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[Jedis with Lightsabers - on rails] - a review


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After playing this game for a month now I think I can make a somewhat fair review.


The good stuff is:


Voice over - really nice feature indeed.

Quest interaction withing group - absolutely amazing, one of the best features ive come across so far. This alone was actually worth paying for the game initially.

Graphics - yeah i know some say its not close to good enough, for me its really ok and graphics never really been my prime concern in games. I would still call it good.

Story driven RPG - The class quests are both fun and pretty challanging, creating the feel that you actually learn how to handle your class a bit if you doing it solo, especially at approriate level.

Short Flashpoints - Yeah, as being the father of two and irl taking lots of time I enjoy the fact that many flashpoints are rather small and short compared to previous games ive played. A good thing

Crafting - I enjoy being able to send companions out for additionally gahtering/mission/crafting while im been busy levling and playing with friends. And its easy too.

Soundtrack - it really feel "Star Wars"-like.


The bad stuff:


Crafting - yup here it is again, its too easy and stuff you make are to weak compared to "easy to get"-gear in game. To bad on an otherwise nice feature.

Atmosphere of the game - there is close to non. A sterile world without much going on but bunch of enemies standing like target dummies waiting to get hit by something. If it wasnt for the music that sets in at times it would be down right aweful.

Space - guess what, there is no space! And here I thought I played a game with a Star Wars theme. Oh yeah, they give you a rollercoaster space battle sim that never changes. Outcome always the same, same stuff happen everytime you play the missions. Just brilliant. Cool thing tho that you get to feel like you have a 6th sense, knowing exactly whats going to happen after youve done them a couple of times. Good shoot, Ace!

Linear A to B to C gameplay - if your one of those who easily gets lost in games, well in this you can be breathe out. You are literally hand held from start to stop, no shortcuts to be made anywhere and even so your out on hostile planets the surroundings basicly are built up by corridors with a few bisectors here and there all with impenetrable walls/stones/rocks/debree/trees/junk creating borders for you. yet another rollercoaster thing that just makes you go back and forth the same trail over and over again.


Oh yeah, the title of the thread... Yes there is some kind of misstake going on, I could have sworn I saw the words "Star" and "Wars" in the titel when I bought the game a few weeks back.

Only thing ive seen that has anything to do with star wars is that there are Lightsabers and Jedis sort of.

A better name on the game would be what title of the thread says or simply Star Wars Tycoon - a railway sim game


I give this game a 5/10, a weak 5

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Your review is, in all honesty, horribly skewed.


if you had ever played the KOTOR (Knights of the Old Republic) games, you would see the resemblences to TOR. And guess who developed KOTOR 1? You guess it, Bioware.


This game is a great game by ANY reasonable standards, it being only a month after launch. There are some bugs, and a few glitches, and some issues with class balancing (faction balancing as well), but all of these things will get fixed in time.


All that it takes is patience.


Being a fan of Star Wars, I would have thought you might have learned something of the teachings of the Jedi. How many times in the movies did a Jedi Master tell his Padawan, "Patience, young Padawan."


Patience, young Padawan.

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After playing this game for a month now I think I can make a somewhat fair review.


The good stuff is:


Voice over - really nice feature indeed.

Quest interaction withing group - absolutely amazing, one of the best features ive come across so far. This alone was actually worth paying for the game initially.

Graphics - yeah i know some say its not close to good enough, for me its really ok and graphics never really been my prime concern in games. I would still call it good.

Story driven RPG - The class quests are both fun and pretty challanging, creating the feel that you actually learn how to handle your class a bit if you doing it solo, especially at approriate level.

Short Flashpoints - Yeah, as being the father of two and irl taking lots of time I enjoy the fact that many flashpoints are rather small and short compared to previous games ive played. A good thing

Crafting - I enjoy being able to send companions out for additionally gahtering/mission/crafting while im been busy levling and playing with friends. And its easy too.

Soundtrack - it really feel "Star Wars"-like.


The bad stuff:


Crafting - yup here it is again, its too easy and stuff you make are to weak compared to "easy to get"-gear in game. To bad on an otherwise nice feature.

I have yet to play a game where crafting was hard, but I agree that there is little incentive to craft atm.

Atmosphere of the game - there is close to non. A sterile world without much going on but bunch of enemies standing like target dummies waiting to get hit by something. If it wasnt for the music that sets in at times it would be down right aweful.

I can agree with this but outside of Rift I dont know of any MMO's that have mobile mobs other than random pats which this game has.

