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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Tired of getting slaughtered by Operatives.


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Care to actually give an example of such a kill, I watched the first 5 minutes and he didn't do any noticeable damage at all. >_>


thats because he is Lethality spec. It's the -worst- PVP spec for snipers and he still does 75K damage in under 4 minutes.


Here, lets watch another one:



This one doesn't use her range as much as she should but she doesn't need to she pwns the crap out of everything anyway.

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All I see in this damn thread is crying. Sure if they come out of stealth from behind and catch you alone, they'll get a nice startup on the fight. THAT IS THEIR CLASS ADVANTAGE. Learn to stay with your damn team, that way when you or a teammate gets opened up on you can just rip into them and keep them unstealthed. They are a fish out of the water at that point. I have literally seen every class there is do insane in warzones. It's really not all about luck or gear or class imbalance, it's just learning to play the damn game.
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thats because he is Lethality spec. It's the -worst- PVP spec for snipers and he still does 75K damage in under 4 minutes.


Here, lets watch another one:



This one doesn't use her range as much as she should but she doesn't need to she pwns the crap out of everything anyway.


You linked that video and said "he constantly kills 50's in seconds" then go on and say "it's the worst pvp spec" when I ask you to show a place where he actually does that >_>

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thats because he is Lethality spec. It's the -worst- PVP spec for snipers and he still does 75K damage in under 4 minutes.


Here, lets watch another one:



This one doesn't use her range as much as she should but she doesn't need to she pwns the crap out of everything anyway.


I opened it, saw her sniping a level 17 4 times in a row for just above 1000, then shut down the video again...

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If you don't watch the videos then you can't really debate what's in them can you?

Both videos show snipers effortlessly killing people from vast distances where the target could not -possibly- stop them or do anything but run away.


What we have learned in this thread:


1) Snipers are way, way, to powerful in burst or have way, way to much range. They need to be have one or the other, not both.


2) There is no "Strategy" for fighting a class that can kill you from across the map. There is no winning, there is no fighting, your only option is to run away because they are so over powered.


3) The opinion of the "Pro PVPers" seems to be that if you want to survive being in a match with a sniper you should hide or be a stealth class because otherwise you have ZERO chance of survival once they see you.


Now that we've established these facts I'm heading off to bed.

/win ;)

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If you don't watch the videos then you can't really debate what's in them can you?

Both videos show snipers effortlessly killing people from vast distances where the target could not -possibly- stop them or do anything but run away.


What we have learned in this thread:


1) Snipers are way, way, to powerful in burst or have way, way to much range. They need to be have one or the other, not both.


2) There is no "Strategy" for fighting a class that can kill you from across the map. There is no winning, there is no fighting, your only option is to run away because they are so over powered.


3) The opinion of the "Pro PVPers" seems to be that if you want to survive being in a match with a sniper you should hide or be a stealth class because otherwise you have ZERO chance of survival once they see you.


Now that we've established these facts I'm heading off to bed.

/win ;)


1. Use LOS

2. Again, LOS

3. As someone that plays a sniper regularly i can say this is totally false. There are a number of ways for people to get on a sniper, especially stealth classes. Unless you are running through a field directly at a sniper you arent going to live long. Abuse los or flank them. This is common sense i dont see how you dont get it.

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Like another poster said, they are buff stacking which is giving them an appearance of being overpowered (which anyone can do)


Do yourself a favor the next time you know there is an operative around, go for them first.


The will die faster than any healer can keep them up for.


Operatives are very squishy, thus they pay for high dps with low survivability, take advantage of it.


Lol. It's like you guys are purposely being ignorant of the situation. EVERY class gets a boost from biochem. No class gets anywhere near the level ops do.


Every class has a burst damage factor.

Operatives on the other hand can burst and burst and BURST AGAIN.


Still not seeing a problem with that?

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Here is a fix to Ops/Scounds. Remove the healing from the class and give them a mid range tree. The dmg is ok if The can't always vanish and heal up and do it all over this time you have no CC Breaks or D Buffs because of cool downs.


And for Sorcs/Sages cut their dmg by 25-30%, or give them some kind of debuff that prevents them from healing their self when specced/ussing a dmg stance.

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Why does the OP keep referring to Operatives then in the same sentence refer to being sniped from across the map. Concealment Ops don't have burst at range. We have plenty of burst in melee and I kill snipers all the time.


Even more confusing is the fact that he refers to this ranged burst in the same breath he mentions the face plant from Hidden Strike, which is an Operative only ability not a Sniper one.


