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My harsh criticisms of this game and why I feel cheated


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Ofc people who feel they been cheated want others to realize the same. You just don't take a punch to the face and say "-Thanks!"... you punch back as hard as you can!


It's not a realization. You have an opinion that a lot of people don't share. It's bizarre that you post on here. I never did that with WoW after i quit that piece of garbage i left and moved on to something i liked. Why so hard?

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It's not a realization. You have an opinion that a lot of people don't share. It's bizarre that you post on here. I never did that with WoW after i quit that piece of garbage i left and moved on to something i liked. Why so hard?


Why fight a battle with forum trolls unless it's to convince yourself what they are saying isn't true?

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I quit gave all my stuff away have another 120+ days left on my subscription wont be coming back but never made a post. Why make a post its not like ppl give a f**k you know.


Email the devs instead and let them know how you feel. Simples

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To me the issue arent the bugs and whatnot, the game is solid imo.


But, the actual gameplay is terrible, it's like that other game, just with less things to do, and with a terrible setup with planets/space station, and why do they call it planets? Korriban is the size of a minor shopping mall, you don't get any "planet" feel whatsoever.



I tend to agree, that sidequests didnt need voice acting, they're fun the first time, I've been taking 3 characters to level 20 (and 2 to mid 30's), and spacebar my way through sidequests.


The voice acting is kinda hurting and limiting the game, instead of getting actual classes, we get AC's, Troppers beating up people with their rifle? imagine that there were no voice acting, you could have actual classes replace theese yawning AC's.


The space combat is just how this game feels to me overall, I know that theme parks are linear, I belive that WoW made a huge mistake with their revamp of old quests with Cata, and SWTOR is the same, just worse, there is 1 way to level 50, you can't choose between several planets at any given level range, you got the choice to outlevel a planet you'd rather be without, through PvP or dungeons, far from a perfect solution.



In the end, the story aspect was an interesting choice, but when I play an mmo, I play it for the "endgame", it doesnt have to be raiding, but the overall enjoyment of playing in a world, swtor just lacks that so much.


Do I play WoW? no, I havent for over a year.


Do I think swtor will do alright? I'm doubting it tbh, everyone I've talked to outside of the forums, be it coworkers or people I've played with before, are letdown by this game, and not due to bugs, they just feel the same way as I do, that the game just arent interesting enough.


I hope that the game will be a lesson for following games, story does not make an mmo on it's own, take away the voice acting and what do you have? a quite terrible mmo to be honest.

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Why fight a battle with forum trolls unless it's to convince yourself what they are saying isn't true?


Its the internet, do you need to train your fingers in internet warrior fighting or something?


Sorry i'm a little too old to 'ifight on the internet" i'm simply stating an opinion like an adult. How about you?

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This is just another "I'm not re-subbing" thread so if all you have to say is "Can I has your stuff?", or "TL;DR", or something non-constructive id ask you to show some restraint. It seems these threads are recurring and I think it at least shows a little merit as to why some people just cant play this game past the free month. It's very possible that "we" may return in 6 months, but for now I just cant see playing this game.




1) It's clear this game wasnt ready for release. It's clear that the "polishing" that they've been repeating in the last year of development was really just trying to get something "releasable" and not something polished and complete. What we have here is just a basic framework and isnt complete at all.


"It's only been a month." isnt an excuse. When you buy something, you expect something complete. When you invest in something, you expect something to be filled out or completed later. Instead of feeling like i've bought a game, I feel like i've become an investor into something "to be completed later". I feel like i've bought pieces to a puzzle.




2) SW:TOR's biggest selling point(s) would end up being its strength or a tremendous weakness. Because things cant easily be altered and changed from a VO/story timeline they has to "polish" those things first. What we ended up with is a chrome motor attached to a rusty frame.


-Yes, we have synchronized combat, but that's only 33% of the time anyway. The other 66% of the time its "WoW-like" and hacking and slashing randomly.


But this causes so many problems in PvP where AI is not controlling the other end like in PvE. This causes characters to be delayed or advanced when two PC's fight each other. This causes players to warp to start/stop places regardless of where the animation is playing.