Space - guess what, there is no space! And here I thought I played a game with a Star Wars theme. Oh yeah, they give you a rollercoaster space battle sim that never changes. Outcome always the same, same stuff happen everytime you play the missions. Just brilliant. Cool thing tho that you get to feel like you have a 6th sense, knowing exactly whats going to happen after youve done them a couple of times. Good shoot, Ace!I can agree with this but Space combat wasnt what I was looking for in swtor, if it was I would still be playing EvE

Linear A to B to C gameplay - if your one of those who easily gets lost in games, well in this you can be breathe out. You are literally hand held from start to stop, no shortcuts to be made anywhere and even so your out on hostile planets the surroundings basicly are built up by corridors with a few bisectors here and there all with impenetrable walls/stones/rocks/debree/trees/junk creating borders for you. yet another rollercoaster thing that just makes you go back and forth the same trail over and over again.

ALL games have this issue...ALL you get a quest, you go to the area you need to kill 10 rats in or deliver the package, you return to the quest giver or onto the next one ... ALL MMO's are linear.


Oh yeah, the title of the thread... Yes there is some kind of misstake going on, I could have sworn I saw the words "Star" and "Wars" in the titel when I bought the game a few weeks back.

Only thing ive seen that has anything to do with star wars is that there are Lightsabers and Jedis sort of.

A better name on the game would be what title of the thread says or simply Star Wars Tycoon - a railway sim game I almost comented on this but then thought you must not be into lore


I give this game a 5/10, a weak 5


Your opinion is your opinion, we really didnt need you to share it with us, let alone in its own new thread... My opinions are in red, since we are inflicting them on others.

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if you had ever played the KOTOR (Knights of the Old Republic) games, you would see the resemblences to TOR. And guess who developed KOTOR 1? You guess it, Bioware.




And it would have been a good game If it was KOTOR 3. but it isnt its wow from 2006 with Voice Overs.

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After playing this game for a month now I think I can make a somewhat fair review.


The good stuff is:


Voice over - really nice feature indeed.

Quest interaction withing group - absolutely amazing, one of the best features ive come across so far. This alone was actually worth paying for the game initially.

Graphics - yeah i know some say its not close to good enough, for me its really ok and graphics never really been my prime concern in games. I would still call it good.

Story driven RPG - The class quests are both fun and pretty challanging, creating the feel that you actually learn how to handle your class a bit if you doing it solo, especially at approriate level.

Short Flashpoints - Yeah, as being the father of two and irl taking lots of time I enjoy the fact that many flashpoints are rather small and short compared to previous games ive played. A good thing

Crafting - I enjoy being able to send companions out for additionally gahtering/mission/crafting while im been busy levling and playing with friends. And its easy too.

Soundtrack - it really feel "Star Wars"-like.


The bad stuff:


Crafting - yup here it is again, its too easy and stuff you make are to weak compared to "easy to get"-gear in game. To bad on an otherwise nice feature.

Atmosphere of the game - there is close to non. A sterile world without much going on but bunch of enemies standing like target dummies waiting to get hit by something. If it wasnt for the music that sets in at times it would be down right aweful.

Space - guess what, there is no space! And here I thought I played a game with a Star Wars theme. Oh yeah, they give you a rollercoaster space battle sim that never changes. Outcome always the same, same stuff happen everytime you play the missions. Just brilliant. Cool thing tho that you get to feel like you have a 6th sense, knowing exactly whats going to happen after youve done them a couple of times. Good shoot, Ace!

Linear A to B to C gameplay - if your one of those who easily gets lost in games, well in this you can be breathe out. You are literally hand held from start to stop, no shortcuts to be made anywhere and even so your out on hostile planets the surroundings basicly are built up by corridors with a few bisectors here and there all with impenetrable walls/stones/rocks/debree/trees/junk creating borders for you. yet another rollercoaster thing that just makes you go back and forth the same trail over and over again.


Oh yeah, the title of the thread... Yes there is some kind of misstake going on, I could have sworn I saw the words "Star" and "Wars" in the titel when I bought the game a few weeks back.

Only thing ive seen that has anything to do with star wars is that there are Lightsabers and Jedis sort of.

A better name on the game would be what title of the thread says or simply Star Wars Tycoon - a railway sim game


I give this game a 5/10, a weak 5









Damnit, why doesn't this work on the forums? I just want to skip this!

