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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Tired of getting slaughtered by Operatives.


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I am a BH with almost all but 1 champion piece and just did 2 back to back warzones against one melee OP and from full health he was able to get me down to 10% health before I could stand back up and then he would stun me again soon as I stood up and finish me off. This isn't the first time OP's be able to do this to me while I am fully geared. You cannot prepare for them as they are pretty much undetectable while in cloak and they kill you without being able to defend yourself in the least, to say they are not over power right now means you are a melee OP yourself and you just don't want the gravy train to end. These kinda professions kill the fun in PvP, SWG had spy that was pretty much the same and everyone abused it to the point where no one PvPed anymore and quit the game to the point where populations got so low they finally shut down the game.


I am not one to say all profs are over powered because I think every other profession is nicely balanced, even sniper. It's just the melee OP who can kill anyone but tanks before they have any chance to fight back.

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SWG had spy that was pretty much the same and everyone abused it to the point where no one PvPed anymore and quit the game to the point where populations got so low they finally shut down the game.



SWG's spy after the update was not that OP as these guys over here.In SWG i was hunting spies with great success.

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indeed. I saw some pretty poor sustained damage. Yes some good opening bursts - 2k, 3k but he just had to run away one-on-one with some lightsabre dude.


I think the whiners just need to gear up (which makes a huge difference) and then learn to play.


That's the point, I can absolutely maul low geared characters and I am positive that the opener needs recalibration. But after that, the damage is fine, i really struggle to kill anyone with champ- or higher gear, most of the time i have to play double opener cheese.

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Operatives are definitely too strong right now. =/ There's one on my server that can single handedly wreck our entire team.


What if your team also has one? or even some guy who can actually play and then CCs the operative? :eek:


This thread is hillarious.


I miss the OP :( he disappeared for some reason

Edited by Truckern
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Anyone getting slaughtered by an operative is either:


A) terrible




B) under 50 or 50 with no pvp gear


You trinket the Hidden strike, then slow/snare them and GG. I'd much rather have an operative on me 1v1 than any other class...

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Do any of you whiners even know the class or ever played it? Really? You're too lazy to figure out a strat against them so you come here crying and whining in your soup hoping BW takes notice and gimps the class. Players like you are what ruins MMOs. Learn to play your class then study operatives/scoundrels for weaknesses. Fracking lazy people
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trinket w/e its called the opener and win when they have nothing else other then that dont be a lvl 10 in a warzone going against a lvl 50


Dream on. At that point I might maybe escape, but most likely die anyway. Not even thinking about winning in my wildest dreams. Though I'm a gunslinger, so their burst is a pretty big problem. Anyone defending operatives / scoundrels saying how squishy they are, imagine your burst on just as weak targets as you are (no cover when stunned you see). It might not be as bad for more endurant classes, but it's just hilarious when an operative attacks me. Next time there's a good geared operative in the bg I will fraps it when he basically three shots me. I have some expertise (177) but it doesn't help.

Edited by Bosseking
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Do any of you whiners even know the class or ever played it? Really? You're too lazy to figure out a strat against them so you come here crying and whining in your soup hoping BW takes notice and gimps the class. Players like you are what ruins MMOs. Learn to play your class then study operatives/scoundrels for weaknesses. Fracking lazy people


It is pretty clear you know nothing about the class or have been killed by one.


What other class in TOR can do this ?and post video as proof !


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I have no problem with Operatives/Scoundrels. I must be a god or something from all those posts I see. Or maybe I just learned to play instead of whining, who knows. ;)

It's a learn to play issue, people always try to get rogue classes nerfed in MMOs because the people that play rogue classes are usually better players over all. It's funny because even if rogues still get nerfed, those bad players will still be bad and will still get strafed/out maneuvered and ***** by a skilled rogue class player.

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It is pretty clear you know nothing about the class or have been killed by one.


What other class in TOR can do this ?and post video as proof !



So... an Op starting from stealth and critting twice can kill a squishy who takes no actions against them? SAY IT ISN'T SO!

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So... an Op starting from stealth and critting twice can kill a squishy who takes no actions against them? SAY IT ISN'T SO!



Which obviously justifies a class being indeed able to kill a pvp geared character in matter of seconds. I love the logic that's in play here.


There are a lot of incredibly stupid stuff written on this forum every day. Most memorable topic for me was the guy wondering why people are whining about some classes being op even though you can ress immediately in bgs, so it doesn't matter if you die. :D


I think we just need to accept that all the skilled players rolled operative / scoundrel. Rest just need to learn to play. Simple as that. BW better not touch the class because noobs don't know how to three shot players with their characters.

Edited by Bosseking
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I think we just need to accept that all the skilled players rolled operative / scoundrel. Rest just need to learn to play.



I've highlighted all that's really worth reading from your post.


But on a serious note, in the video posted you have an Op in literally perfect conditions for a kill. Someone standing still who doesn't use one of the 5-6 tools his class has available to him for dealing with exactly that situation. It's no wonder it looks OP. It's shot in such way that there's no other conclusion you could draw from it.

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i think u guys are missing the fact that the match-ups in WZs are ridiculous. the game sees putting lvl 20s on one team and putting all fully-geared 50s on the other team a fair fight. the problem isn't with imperial agent, the problem is that the matchmaking is awful.
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