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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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You are warned when you're given the option to pick your AC that it is permanent and irreversible. If you didn't like your AC why play it all the way to lv 35 and then start QQ'n on the forums. Not only do they warn you, but they give you full detail on how the class and what their spec trees are.


Full detail? And by reading this one can feel how it plays? Please.

Edited by Rayaleith
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so how are they lying?


be specific .. prove it to us


and show us quotes from Bioware to back up your claims


From their FAQ


In The Old Republic, every character class has its own story, unique companion characters that join and assist the player, and even thrilling space combat and player starships[/Quote]


And if you can't be bothered to look at the holocon and see under class there are 4 options with specializations I dunno what to tell ya.

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I'm level 33 not level 10 so no.


So it took you from 10 to 33 to realize you did not like the AC and made a bad choice?


Why not ask BW for a button that instantly switches your class, promotes you to 50 and equips all relevant level 50 PvP gear without the need to even loot it?


Would make your life a lot easier?


I think if I was going on and on and on in a thread and just about every reply except one or two said I was way off the mark I would probably have a re-think :)


I kind of admire your ignorance of facts and your ability to keep waxing the same flawed arguement though...props for that :)


For the record, NO to AC respec, NO to dual spec and NO to xsvr LFD is my /2cents



Edited by ImperialSun
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I agree .. no matter what happens those same people will complain no matter what because they are just in general not happy and bored and need something to complain about.. it's these people that ruin games because every game they cry cry till the devs cater just to shut them up then when their changes are implemented they quit and move on to the next game.


Don't let these people ruin this game like they have all the others.


trust me they will NEVER stop .. no matter what you give them they will always want more


this statement applies more to you then us. were not asking the devs to do anything, your the ones that want them to cave and cater to your every need, your the ones that keep posting all the "ZOMGNOACRESPECWTFBBQ" threads. we just dont want stupid mechanics that ruin the game added because YOUR crying about it.

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While I normally would say No, I would like to change that option to "a limited amount pr class" or "between a limit amount of levels".


This could be: Any time, any level, same price, but only 3 changes forever. (or one change each patch) (To counter the fact BioWare might do changes to your class which makes your class unsatisfying for you to play).


Or: Only available for change from level 10-30


Let it be an expensive option (if first) and a staggering option (if second). If you mark it an expensive choise, people wont abuse it with constant respecc and would rather use it a last option if they find their current playstyle does not support their ideology.


I know the usual: "Just level to 10 again". Let me just remind you that the leveling experience from 1-50 is alot different than raiding. Personally I found out my choise of character worked well for leveling and pvp but was less suitable for raiding. Mind you less suitable doesnt mean useless :)



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I think a one time only AC respec would be okay, but absolutely not something where you're able to pay money and switch at will, because that would essentially be like playing WoW and paying an NPC to switch from being a Paladin to a Mage on a whim in some cases.


I'd personally rather see them implement dual-spec within AC's first rather than cater to people who are too lazy to reroll another character and try a different class, because that's what your AC essentially is, another class in most cases.


you cant say switching from a paladin to a mage becuz they are ENTIRELY DIFFERENT CLASSES. paladin is a melee class and mage is a ranged class shooting fire balls from 20 ft away. DIFFERENT, Jedi sentinel and gaurdian are pretty much the same. theyre both melee classes and have the same moves basically. so your not switching to an entirely new class. your analogy of paladin to mage is a bad analogy:D

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You are warned when you're given the option to pick your AC that it is permanent and irreversible. If you didn't like your AC why play it all the way to lv 35 and then start QQ'n on the forums. Not only do they warn you, but they give you full detail on how the class and what their spec trees are.


But they said it's a big choice, and some people might make the "wrong choice". They said they were going to let you "correct your mistake".


Clearly they knew this would happen. What made them change their mind?

Did that decision award too many Light Side points??



Edited by Kourage
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Around level 30 is where you start seeing your spec for what it is, if you dislike the way it plays (has nothing to do with being uber leer) then you should be able to respec..........let there be a 1 time only respec at level 30, simple.

I played a rogue to level 60 and hated the class in WOW, so I should be able to respec to, lets say a Warrior as a one time deal?


I really don't see them doing this, even if they were going to make it cost real US$.

Edited by RycheMykola
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This thread is still going?


I will repeat my previous statement. Only allow advanced class changes if it follows this criteria....


Revert character back to level 10. Or create a quest that takes literally 1 week at least to complete.


Have fun.

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I played a rogue to level 60 and hated the class in WOW, so I should be able to respec to, lets say a Warrior as a one time deal?


I really don't see them doing this, even if they were going to make it cost real US$.


Not the same thing. In your WoW example you want to change class. The argument here is to change specialization.

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you cant say switching from a paladin to a mage becuz they are ENTIRELY DIFFERENT CLASSES. paladin is a melee class and mage is a ranged class shooting fire balls from 20 ft away. DIFFERENT, Jedi sentinel and gaurdian are pretty much the same. theyre both melee classes and have the same moves basically. so your not switching to an entirely new class. your analogy of paladin to mage is a bad analogy:D


a jedi sentinel and a gaurdian might be similar, but a sage and a shadow are very very different.

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I played a rogue to level 60 and hated the class in WOW, so I should be able to respec to, lets say a Warrior as a one time deal?


I really don't see them doing this, even if they were going to make it cost real US$.


Again you are confusing class with specialization aka spec.


a Juggernaut is not you CLASS it is your SPECIALIZATION


a Rogue is your CLASS Combat is your SPECIALIZATION

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a jedi sentinel and a gaurdian might be similar, but a sage and a shadow are very very different.


So for every argument that it is completely different, there are examples that it is pretty much the same. So kind of a moot point.

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so? what's the problem ..


even if you were level 50 it's still no big deal to start a new toon .. the game has not even been released a month yet.


In a year you will probably have 8 level 50s anyway


Sorry, I don't feel like repeating the same thing I have already seen, it's quite boring, which is why I spacebar the side quests on my alts.

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Again you are confusing class with specialization aka spec.


a Juggernaut is not you CLASS it is your SPECIALIZATION


a Rogue is your CLASS Combat is your SPECIALIZATION




Juggernaut is a subclass


Immortal, Vengeance and rage from the skill tree are specializations


quit twisting definitions around to fit your specific needs to try to win an argument

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But in this game advanced class is a separate "class"...


You can already respec your specialization points any time you want...





No it's not.......an advanced class is a specialization otherwise a Juggernaut would have it's own story and able to be selected as a class on character creation.....here allow me to quote their FAQ again for you.....


In The Old Republic, every character class has its own story, unique companion characters that join and assist the player, and even thrilling space combat and player starships[/Quote]


So where is my sorcerers unique companion and story?

Edited by Gunryu
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Also, why shouldn't you be able to change from say a Sith Juggernaut to a Sith Assassin, they're both sith you know, or change into a bounty hunter, anyone could hunt for bounty couldn't they...and when it comes to that anyone could be an agent for the empire, so why can't you just change class at will, And why can't you defect to the other faction, seems like something people would be doing all the time?


Wake up bioware, jesus.

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Again you are confusing class with specialization aka spec.


a Juggernaut is not you CLASS it is your SPECIALIZATION


a Rogue is your CLASS Combat is your SPECIALIZATION


Again, you are confusing SWTOR with WoW.


A Juggernaught is not your SPECIALIZATION it is your ADVANCED CLASS...with the emphasis being on the word CLASS.



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