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Your opinion is your opinion, we really didnt need you to share it with us, let alone in its own new thread... My opinions are in red, since we are inflicting them on others.


Oh, but this review wasnt for you, it is meant to be read by thoose who might be scouting this place to check if this is a game for them to purchase or not. You have or are playing the game so you need no review.

I´d say this review of the game is pretty fair overall with both what i say is good stuff and bad stuff with it.


Everything boils down to opinions in one way or another.

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I'd give it a 6. The game for me is a 9, except my main issue is the lack of character customization and the ugly design choices, esp. for republic. I want to be able to make my character look awesome and tailored to my taste - something not even remotely possible in this game. DCUO was a crappy and buggy game, but character customization was light years ahead of this game - multiple costume slots, tons of customization options, and wicked pvp armor sets.
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Your review is, in all honesty, horribly skewed.


if you had ever played the KOTOR (Knights of the Old Republic) games, you would see the resemblences to TOR. And guess who developed KOTOR 1? You guess it, Bioware.


This game is a great game by ANY reasonable standards, it being only a month after launch. There are some bugs, and a few glitches, and some issues with class balancing (faction balancing as well), but all of these things will get fixed in time.


All that it takes is patience.


Being a fan of Star Wars, I would have thought you might have learned something of the teachings of the Jedi. How many times in the movies did a Jedi Master tell his Padawan, "Patience, young Padawan."


Patience, young Padawan.


Oh a nice reply. Hats off to that =)

No you are right, I have not played Kotor.

To me lore is what George Lucas made it and rest is just quasi stuff not really related to original Star Wars in the very same aspect as Sarah Connor chronicles have little to nothing to do with original Terminator.

Sure, same figures, same setting but a complete different thing. This I bet millions of minds out there disagree with and its all fine, thats why I left lore and such out of the review.


I do agree it has a nice base to stand on compared to other releases and as i wrote in the review there are many strong points. One of them being that strong I think that alone was enough to make the purchase worthwhile.


As for patience... Well I do think I have a small portion patience stacked somewhere, especially with bugs etc since i´d say they have pretty small impact on how I experience games. Im more into the "atmosphere" of things, hard to explain.


On a side note: I dont think all collected patience in the world will change the feeling that its a very linear and rollercoaster-type gameplay in this game.


I wish you a pleasnt and joyful night!

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I can only really agree with the Space battles lacking.


This is STAR WARS, and a very big part of that is the space battles. Let's go back to the movie that started it all -- can you imagine Ep. IV ANH without the assault on the Death Star? No, of course you can't, because it's a huge part of the movie, it's even a bigger deal than lightsabers (in that movie) when you think about it.

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I'd give it a 6. The game for me is a 9, except my main issue is the lack of character customization and the ugly design choices, esp. for republic. I want to be able to make my character look awesome and tailored to my taste - something not even remotely possible in this game. DCUO was a crappy and buggy game, but character customization was light years ahead of this game - multiple costume slots, tons of customization options, and wicked pvp armor sets.


Oh yeah, DCU was good at handling character creation indeed, and the daily run to jokers gift room was pretty fun aswell haha. However I still think Champions online had the best Character creator that ive come across so far. I spend hours in there just making characters =)

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I can only really agree with the Space battles lacking.


This is STAR WARS, and a very big part of that is the space battles. Let's go back to the movie that started it all -- can you imagine Ep. IV ANH without the assault on the Death Star? No, of course you can't, because it's a huge part of the movie, it's even a bigger deal than lightsabers (in that movie) when you think about it.


In every one of the movies, space combat is a small part of the film, the majority is filled with ground combat.


This is especially true in I-III.

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After playing this game for a month now I think I can make a somewhat fair review.


The good stuff is:


Voice over - really nice feature indeed.

Quest interaction withing group - absolutely amazing, one of the best features ive come across so far. This alone was actually worth paying for the game initially.

Graphics - yeah i know some say its not close to good enough, for me its really ok and graphics never really been my prime concern in games. I would still call it good.

Story driven RPG - The class quests are both fun and pretty challanging, creating the feel that you actually learn how to handle your class a bit if you doing it solo, especially at approriate level.

Short Flashpoints - Yeah, as being the father of two and irl taking lots of time I enjoy the fact that many flashpoints are rather small and short compared to previous games ive played. A good thing

Crafting - I enjoy being able to send companions out for additionally gahtering/mission/crafting while im been busy levling and playing with friends. And its easy too.

Soundtrack - it really feel "Star Wars"-like.