Force pushing someone who has been grappled.

Force choking someone who has force leaped.



-Story and VO got old after the first 10 levels.


The only VO and "story" I payed attention to and actually participated in past level 10 were the class quests. I really did not need full VO for random wold quests. I really ended up putting my thumb on space bar and my ring finger on "1" and pressing both as fast as possible.


Force alignment choices are almost non-existent in regular world quests which are not class quests or flashpoints. If anything, its only the final choice that makes any difference in any particular dialogue. Instead of going 50-50-100-50-50 ect. they should have made force alignment similar to companion affection.


Companion affection is fully purchasable. Even if you make a "bad choice" you can just "buy it out" lol. This leave us with 0 reason to listen to VO outside of class quests.


"We want your choices to matter" unfortunately, they dont.




3) Game looks terrible outside of a "controlled" demo or screenshots. All the "trailers" and "demos" shown pre-release work fine in game. All the stuff that wasnt shown is severely broken. That makes me feel cheated. Screenshots and "Lucas Arts approved" demos looked great.


I honestly cant go anywhere in game where I dont see something thats unusual or broken.


I mean, I can even watch the "grass grow" on planets as a walk on the surface. I have everything on max/max, including draw distance and foliage density. It's really lame to see grass growing in the distance because its obvious that max/max settings were not "polished" as those issues disappear once I turn the settings down.


"Social Gear" still has to be equipped over and over every time you zone. Been broken since day 1. Sloppy. I didnt even realize this was broken until I saw that I had less HP in PvP than the level before because of the way bolster works. If it wasnt for bolstering I would have never noticed.


NPC's getting bugged out and speed teleporting all over the place once they evade. Looks very robotic and tethered. Not to mention that a lot of things in this game are on "strings" to begin with. Ever seen the "strings" on the speeders in Alderaan? What about the green wall/lazers on every world?


UI is still channeling abilities that arnt being used. That's lol. Nothing like standing there thinking you're "channeling" but you're really just standing there doing nothing. Remember, you cant depend on looking at the numbers on your screen because those numbers happen whenever "synchronized combat" sees fit. Quick travel starts channeling even before I choose a location... lol...






Sure, a lot of these seem like "fluff" but you learn to expect certain things from a seller as a buyer. Imagine if you were buying a car and the salesperson says "paint is just fluff, dont worry, you'll get that in March." wouldnt you be disappointed?


I didnt even talk about any deeper game issues. These are just the issues on the surface. No one chooses the apple on the shelf in the blemishes or the car on the lot with keymarks.


I'll probably be back sometime in the future, but I cant possibly play this game the way it stands. It's unbearable. This is the first MMO that ive felt completely disappointed about. Sure, a lot of MMO's were "worse" at launch, but its not unrealistic to expect improvement. With all this hype leading up to this game, you cant expect people to not be disappointed.


I'll be back in 6 months.


No MMO is ready for release. All of your statements about story and fluff are your opinion, to some players that is a big deal.


Bugs, again welcome to MMO's. Remove your ignorance and stop playing MMO's at launch you might not be as disappointed.

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Its the internet, do you need to train your fingers in internet warrior fighting or something?


Sorry i'm a little too old to 'ifight on the internet" i'm simply stating an opinion like an adult. How about you?


One, It's called a metaphor.


Second, nice ad hominem attack.


The point I'm making is I'm on here, while doing other things, just stating I don't think it's good. The game you think is good is so engaging that you have to argue with a guy who's opinion you shouldn't care about, because my opinion shouldn't matter to you in the slightest. I've played lots of games other thought were awful, and I thought they were good. I've never felt the need to try and belittle and outwit those who thought that the game was bad, because I enjoyed it and that's all that mattered. Seriously, if you want to be an adult, you shouldn't be talking to me, and just let it go.

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People invested lots of time and hopes into this title, only to, in the end, to see that it turned out to be a pile of dung. so we are voicing our dissapointment... that's pretty much all.


i have a suggestion for you tho, why don't you just go and play the game?


It didn't turn out the way you expected, oh well.


