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questions to pvpers


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i ve been reading these forums for the past hour or so and 2 question keep coming back to my mind.


What part of the advertising/marketing of this game made u think pvp would be any good?


everything i saw ,in my point of view,screams that this game is pve first ,story-telling first.


What made u think the game would have any kind of classe balance for pvp?


Again pretty much the same point here,in my own very little opinion this game screams pve/story...not pvp game of the year


Not trying to sound like im better than anyone ,if anything im much worse,but i honestly want to know from you pvpers standpoint.


tldr : why buy swtor for pvp,when the advertising/marketing screamed pve?


ps english not my language so i apologize if grammar is messed up

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They put PVP in the game to sell it to more people. That doesn't mean that the main part of the game is PVP. The main part in this game is PVE, story telling. If you didn't know that then sorry you waisted your money.


That's your opinion.


But I still expect the restaurant with burgers on the menu to have them in stock when I want to have a burger.


And other than the story aspect, the PVE is awful.

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If you put PVP in a game, you are telling people it is a PVP game.


If they didn't have PVP in the game I would agree with you.


You don't put burger on the menu if you don't have any hamburger meat.




but they do have "hamburger meat",its just not their speciality.

using your example ,Pizza hut does have other thing than pizza on the menu,but if u go there for the spaghetti,you are in the wrong place.


thats more my point,bioware is known for movie-like story-telling ,not jaw-breaking pvp.

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but they do have "hamburger meat",its just not their speciality.

using your example ,Pizza hut does have other thing than pizza on the menu,but if u go there for the spaghetti,you are in the wrong place.


thats more my point,bioware is known for movie-like story-telling ,not jaw-breaking pvp.


That is a better way to explain this. You should try BattleField 3 if you want a game that is designed for PVP. This is designed for PVE. Once PVP'ers understand this the forum will be quite.

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Everything I read about it made me believe it would be horrendous. I had intended to completely avoid pvp. I was surprised and happy to find that I enjoy solo pvp in this game and I hope it only gets better.


That said, there are responsiveness issues and I doubt everyone is having as good an experience as I have had, it probably depends a lot on server choice and time of day played.

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What part of the advertising/marketing of this game made u think pvp would be any good?


That is an incorrect assumption. I got the game for PvE, and rolled on a PvE server. Grinded to 50 in no time at all.


Now I find its easier to have fun doing PvP than PvE. And also the uber gear is easier to get in PvP because you don't need to bring friends. You can effectively solo for top tier gear.

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i ve been reading these forums for the past hour or so and 2 question keep coming back to my mind.


What part of the advertising/marketing of this game made u think pvp would be any good?


everything i saw ,in my point of view,screams that this game is pve first ,story-telling first.


What made u think the game would have any kind of classe balance for pvp?


Again pretty much the same point here,in my own very little opinion this game screams pve/story...not pvp game of the year


Not trying to sound like im better than anyone ,if anything im much worse,but i honestly want to know from you pvpers standpoint.


tldr : why buy swtor for pvp,when the advertising/marketing screamed pve?


ps english not my language so i apologize if grammar is messed up



Well, usually when you think of Republic/sith in Star Wars you think conflict. Well conflict relates to PvP. Why would classes be balanced? lol really? It's a MMO, it's the BASIC necessity. The game does scream PVE, but if you went to alot of the gaming events, PVP was the main points along with companions

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i ve been reading these forums for the past hour or so and 2 question keep coming back to my mind.


What part of the advertising/marketing of this game made u think pvp would be any good?


everything i saw ,in my point of view,screams that this game is pve first ,story-telling first.


What made u think the game would have any kind of classe balance for pvp?


Again pretty much the same point here,in my own very little opinion this game screams pve/story...not pvp game of the year


Not trying to sound like im better than anyone ,if anything im much worse,but i honestly want to know from you pvpers standpoint.


tldr : why buy swtor for pvp,when the advertising/marketing screamed pve?


ps english not my language so i apologize if grammar is messed up


ppl just wanna whine about how badly they get owned or how everything isnt how they would do it

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to bloodloss


i dont deny its easier to get pvp gear,doesnt mean in any way its gonna be good pvp to get said gear.


to rancorzealot


u missed two last word of what i said/wrote...balanced in pvp


any healer can heal any content

any tank can tank any content

any dps can do enough damage to beat enrage timers,given appropriate gear....balanced

granted some do it better than others but u can still complete any content with any classes.

does that equal to classe y vs classe z being balanced against each other,sadly no.

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to bloodloss


i dont deny its easier to get pvp gear,doesnt mean in any way its gonna be good pvp to get said gear.


Its deffinately not the best PvP. We either steamroll the other team or get steamrolled ourselves. Like 1 out of 4 games are even close.


