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Game was pushed WAY too soon...


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I agree with the questing. I was really disappointed that there wasn't any consequences in the dialogue. Rolling alts was supposed to be fun but it isn't! I don't wanna do the same quests over and over again.. it's just not worth it since the class quests are only a small part of the leveling. I really think they wasted a lot of resources on VO.


Good luck finding an mmo where you dont repeat things over and over. Maybe you should play another genre of game?

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You played D3? Everything that was fun in D2/XP.. Isn't in the game, made for complete mush brains just like pandaville.


I liked Diablo 2. I know a kid that can't stand it though. No ability cooldowns. Best path to victory is putting all points into 1 ability and spamming it the whole game.


Of course same kid plays nothing but Dota2. I can't handle games like that. You play on 1 incredibly small map over, and over, and over.

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It is unfortunate, but there comes a point in every big MMO's development when the publishers, the sponsors, and the rest of the investors demand that they start to see a return on their money.


I'm a fairly small-time developer myself, but I just write maintenance apps for business systems, and I know full well that every program that it is possible to write is inherently bugged. Even if the program works perfectly how the designer wants it to, the users will disagree with the way things work, and that is also a bug. The larger a program is, and the more different hardware a big graphical program like an MMO is expected to work on, the more bugs it will have even with years and years of polishing. SWTOR - just like any other MMO - will always be bugged in some ways, it will never be perfect, at least not for the users.


As such - unlike big-name console games - any MMO is going to get to a stage in development where all the content is finished, and the devs are just fixing bugs. Considering that the devs will never iron out all the bugs due to the sheer size and complexity of the program, and the different expectations and requirements of the millions of users, the software house has to make a decision on when to just call it 'good enough' and ship it. They don't get much of a choice, the people paying their wages demand it.


Anyway - all that is true of most games. Even the console games I mentioned have started to go that way since the latest gen consoles allowed after-sales patching. But of all the MMORPG launches I've been part of, this has been the least troublesome and least buggy I've experienced since I began playing them in the late 90s.


Besides which, levelling to 50 gives you 150+ hours of entertainment for your $60, more hours than any console game since Final Fantasy X and only then if you hunted down every secret. I'd say even without subscribing for a second month you got your money's worth.


That is exactly what a lot of people don't understand. The funny thing is, if they really care about the game, you want it out in production. With it in live it serves 2 purposes. It generates revenue and direction for the company. Revenue actually means they can add things, fix things because while its in development they make nothing. It gives it direction because they actually see what the audience wants, likes and dislikes. So they don't have to waste more time on things people aren't liking and then can direct those energies towards actually enhancing things people want. All of which does take time. Programming isn't something you just whip up in a weeks time.

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Excuse me,

There is some consequence for example on a Smuggler Class quest line I was offered the choice to shoot someone but thinking it was an evil choice I decided to talk things through. At the end of that conversation I was forced to fight this guy, suffice it to say I died alot. So I reset the instance and restarted the conversation I decided to go with the Shoot option seeing as how it wasn't an evil option and in the end I didn't have to fight the guy, he cowered and fled.


Another quest just popped into my mind with the Jedi Knight in one of the Side Quests I was given the option to continue to talk to the guy knowing full well that I would have to fight the guy( I did the same quest with my Smuggler) and was given the option to Persuade him to turn himself in.


So either I have no idea what you're talking about or you just suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck at dialogue.

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Veteran gamer? Played plenty of EA games? What else do you expect?


I dunno how many times I've told myself I'd never play an EA published game again. EA just makes some very good games... even though they have issues. Its an industry standard, not a EA standard. Many avid PC gamers say they would rather have fewer high quality, polished games than more quantity game titles in a year. Unfortunately the PC game industry would not survive if that happened. Things just move too quickly.

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Aye, I've experienced quite a few alternate quest paths through dialogue myself, having played a lightside Guardian to 41 and a darkside Sentinel to 38.


Those of you complaining about the lack of it... you have rolled more than one character, aye?

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So you feel like you're playing a game that is complete on release?


This content patch coming out is all stuff that should have been in the game already, and even after it's still lacking. Granted most players are not 50 yet, so while not all that relevant, but lack of operation content is pretty surprising.


Name 1 MMORPG in history to be released without Group A wanting this or group B wanting that or Group C having this set of issues and Group D having that set of issues. Let alone name 1 MMORPG to be released bug free.


I got the point of your message but where you and guys like you fail at your arguments is claiming that the game is unfinished. It is well within the "launch and find out" stage. Meaning, there will ALWAYS be bugs in a video game. No genre biased, there will be bugs in every single game made, it's the nature of the beast. There will always be more bugs in a game that entails the acronym "MMO" due to the online and virtual endless amount of people per server it can handle.


So the "zomg they had like 30 years to make the game, why isn't it finished" argument is very cheap and selfish (for lack of a better word). I challenge anyone to the fact that if they think they can do better, than by all means apply at Bioware with a long list of "you need to do this" and have facts to back it up.


