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Republic has given up PvP on my server.


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Ive spent 2-3 days trying to get the daily on Darth Bandon. Guildies are the same way. The only time I see anyone 40+ is in a premade with 5-6 people from same guild. Empire people have all the good gear and there is simply no reason to waste time PvPing on Republic side. i went to Ilum and the empire players didnt even attack us cause they felt sorry for us. I went a half hour among 10 or so empire players and didnt even get farted on. Now republic people are simply giving up and using their lvl 10-15 alts for pvp. When a WZ starts, the Empire side is totally full, Republic is lucky to keep a full group for 2 minutes. This is not acceptable. Blah blah join a pvp server.... No. I wanna do my PvE questing without worrying about getting ganked and enjoying the story. I joined with my level 11/12 gunslinger and consistently finish top 3 in damage. There is something very wrong with that. you may dismiss this but this is killing anyone that considered PvP a reason to play swtor. Maybe a dmg and hp buff for teams losing or something, but lopsided PvP will kill this game. We (the server) not my guild, are entertaining the thought of premade Republic players late at night switching to empire and standing around so we can accomplish our daily's. My guildies records today from amongst the top 3 PvPers? From what they've told me its in the neighborhood of 5 wins and close to 60 losses. That is complete and utter bull$hit. Something is amiss here. I enjoy this game but im no fool. Its been a month almost and this an extremely glaring weakness in the games build.
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Ive spent 2-3 days trying to get the daily on Darth Bandon. Guildies are the same way. The only time I see anyone 40+ is in a premade with 5-6 people from same guild. Empire people have all the good gear and there is simply no reason to waste time PvPing on Republic side. i went to Ilum and the empire players didnt even attack us cause they felt sorry for us. I went a half hour among 10 or so empire players and didnt even get farted on. Now republic people are simply giving up and using their lvl 10-15 alts for pvp. When a WZ starts, the Empire side is totally full, Republic is lucky to keep a full group for 2 minutes. This is not acceptable. Blah blah join a pvp server.... No. I wanna do my PvE questing without worrying about getting ganked and enjoying the story. I joined with my level 11/12 gunslinger and consistently finish top 3 in damage. There is something very wrong with that. you may dismiss this but this is killing anyone that considered PvP a reason to play swtor. Maybe a dmg and hp buff for teams losing or something, but lopsided PvP will kill this game. We (the server) not my guild, are entertaining the thought of premade Republic players late at night switching to empire and standing around so we can accomplish our daily's. My guildies records today from amongst the top 3 PvPers? From what they've told me its in the neighborhood of 5 wins and close to 60 losses. That is complete and utter bull$hit. Something is amiss here. I enjoy this game but im no fool. Its been a month almost and this an extremely glaring weakness in the games build.


It's the same on my server. If we do not make a premade we will get ROFLSTOMPED. For instance, I pugged all day yesterday to win a whopping 5 games out of 53. That's 48 loses and 5 wins. In order to win, you gotta make a premade of 50s. We lack levels, gear and so forth on the Republic side. This is a HUGE trend across many servers from what I can tell.

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Its very disheartening and ive defended the bugs, buffs, nerfs, etc to my guildmates and told them the game is only month old give them time. But when such a glaring weakness is ingnored in the first major patch I find myself wondering if BW even has a clue. Signed/ disappointed.
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Damn. In Empire PUG I win like half the games (and it's still not fun).

You guys are courageous. You should just give up and come over to the dark side. They aren't going to fix it.

Edited by Lywald
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Same on my server republic is nowhere to be found. Every WZ is 6 repubs vs 8 empire. Not 8 joined and 2 leave, mean its 6 from the start. Have won 1 wz in the past 5 days, and since empire can just play hutball against themselves they are still gearing up I am not.


I made an empire alt and although its always hutball there is really no wait for queues and you can at least have a fair fight both numbers and gear wise.

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Sadly, my server has turned out the same way. On a "good" day, I can run 20 warzones to get my 3 wins and complete my daily. Today, I did at least 15 and still don't have a single win to my name. It's not even that we don't have enough 50s all the time. It's the simple fact that the Empire players are all twinked out in their champion/battlemaster gear. I don't even have a full set yet. I just want to get my damn daily done, but apparently that's not going to happen. Think I'm done with PvP until the cross server queue comes out. The 50s only bracket is going to be too little, too late. That was something that should have been done at LAUNCH, not a month afterwards. Bioware PvP team should DIAF.
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Well I just got kicked out of a Civil War because I could not get out of our spawn point. Are you kidding me? Im about ready to start killing kittens and blame it on Bioware. Ive never been so disappointed in a game in my entire life. Its like watching Jar Jar Binks all over again Im at a loss for words. I dont even care about wasting 65$ its all about the disappointment.
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Ive spent 2-3 days trying to get the daily on Darth Bandon. Guildies are the same way. The only time I see anyone 40+ is in a premade with 5-6 people from same guild. Empire people have all the good gear and there is simply no reason to waste time PvPing on Republic side. i went to Ilum and the empire players didnt even attack us cause they felt sorry for us. I went a half hour among 10 or so empire players and didnt even get farted on. Now republic people are simply giving up and using their lvl 10-15 alts for pvp. When a WZ starts, the Empire side is totally full, Republic is lucky to keep a full group for 2 minutes. This is not acceptable. Blah blah join a pvp server.... No. I wanna do my PvE questing without worrying about getting ganked and enjoying the story. I joined with my level 11/12 gunslinger and consistently finish top 3 in damage. There is something very wrong with that. you may dismiss this but this is killing anyone that considered PvP a reason to play swtor. Maybe a dmg and hp buff for teams losing or something, but lopsided PvP will kill this game. We (the server) not my guild, are entertaining the thought of premade Republic players late at night switching to empire and standing around so we can accomplish our daily's. My guildies records today from amongst the top 3 PvPers? From what they've told me its in the neighborhood of 5 wins and close to 60 losses. That is complete and utter bull$hit. Something is amiss here. I enjoy this game but im no fool. Its been a month almost and this an extremely glaring weakness in the games build.


