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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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To ease the pain some people have while leveling to level 10, Bioware should just change the AC quest into a button at the character creation screen, that way nobody would be confused.


Other than that, I'm quite happy that there is at least one thing in the game that has consequences.

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if 40+ abilities, 4 different skill trees, and 2 entirely different rolls isnt a big difference then whats your idea of a big difference?


Each AC in an archetype does not have 40+ skills different from the other. Where did you dream up that number?


There are not 4 different skill trees between the two ACs. Each AC has only 3 branches to its tree, and only two of those are unique to each AC as the third is shared.


Because of their massive similarities, their roles are not so different that learning the other is any real obstacle.


Have you even played TOR yet?

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No to AC respecs.


Too much FotM jumping about.


Why is no one willing to make choices and stick with them? Re-roll is always an option though.


because we are now facing the new generation of MMO players who want their hands held and their choices reversable at the click of a button. anything else isnt fun and they refuse to allow such things as choice to ruin their gaming experience

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No to AC respecs.


Too much FotM jumping about.


Why is no one willing to make choices and stick with them? Re-roll is always an option though.


FotM is the result of devs not properly designing the classes. It is not the players' fault. A well designed game does not suffer from FotM jumping.

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It also sounds like it may not happen. And since it currently can't happen, I stick to my point.


Possibility by definition simply means it may or may not happen. Its been implied in this thread that BW would NEVER do this. However that is not their stance. Their stance is that it may or may not happen.

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because we are now facing the new generation of MMO players who want their hands held and their choices reversable at the click of a button. anything else isnt fun and they refuse to allow such things as choice to ruin their gaming experience


More ad hominem attacks :rolleyes:

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Each AC in an archetype does not have 40+ skills different from the other. Where did you dream up that number?


There are not 4 different skill trees between the two ACs. Each AC has only 3 branches to its tree, and only two of those are unique to each AC as the third is shared.


Because of their massive similarities, their roles are not so different that learning the other is any real obstacle.


Have you even played TOR yet?

My Assassin and my Sorcerer play *completely* differently. It is not anything near a minor change.


Have you even played TOR yet?

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because we are now facing the new generation of MMO players who want their hands held and their choices reversable at the click of a button. anything else isnt fun and they refuse to allow such things as choice to ruin their gaming experience


We are now facing the new generation of MMO game deveoplers who want to sell garbage to players.

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My Assassin and my Sorcerer play *completely* differently. It is not anything near a minor change.


Have you even played TOR yet?


My Vanguard and my Commando as so similar it's laughable. If I were going to continue paying for this crud, I'd just flip a coin to pick one of them.

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Each AC in an archetype does not have 40+ skills different from the other. Where did you dream up that number?


There are not 4 different skill trees between the two ACs. Each AC has only 3 branches to its tree, and only two of those are unique to each AC as the third is shared.


Because of their massive similarities, their roles are not so different that learning the other is any real obstacle.


Have you even played TOR yet?


there are over 60 abilities between the 2 ACs about 20 are shared meaning the other 40 are different. there are 3 trees for each AC with 1 shared, that makes 2 for each AC different, 2 + 2 = 4. melee dps/tank is much different then ranged dps/heal. just because they can both hit things with a lightsaber or cast lightning doesnt mean there is a "massive similarity"

Edited by LilTikiBoy
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Here's the thing with advanced classes - they're not specs. They're actually separate classes which have the same baseline. The difference between an Assassin and a Sorcerer in TOR is the difference between a Rogue and a Warrior in WoW. The playstyles are incredibly different and you'd pretty much have to learn a new way to play because you just completely changed your character's viable abilities/strategies.


Advanced class changing is a terrible idea.


Actually every spec for every class in any MMO has a different play style than the other, and when Bioware calls AC on their own website Archetypes and specializations.........you are arguing with the people who made the game not only us, not to mention they stated every class has their own story, I don't see a Sith Sorcerer story, I see a Sith Inquisitor story, so are you not only telling Bioware they are wrong but they lie also?

Edited by Gunryu
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Actually every spec for every class in any MMO has a different play style than the other, and when Bioware calls AC on their own website Archetypes and specializations.........you are arguing with the people who made the game not only us.


they have also stated in interviews that those some archtypes and specializations are more like classes in other games, so your argueing with the poeple who made it too.

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WoW is pretty much dead to me and any other gamer with self respect. That game is no longer played by gamers, it's played by pornstars, celebrities and mostly people who don't view themselves as gamers. It's hard for me to even call it a game, I mean Facebook games are games too, sort of. WoW was a game up to WotLK launch, then it became a sort of game. For everyone else, but not the gamers.


It's actually played by some of the best gamers in the world. The competitive end game content of wow is part of the reason wow is still going strong. Also, cataclysm has thus far been way better than wotlk. There are only a couple of games in history that even have world-wide renown for accomplishing anything in them, and wow is one of those games.


You might as well be saying monopoly isn't a board game, football isn't a sport, and the Olympics aren't played by athletes.


Wouldn't you rather have a game with 4 completely unique class stories and 5 skill trees, rather than 8 kind-of-sort-of different classes, with duplicated class stories that are in no way different and will bring you little to no satisfaction doing again?


Since when is giving the player more options (it doesn't remove your option to level an alt) without forcing repeat content a bad thing in an mmo? I hope a lot of the nay-sayers stick around long enough for this to happen. So you can see what a positive effect it has on your game.


Not enough tanks? No problem. Need a healer? Here you go. VS Sorry I'm a marauder/gunslinger.

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Because this game is practically a reskinned version of it? Well plus light/dark side and voice acting.


So...why the ell are you here? Shouldn't you be off playing the obviously much better version of the game?


P.S. Just because Blizz pukes up a stupid idea does not mean that everyone also needs to regurgitate it...

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:hope_02: Prepare for a full scale attack!


:hope_03: Yes my lord. I will end this rebellion once and for all!


:hope_02: See to it....and leave no man ali.....


:csw_jabbapet: Sorry i´m late boss.


:hope_03: .............


:hope_03: Identify yourself!!


:csw_jabbapet: It´s me..Jeff! Just did a respec.


:hope_03: Ffs it´s your forth time this week!


:csw_jabbapet: Yeah.... about that.... Greg cant join the raid....


:hope_03: What?


:csw_jabbapet: Na he rolled republic and went Jedi again....and he´s a lady now.


:hope_02: ..........


:csw_jabbapet: ...........


:csw_jabbapet: ....yeah.... so...you know... but we can always join a PUG!


:hope_02: Guild disbanded......

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