But I still find it to be fun for some reason. And getting new gear is always fun!

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They put PVP in the game to sell it to more people. That doesn't mean that the main part of the game is PVP. The main part in this game is PVE, story telling. If you didn't know that then sorry you waisted your money.



The PVE story telling was really awesome the first time, but since we can't respec AC I'm canceling because I don't want to level the same class TWICE to 50 just so I can have a PVP and a PVE spec.

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Well, you have two playable opposing factions, so I think pvp is implied.


Second, I saw quite a bit about the warzones before I bought this game, I didn't read up on them, but I thought Huttball would be like capture the flag, but with a passable flag and might be interesting, and alderaan is just like any other resource based battleground.


So I thought it would be fun....I was wrong.

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They put PvP in the game because WoW had PvP. Also, if English is your first language then shame on you.


IDK if this is true, having opposing factions is probably a driving reason. You could say WOW had opposing factions, but Star Wars naturally does too.

Would you just keep opposing factions separated all the time? Or just not let them attack each other, either solution seems kinda lame.

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I find the classes to be pretty balanced on the whole. Every class feels pretty powerful in a team environment. Most of the "balance discussions" I've seen on these boards boil down to "I CAN'T BEAT X CLASS 1V1! NERFSF THEM NAO!!11!"


Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying it's perfect. JK\SW I feel could use more tools to stay on target since there are so many knockbacks and stuns. Healing in dps specs is a little strong. Ops may or may not need a nerf (We'll see after the biochem nerf). But other than that I don't see any major issues.

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They put PvP in the game because WoW had PvP. Also, if English is your first language then shame on you.


exactly my point,pvp is in this game as an aftertought,a mini game so to speak.because wow has it.

I highly doubt they designed this game thinking:we gonna have amazing pvp,oh and voice acted quest ,but the pvp..oh man thats gonna be something!

seems to me it was the other way around.


also,isnt my first language.and i think that proves it well.;)


edit : my question is aimed at all those "i quit because pvp sucks" threads on here

Why buy swtor for pvp?

Edited by carliiiiito
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I bought it for the PvE reasons. I love the Stories of BW and therefor the game went on my "go-buy" list.

I was pretty satisfied with my SI story and I even heard its one of the weakest in game. Since I don't have any standards as it seems I will continue to play the game for stories. Unfortunately the questing, specially the bonus missions make me wanna cut of my bal*ls and feed em to my neighbor's cat named Minky.


So I need some sort of endgame. During the lvling I didn't make any friends, because the story was always more important and the people talking in general chat were more annoying that fun to talk to.

Perhaps I am a solo player, who cares?


TL:DR : I need something to do, when having a break from the repetitive questing. I really think its a shame that Bioware didn't add some sort of overall story to the planets (next to the main class quests) that connects all of the planet-story quests.

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exactly my point,pvp is in this game as an aftertought,a mini game so to speak.because wow has it.

I highly doubt they designed this game thinking:we gonna have amazing pvp,oh and voice acted quest ,but the pvp..oh man thats gonna be something!

seems to me it was the other way around.


also,isnt my first language.and i think that proves it well.;)


Or it's because every MMO has PVP. Well maybe a few don't and some MMOs the PvP just isn't very popular.


PvP has been consistently being dumbed down due to sub-par players getting owned and spamming forums. It's just a simple fact. PvP these days has no risk period.

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exactly my point,pvp is in this game as an aftertought,a mini game so to speak.because wow has it.

I highly doubt they designed this game thinking:we gonna have amazing pvp,oh and voice acted quest ,but the pvp..oh man thats gonna be something!

seems to me it was the other way around.


also,isnt my first language.and i think that proves it well.;)


edit : my question is aimed at all those "i quit because pvp sucks" threads on here

Why buy swtor for pvp?


It maybe an afterthought on the part of the developers, this I don't know, but having an MMORPG with opposing factions just seems like PVP world be a natural part of the game.


You know when you have wars as part of your name and you have players that can play one of the two sides at war, maybe they will bump heads from time to time.

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Or it's because every MMO has PVP. Well maybe a few don't and some MMOs the PvP just isn't very popular.


PvP has been consistently being dumbed down due to sub-par players getting owned and spamming forums. It's just a simple fact. PvP these days has no risk period.



Can you elaborate "risk" please?

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Can you elaborate "risk" please?


Risk meaning you actually lose something when you die. Back in Original EQ when they first introduced PvP servers you could loot 1 item off of your enemy. They eventually took that feature out, and basically killed the risk vs reward.


On Meridian 59 if you die you lose everything, Likewise if you kill someone you get all of there equipment and they lose skill %s.

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