the game for becoming unstable in the fps department because of high numbers of players on screen. Your fix was a good one for the majority of the population, but please add a way for us enthusiasts to play with the textures the game was meant to have.


Loving the game,



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LotrO, WoW and a couple other MMOs didn't launch with High Res textures so why make a big deal now? They said they are working on it.


And now?


Lotro,WoW and a couple other MMO's just looked like they were advertised when they were released.


SWTOR looks like **** in the release version compared to what they showed in the trailers.It's false advertising,simple as that.

Edited by HerrFett
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OP needs to add latest comment from Stephen, as it address our concerns much better. And provides a rough eta.



Joined: Oct 2010


01.11.2012 , 11:46 PM



Originally Posted by Xreasonz

This was how they look during BETA up to the final weekends of testing.




It was stated in the beta forums which are now gone that they were removing high-res textures in order to cut down the amount of data the players needed to download for the final weekends of test. After a number of player voiced their concerns over the suddenly lower textures in the game they stated that the final game will look much better and not to worry.

That screenshot is from a cinematic in-game. As stated, cinematic scenes use high resolution textures because we have control over how many characters are rendered on-screen at once. This is how the game was always intended to look in cinematics. We did not 'remove' high resolution textures - they were always in the game for use in cinematics.


With that said, thank you for all of your responses. We understand everyone's desires around this issue, and although it's not going to be an overnight fix, as mentioned we're working on addressing this. Many of the suggestions you have made are similar to potential changes the development team is investigating.


I rounded up the development team once more and had another discussion, and wanted to update you with a better timeline and some more precise details on what we're doing right now.


The first major changes will be in our next major Game Update, which will have the version number of 1.2. Those changes will bring greater visual fidelity to your character and those around you, but will still allow for good performance in situations where a lot of characters are on-screen at once. In other words, for those screenshots of your character in their best gear, you should see a marked improvement.


Other potential changes are being discussed right now – as I said, many of which are similar to changes suggested by many of you. As usual, you’ll see these sorts of changes on our Public Test Server before they make it into the live game. Right now we cannot commit to a live date for the 1.2 Game Update, but it will be within Q1 2012.



Stephen Reid | Senior Online Community Manager

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Edited by WarheartZero
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And now?


Lotro,WoW and a couple other MMO's just looked like they were advertised when they were released.


SWTOR looks like **** in the release version compared to what they showed in the trailers.It's false advertising,simple as that.


not at all LotrO withheld it's High res texture pack until a few months after release

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no you didn't Amazon doesn't give refunds for open software.



You clearly don't know Amazon. :rolleyes:

They have the most awesome costumer support ever and if you are on reddit from time to time then you know that they sometimes do give refunds for open products.


Hell they sometimes even help you with things where they normally wouldn't need to.

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OP needs to add latest comment as it address our concerns much better.


See... it's not the end of the world...

Your precious high res textures will be here soon.



Play the game with Medium textures for now, or go ahead and quit and fall behind, or quit forever I really don't care.

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You clearly don't know Amazon. :rolleyes:

They have the most awesome costumer support ever and if you are on reddit from time to time then you know that they sometimes do give refunds for open products.


Hell they sometimes even help you with things where they normally wouldn't need to.


Ummm even if you return it your key is active now in orgin, you can re-download it for free even if you get a refund for your physical version. If amazon knows this you might not get a refund, if not then yeah why not. You basically got it for free and can cont to play.

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