It's really that simple.


If you cannot handle a video game not being what you wanted, I'm truly baffled as to how you have survived this far in life.


And to think that anybody here cares about your, "time and hopes", is naive at best.

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One, It's called a metaphor.


Second, nice ad hominem attack.


The point I'm making is I'm on here, while doing other things, just stating I don't think it's good. The game you think is good is so engaging that you have to argue with a guy who's opinion you shouldn't care about, because my opinion shouldn't matter to you in the slightest. I've played lots of games other thought were awful, and I thought they were good. I've never felt the need to try and belittle and outwit those who thought that the game was bad, because I enjoyed it and that's all that mattered. Seriously, if you want to be an adult, you shouldn't be talking to me, and just let it go.


I'm not sure why me stating a different opinion and posting on a forum about that opinion is a problem. Why should i not be posting my opinion to be an adult that doesn't even make sense?


I'm not trying to belittle anyone. You are the one who decided to attack me and i simply replied with a post that i have a different opinion. I could have attacked you back but i didn't.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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I'm not sure why me stating a different opinion and posting on a forum about that opinion is a problem. Why should i not be posting my opinion to be an adult that doesn't even make sense?


I'm not trying to belittle anyone. You are the one who decided to attack me and i simply replied with a post that i have a different opinion. I could have attacked you back but i didn't.


I didn't attack. I was more hoping to provoke some soul searching.


I'm done here, and I leave with a quote:


"Getting upset about something written on a forum is like seeing "F*** You* written in a bathroom stall and saying "F*** me?!? HOW DARE THEY!"

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I didn't attack. I was more hoping to provoke some soul searching.


I'm done here, and I leave with a quote:


"Getting upset about something written on a forum is like seeing "F*** You* written in a bathroom stall and saying "F*** me?!? HOW DARE THEY!"


ROFL soul searching.


PS I never get upset about things written on a forum, Why would i that's childish.

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Listen, I don't know you and I'm not mad or crazy or anything. Why don't you just go? I don't understand why all you people write these long dramatic essays on your feeling. Sadly I know it will always be like this. 2 years from now I will read the same kind of poodoo.



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Listen, I don't know you and I'm not mad or crazy or anything. Why don't you just go? I don't understand why all you people write these long dramatic essays on your feeling. Sadly I know it will always be like this. 2 years from now I will read the same kind of poodoo.


I don't understand why you reply, why don't you just ignore it?

Edited by DjVybz
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I didn't attack. I was more hoping to provoke some soul searching.


I'm done here, and I leave with a quote:


"Getting upset about something written on a forum is like seeing "F*** You* written in a bathroom stall and saying "F*** me?!? HOW DARE THEY!"

OP you can't talk about these kids game in any way other then fan boish or they will attempt to cut you down and get mad.


They do not even enjoy the game themselves, if they did they would not be trolling forums looking to talk ****.

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One, It's called a metaphor.


Second, nice ad hominem attack.


The point I'm making is I'm on here, while doing other things, just stating I don't think it's good. The game you think is good is so engaging that you have to argue with a guy who's opinion you shouldn't care about, because my opinion shouldn't matter to you in the slightest. I've played lots of games other thought were awful, and I thought they were good. I've never felt the need to try and belittle and outwit those who thought that the game was bad, because I enjoyed it and that's all that mattered. Seriously, if you want to be an adult, you shouldn't be talking to me, and just let it go.


You are being a hypocrite here. You are saying because he likes the game he shouldn't bother with debating or offering a different opinion than those that dislike the game. You also say that he should "let it go". You can't be serious. By your same logic, shouldn't you AND the OP just let it go? Oh wait, wait, I get it. You are complaining because you want to make the game better, right? Wrong. Because it's quite apparent that there's nothing BioWare could do fast enough to satisfy you guys. Yet you come on to these forums with your long-winded "I'm quitting because my story choices don't make a difference," and "the game has broken features" rants and then bash people that disagree with you. There are fatal flaws in your logic.


You don't like the game. You are sad. The OP is sad. We get it. It really is time for you guys to hit the road.

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