The bad stuff:


Crafting - yup here it is again, its too easy and stuff you make are to weak compared to "easy to get"-gear in game. To bad on an otherwise nice feature.

Atmosphere of the game - there is close to non. A sterile world without much going on but bunch of enemies standing like target dummies waiting to get hit by something. If it wasnt for the music that sets in at times it would be down right aweful.

Space - guess what, there is no space! And here I thought I played a game with a Star Wars theme. Oh yeah, they give you a rollercoaster space battle sim that never changes. Outcome always the same, same stuff happen everytime you play the missions. Just brilliant. Cool thing tho that you get to feel like you have a 6th sense, knowing exactly whats going to happen after youve done them a couple of times. Good shoot, Ace!

Linear A to B to C gameplay - if your one of those who easily gets lost in games, well in this you can be breathe out. You are literally hand held from start to stop, no shortcuts to be made anywhere and even so your out on hostile planets the surroundings basicly are built up by corridors with a few bisectors here and there all with impenetrable walls/stones/rocks/debree/trees/junk creating borders for you. yet another rollercoaster thing that just makes you go back and forth the same trail over and over again.


Oh yeah, the title of the thread... Yes there is some kind of misstake going on, I could have sworn I saw the words "Star" and "Wars" in the titel when I bought the game a few weeks back.

Only thing ive seen that has anything to do with star wars is that there are Lightsabers and Jedis sort of.

A better name on the game would be what title of the thread says or simply Star Wars Tycoon - a railway sim game


I give this game a 5/10, a weak 5



You do realize the point of a review is to tell people who HAVEN"T PLAYED THE GAME what you feel it is like




You also must realize everyone here HAS ALREADY BOUGHT THE GAME.



So my question is why are you posting your review here?

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You do realize the point of a review is to tell people who HAVEN"T PLAYED THE GAME what you feel it is like




You also must realize everyone here HAS ALREADY BOUGHT THE GAME.



So my question is why are you posting your review here?



Ok, then I guess you dont visit games forums to see what players think of a game you have not yet bought and tried then. I do, and I tend to think many might do the same.


Thanks for your input tho.

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In every one of the movies, space combat is a small part of the film, the majority is filled with ground combat.


This is especially true in I-III.


Um, it doesn't take a a huge amount of screen time, but it is often crucial to the overall story.


It's often the only time you see the "WAR" part of Star Wars, with exception to the Battle of Hoth and the ground assault of the Shield generator on Endor. (I know more about the original trilogy, so those are my examples)

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Atmosphere of the game - there is close to non. A sterile world without much going on but bunch of enemies standing like target dummies waiting to get hit by something. If it wasnt for the music that sets in at times it would be down right aweful.


You just described every MMO almost.....................

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Ok, then I guess you dont visit games forums to see what players think of a game you have not yet bought and tried then. I do, and I tend to think many might do the same.


Thanks for your input tho.


God no. Official forums are the worst place. I find reviewers who I trust ie have my taste in games. It's far more reliable then some nameless person on the internet.


Have you seen a single person on this forum say


"I haven't bought this game what is it like?"


No you haven't so it's useless to post a review of your game here. Metacritic would be a much more valuble place or Bestbuy.com or Ea games.



Anywhere but here.

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God no. Official forums are the worst place. I find reviewers who I trust ie have my taste in games. It's far more reliable then some nameless person on the internet.


Have you seen a single person on this forum say


"I haven't bought this game what is it like?"


No you haven't so it's useless to post a review of your game here. Metacritic would be a much more valuble place or Bestbuy.com or Ea games.



Anywhere but here.


I beg to differ. Not all people are forum trolls or evil minded wishing to bring fire and brimstone down on the games. Its pretty easy to spot those threads anyway so I tend to focus on those who seem to make reasonable reviews.

There are always some strong points along with the bad ones, since I have yet to try a game that is completely horrible.


I have never wrote such thread myself so I am not suprised there are few around, they are pretty much doomed to get flooded with trolls saying it is worthless and their opposits, the fanboys, who says it is the most perfect game ever been produced.


If you go and read reviews from those places then im happy it works for you.

it doesnt for me, preferable I try the game for myself, if i have not done so and the game has begun and I am uncertain about what to do then I tend to look for as fair reviews as possible written by people who actually pays to play the game. I watch cut out the most extreme opinions and looks for common stuff. It has work wonders so far for me.


I still think there might be people who do it like I do so thats why I post my review.

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