Good news, there is no PVP on PVP servers in open-world. I went 50 levels encountering about 5 fights total. The instancing destroys world pvp so go ahead and roll on a pvp server. Your digitally pixelated character will be safe and sound.

Edited by Proto
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They really need to fix the balance... Imps just crush everyone now.

I had no idea some servers were just plain giving up on Republic Side... I dont blame them tho.


I won 1 / 7 pvp matches today Republic side... after that i just ALT-F4'd out.. You can't do your PVP daily's for gear. You can do Ilum. thats about it.

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What exactly is the problem? (not being malicious 'cuz I'm an Imperial)


From what you said, your faction is losing alot and therefore its a design flaw? Even though its mirrored classes? (aside from the debatable tiny differences in animations, etc) I don't understand what you expect Bioware to do. Sure, cross-server might alleviate the stress - but that took even WoW a long time to implement.

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Baddies play republic that pretty much sums it all up.


And to that guy talking about world pvp, you are insane. I just hit level 50 yesterday and I've killed at least 75 Republic just from questing, not going out of my way to kill them.

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Speak for yourselves. I am on Helm of Graush republic side and I win the vast majority of my games. I run premades with my guild quite often, but I also run solo just as much and still win way more then I lose.


We have some strong republic pvp guilds here and we are kicking some ***. Come join us!

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What exactly is the problem? (not being malicious 'cuz I'm an Imperial)


From what you said, your faction is losing alot and therefore its a design flaw? Even though its mirrored classes? (aside from the debatable tiny differences in animations, etc) I don't understand what you expect Bioware to do. Sure, cross-server might alleviate the stress - but that took even WoW a long time to implement.


basically, Let's say sever is 70-80% imperials. Your going to be out geared and out manned. The imperials will either face each other, still get geared, or face republic. Republic just by sheer numbers, will most likely lose because 70-80% of the population is imperial. They lose out in the long run even if they do win half the games they play. Why? More imperials get geared than the republic side. Only 10% of the republic is getting geared. While 35-40% of the imperial side is getting geared. It's a numbers game.

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Welcome to Huttball!


One of my guildies rolled an alt on republic side, to zip with his ship from planet to planet, to get a numbers reading, of approximately how many republic are online on the endgame planets, where you can meet them.


And found, that 90% of the people are under lvl 30 on Republic side.

So the numbers are there, they just don't have any chance to compete with fully geared (3 days old lvl 50 missing 3 battlemaster items...) lvl 50s.


Even if they do separate lvl 50 warzones, that would still make handful of republic guys vs the hundreds of empire => huttball all the time.

Edited by Tyrpak
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Its very disheartening and ive defended the bugs, buffs, nerfs, etc to my guildmates and told them the game is only month old give them time. But when such a glaring weakness is ingnored in the first major patch I find myself wondering if BW even has a clue. Signed/ disappointed.

Imo, this is why, defending the Developers from all the 'haters', just results in a poorer game.


Had fans joined the Critics, perhaps BW would have taken criticisms more seriously, and put more effort into addressing issues.

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hmm strange i played 30 games yesterday , won 17 with premade rest to 23 with puggs , the problem is ppl make to many alts but is normal at game start soon they will settle with what they like and see more 50 so better competition , i am republic side btw
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Its very disheartening and ive defended the bugs, buffs, nerfs, etc to my guildmates and told them the game is only month old give them time. But when such a glaring weakness is ingnored in the first major patch I find myself wondering if BW even has a clue. Signed/ disappointed.


Yeah, same. You can't queue alone. You will get paired with 5-7 lowies and you will fight a nearly full group of lvl 50. That's why i only queue with 3 Friends. I don't want to spend 4 hours to finish my daily.

Edited by Teabaker
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If you want to pvp you roll Republic. ya it sucks, and the class quest lines are pretty bad. but you get pvp insta Queues anytiem you want.


If you want to pve you roll imp, you get better class quests, and can play mroe hutball lol.

Edited by Dooger
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