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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

People who ninja for their companions


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We keep seeing this.. You coming into my group and claiming people cannot roll need for companions would end up with me kicking you out.


This whole threat of blacklisting or being kicked out of groups is meaningless in the overall scheme of things.



Feel free to post your character names and servers you play on then if you do not fear black listing for your actions.

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Why is this still being argued about?


Need vs. greed isn't as simple in our game because of companions, as well as Orange Gear and mod extraction.


We will probably limit the 'need' button to only people who match the primary class the gear is meant for, and add a new button in between need and greed for players to choose if they intend the gear for these purposes - this will allow CC users to roll against each other without competing with the guy who wants to sell the gear for credits.


I don't have a timeline on this for you guys right now, though - certainly not in the next major patch. In the meantime, I strongly recommend that players who care clearly decide the expected need/greed role behaviors ('no companion need rolling or you're out!') when a group is initially formed. In the meantime, I'll work on getting this feature in the works.


Looks pretty clear to me that this will be dealt with.

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No you are posting your selfish opinion and trying top play it off as fact, its not no matter how many times you click your heels and wish it so.


I'm sorry, what's clicking heels got to do with anything? You're lucky I don't report you for your 'nazi' inference.


@Moderator: is this really the type of insult we accept here?

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You can hear it all you want or not want i really don't care im just stating how i personally run with groups. Flash points are not solo content if you want gear for your companion get it through the solo content there's plenty of wayts to get orange gear that doesn't involve screwing over people grouping with you.


Please post your name and server so i can be sure to never group with you so that you acn go about yoru ninja anti social ways and I can go about my fair game ways.


Once the new rolling system comes in people who break the rules then all of you ninjas will have no argument at all.


Please post your server and name as well. Anyone as intolerant, inflexible, and high handed as yourself to seriously attempt to limit my access to items in game that I can use is not someone I care to game with.

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People should never make a companions priority over other air breathing, living, sentient players.
The loot is digital. The companions can actually equip it. The "air breathing, living, sentient players" exist in the real world and can't equip the loot.


Besides, only the "air breathing, living, sentient players" have an opportunity to roll for and win the loot. No matter who wins, an "air breathing, living, sentient player" is the one who gets the loot


so it doesn't make any sense to say that the humans should get loot over the companions...



And you know what? I'm gonna need your blaster, rifle, assault cannon, robe, belt, implant, and anything you find important for vendor trash when it comes up.
Eh, so it's clear, you're the greedy one. Not only do you think you're entitled to gear just because you want it, but if someone says "wait, I want that too" you'' go out of your way to need on stuff you don't actually want out of spite.


It's sad how typical this is.


Players are always a higher priority than companions.
Again, this statement makes 0 sense.


If Bob needs on the item because he wants it, and Alice needs on the item because she wants it for her companion... in either case, a player is going to win the loot. No matter who wins, a "air breathing, living, sentient player" wins the piece of loot and then uses it in the manner that they want to use it.

Edited by ferroz
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