Where is this mythical god of a class that has all the Sniper abilities AND all of the Operative abilities. Man I wanna play that one!

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494 Expertise here, Shadow. 14,320 health.


Fight against OPerative who opened up on me instead the other way around:


- 100% ----> 57% health 1st hit

- 57% ----> 11% health 2nd hit while my toon is getting up

- 11% ----> 0% health 3rd hit while I try to react


Not overpowered at all. It's all how it should be, yup.


Same 16k hp and heavy armor


but who cares 50% will unsub and 40% will do scoundrel this is the future


Everyone invisible , start thinking invisible plans , no figth just run for objective since cant see targets haha

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Shut up dude. Other classes even with those buffs CAN NOT do anything near ops. You're either in denial or purposely defending how broken they are.


For the record, I'm not one to qq but this class is doing too much damage.


No? They can't? Look up some youtube videos of people who learned to play their class instead of QQ'ing on the forums that are able to drop 7-8K+ AoE's etc.


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=168604 - 8k+ AoE from a sentinel


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=166144 - 5k+ white hits from a shadow (On someone in battlemaster gear mind you)


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=161052 - Guardian 7k+ AoE (Total 34k damage in ONE attack) as well as a 9k crit.


Really? Stop all the QQ about Scoundrals / Ops when SEVERAL other classes are able to accomplish the EXACT same thing.

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Here is a fix to Ops/Scounds. Remove the healing from the class and give them a mid range tree. The dmg is ok if The can't always vanish and heal up and do it all over this time you have no CC Breaks or D Buffs because of cool downs.


And for Sorcs/Sages cut their dmg by 25-30%, or give them some kind of debuff that prevents them from healing their self when specced/ussing a dmg stance.


easier fixs. Remove the cc from the opener and lenghten the duration on the recloak on operative/scoundrel. Nerf the bubble on sorcs/sages(or remove it entirely). Dmg stays in tact.


Then adjust the biochem and fix the freaking def stats. Seriously yay for shields blocking nothing.

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easier fixs. Remove the cc from the opener and lenghten the duration on the recloak on operative/scoundrel. Nerf the bubble on sorcs/sages(or remove it entirely). Dmg stays in tact.


Then adjust the biochem and fix the freaking def stats. Seriously yay for shields blocking nothing.


Sure, I'll give up CC on opener and take a longer cooldown on one of my abilities then 3m (2 mins talented) so you can feel significant. BTW, are any of YOUR cooldowns longer then 3 mins? In fact, i'm pretty sure most cooldowns are 1-3 mins, so why should the ops/scoundrals be any different?


But, if I concede to the nerfs, then we should in recompense get a gap closer. I want to be able to leap to my target from 20 meters away and stun/root them for 4 seconds in the process.

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In all of those videos that is someone with better gear owning people hyped up on stims and using bonuses. But you know why it isn't over powered?


THEY EARNED IT. It's a fair fight. You can actually fight back, and if you have equal gear you have a CHANCE of winning. With these snipers it doesn't matter what your gear is because they can kill you before you can get to them. You -can not- win in a fair fight against them or even if you have BETTER gear than them because they are so far away they can take away half or more of your life when the combat starts and then finish you off while you close on them. They have WAY to much burst damage for someone who has that much range. Like at Sorcerers/Sages. We have a lot of range but we don't have a lot of burst. We have constant, steady, DPS. If we had a lightning surge that took half your life or more in one shot people would be having seizures on the forum.


You mean they get to do the same damage and possibly more damage that an operative does, but they dont have to start from stealth and thats okay.

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played a game this morning on republic side where the imps had 4 of these on their team. Needless to say not one of them died once and they moved from gun point to gun point (civil war map) killing everyone there and taking the points one by one. Once they had 2 points they would all move to wherever we were attacking and wipe us all out in a matter of seconds, even if it was 8 v 4.


Thats not a L2p issue its a damn thats way more power and dps than any class can counter.

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Seriously, they can stun you and charge up a shot followed by instant casts that takes over half your life. fighting an operative is like starting the fight naked and they can do it from the OTHER SIDE of the battle field. It's INSANE.


Half life? i supposed you have 25k hp, im a sorcerer full champion (16k hp), fighting against an operative full champion, and when i can move on, im on 20%.

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Shut up dude. Other classes even with those buffs CAN NOT do anything near ops. You're either in denial or purposely defending how broken they are.


For the record, I'm not one to qq but this class is doing too much damage.


My merc buddy gets 7.5k crits with scatter missiles. His DFA crits for 3k+ per tick (about 10k total damage every target) for 3 ticks. Scatter missiles are an instant cast.

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