Until then, we all bought a Star Wars MMORPG. The servers are up and running. The game is very playable. I enjoy most aspects of it and am looking forward to "hopefully" some changes on the stuff I don't like. I got my moneys worth considering everything else.


I will continue to subscribe because I look forward to how this game will evolve and change. Wish people would just relax and stop being so demanding sometimes.

Edited by Ortof
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I will continue to subscribe because I look forward to how this game will evolve and change. Wish people would just relax and stop being so demanding sometimes.


im pretty sure everyone wants you as a consumer

*hey lets throw some **** at him, he even says thank you*

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im pretty sure everyone wants you as a consumer

*hey lets throw some **** at him, he even says thank you*


Your right because $60 is a huge back breaker to "my" income. It's only a couple of hours of work. A monthly sub costs less than an hour of work. I am leveling still (currently a level 41) and have been playing for about 3-5 hours a night since launch.


Did I get my money's worth? I think so. You must be the type that every penny you have is worth a nickle, despite it being just a penny.

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Your right because $60 is a huge back breaker to "my" income. It's only a couple of hours of work. A monthly sub costs less than an hour of work. I am leveling still (currently a level 41) and have been playing for about 3-5 hours a night since launch.


Did I get my money's worth? I think so. You must be the type that every penny you have is worth a nickle, despite it being just a penny.


and then we get mediocre games because people like you buy everything because its not a back breaker for them

Edited by Carnerous
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and then we get mediocre games because people like you buy everything because its not a back breaker for them


Then we get people like you who think the game is mediocre if they didnt copy everything from previous games, if they did youd be the one to say its a clone.

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Then we get people like you who think the game is mediocre if they didnt copy everything from previous games, if they did youd be the one to say its a clone.


it is already a clone but somehow 7 years werent enough to copy everything, but they will come over time

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FPS kiddies not liking MMOs, more at 11


the word polish is like the word troll, it's lost 99.9% of its meaning. right now in wow, i could give a list of bugs. i can give you a list of bugs that are over SEVEN YEARS OLD. so what, a bug-free MMO will NEVER EVER EVER HAPPEN


swtor is polished. it's as smooth as wow has ever been. half a decade ahead of wow at launch


online gamers are idiots. they don't know what they're doing IN the games, they don't know what they're talking about on the forums, they're just stupid people and it's always a TINY majority who cry on the forums but it's ALL OVER the forums so you just get that feeling that they're representative and they never are.

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Some players like, some players don't like.... I guess this come to a matter of taste after all.


I agree that SWTOR is pretty buggy, but this is not fun breaking for me. I'm enjoying the game a looot, and I guess that most players that enjoy the game just play it. Most of my guildies are not bothering to read those forum anymore, cause it's useless and depressing.



I hope, that Bioware is not listening to all whinners, because the game will certainly be broken if they do.

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and then we get mediocre games because people like you buy everything because its not a back breaker for them


Quoted from page 6


"That is exactly what a lot of people don't understand. The funny thing is, if they really care about the game, you want it out in production. With it in live it serves 2 purposes. It generates revenue and direction for the company. Revenue actually means they can add things, fix things because while its in development they make nothing. It gives it direction because they actually see what the audience wants, likes and dislikes. So they don't have to waste more time on things people aren't liking and then can direct those energies towards actually enhancing things people want. All of which does take time. Programming isn't something you just whip up in a weeks time. "


But, hey, who am I trying to fool. I know you want everything wrapped in a shinny new box, bug free, specifically designed to the way you like and now. I mean you are "the customer" are you not? :rolleyes:

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Honestly, I'd love to have a sneak peak at what this game is like a year from now.

It will still be the same basic game, but who knows what awesome features and content they'll put in between now and then.


I think it'll be a really great game... a year from now.


For now... we have a half-finished MMO that feels a lot like a single-player game where you can chat with other people playing the same single-player game.


Legacy system? Coming soonish.

Macros? Maybe coming soonish.

UI mods? Hopefully coming soonish.

PVP brackets? ...

Guild capital ships? Coming someday.

Guild bank? Coming soonish.


It's like they made KOTOR 3, then someone decided it needed to be MMO once the whole game was already finished, so they duct taped their art assets to HeroEngine and did everything they could to make it work by the deadline they were handed.

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or they just say fk it, lets see how long we can milk someone like without doing anything

jsut look a texture issue, somehow you could choose medium but it was bug and high textures were never intended? you are telling me a bug added a 3rd option?


compared to what? give me a standard, i dare you. i'm gonna tear it apart so let's get this over with. go

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Here is how it works. You either like the game or you do not. If you do not then chalk it up to lesson learned and cancel. If you do then continue to play. All the rest is simply drama. Noone ever said this game would please everyone. If you dont like it then leave. If you do then play. Why are you guys sitting here arguing semantics and comparing it to other games you like? I go into a movie and watch it. I spend $40 by the time I am done I get 2 hours out of it. If I dont like the movie they wont refund my tickets, popcorn and soda.


Just do not understand why people continue to go on and on about it. Like I said if its not for you thats ok move on.

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