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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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I'm amused that so many on this forum will simultaneously complain about how fast and easy it is to hit the level cap, yet balk at the less than one hour investment it takes to get a reroll back to level ten.


Rerol back to level 10.. and then rerol back to level 50? I'm sorry does the game end at level 10?

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People like the OP are, BTW, a main reason BioWare limits how badly you can screw yourself in your quest/storyline decisions. (Which is bad, because it undermines some of the impact of the story if you know the consequences will be relatively minor.) They know that if they put in anything where you might seriously regret making a decision because you find out it locks you out of this or that aspect of the game, or denies you something, or otherwise has significant effects, they'll be besieged by people complaining they want to be able to do do-overs on every story quest because they "didn't know it would matter" or "I didn't like what happened".


When did the idea that choices have consequences become so foreign to people? If you can't deal with living with a decision in a GAME, what happens when you're asked to decide about things in the real world? ("Hey, it turns out, having kids sucks. I want to respec out of 'parent'. How do I do that, again?")

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And your justification is? What?




It even tells you that 3 times before you choose your class.

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No, a Merc uses two pistols, a PT uses one. But even then lets look.


Sniper uses Sniper rilfe, Op uses Blaster rifle.


Commando uses Assault Cannon, Vanguard uses Blaster rifle.


Seer/Sorcerer uses a single light saber, Shadow/Assassin uses a double bladed light saber.


So based on your logic, I should be able to swap my Operative for a Vanguard since they use the same weapon, or a Seer for a Guardian or Sentinel.


Obviously you are mad about what I said. It wasn't meant to be taken that literally. The point I was trying to make is I don't want to have 2 BHs taking up 2 character slots out of 8 it is just ridiculous. There are 8 classes 8 slots. And I don't want to hear the argument that be a vanguard trooper. I don't want to grind up an alt that is so similar to BHs after I just level one to 50.

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Pretty much, seeing as Bioware stated it is your class SPECIALIZATION.


Yet they call it and advanced class. And even state that the decision of your AC is just as important as your choice at character creation. They have even said each AC is like a full fledged class. I have never seen them state that they are just specializations. Oh and BTW a class itself is a specialization.

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And your justification is? What?


Because it's a primary choice of your character. It's the exact same thing as chosing which race to be, which simple class to pick, which side of the war you're on.


It would remove all incentive to roll the mirror class besides story.


Did you really want a Horde and Ally Warrior?


How many people went Alliance just to play a Paladin.


You wouldn't even have the correct gear for your new class.




Seriously, it's the dumbest idea I've heard on these forums. You choose at level 10. You're whining about rolling a damn alt. Seriously. That's it. You don't want to roll an alt.

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No. no.


The problem is Bio took a slightly different design to their class development.


Each fraction has a total of 8 classes to choose from. Players are confused because Bio chose to give 2 classes in each fractions the same starting path.


They are not the same classes. even though they share a common ancestry, each one is very different in playstyle and skill usage. not polar opposite, but there is no "class" that has both specs that play exactly alike with similar weapons/gear/etc.


It is NOT like a WoW druid changing specs. a WOW druid going from a balance druid to a tank druid is like a Jedi sage going from Telekinetic to Balance. There is an Additional element in character design in SWtOR that was not on WoW class design, you cannot compare them. this is an invalid argument.


I like Bio's design. You cannot go back to WoW and respec your warrior to be a paladin. If you leveled a warrior to 60 and suddenly realized you don't like it you cannot go back and change it to a paladin. Same with advanced classes here.


besides, the point of choice (this is the critical part) isn't at 30 or 40 or 50. its at LEVEL 10. level 10 takes a few hours max to get to. If you decide that you don't like your choice at lvl 20 or 30...that was your time and choice. the classes do not behave much differently at 30 then they do at 10. only a few differences.


take the time to read up on the class in the forums, or for goodness sake...LOOK at the talent trees. it's not too hard to figure out what an AoE skill is vs. a Cone skill VS. a single target attack is going to do to change your class. each advanced class only has a few extra skills to add to their list as they level. the major class mechanical differences are received at LEVEL 10. if you don't like a class at level 10, you probably wont like it at level 20 or 30. Unless you simply took the time to get used to the class. But that is not a design issue. The design is fine.


I like how its set up right now, and I don't think it should change.

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I'm amused that so many on this forum will simultaneously complain about how fast and easy it is to hit the level cap, yet balk at the less than one hour investment it takes to get a reroll back to level ten.


but you arent rerolling back to level 10 you are rerolling back to level 20-30 and for some that can be a few weeks of real time. I dont want to replay the same story just because i want to try the other AC. I just wont try it. especially when i dont have any choice of where to level since you have to follow the same path on your first character.

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Because it's a primary choice of your character. It's the exact same thing as chosing which race to be, which simple class to pick, which side of the war you're on.


It would remove all incentive to roll the mirror class besides story.


Did you really want a Horde and Ally Warrior?


How many people went Alliance just to play a Paladin.


You wouldn't even have the correct gear for your new class.




Seriously, it's the dumbest idea I've heard on these forums. You choose at level 10. You're whining about rolling a damn alt. Seriously. That's it. You don't want to roll an alt.


No, because nobody here is asking to change race (which you can do in WoW btw) or asking to change our overall class, such as Knight to Consular. Get your head outta whatever it's in and use a brain.

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No, because nobody here is asking to change race (which you can do in WoW btw) or asking to change our overall class, such as Knight to Consular. Get your head outta whatever it's in and use a brain.


You're still whining about rolling an alt.


If you can't understand that an AC and a talent spec are completely and totally seperate things you might want to reconsider the insults.

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Yet they call it and advanced class. And even state that the decision of your AC is just as important as your choice at character creation. They have even said each AC is like a full fledged class. I have never seen them state that they are just specializations. Oh and BTW a class itself is a specialization.



Watch that, they state it there, and a class is not a specialization a specialization is what that class excels at.

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What about this is so hard for you to understand?


The bit where two of us posting separately in this thread have already given you EXACT explanations for how it works which came from Mythic's Dark Age of Camelot. The Knight is your base class, the Sentinel is your Advanced Class and your skill tree is your specialisation line.

It's exactly how it worked in DAoC and there wasn't anyone in that game asking to suddenly swap their thane for a skald without expecting they'd have to level it from one to five to get to choose the AC all over again.

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And for those who picked a advanced class they didn't like then what? I would hate to rerole and spend all of that time getting back to the point I was at. For example I chose Assassin think it would be fun, it wasn't. I fully understand how to use it but I hate it so much. But I am a lvl 20 and I don't want to rerole becuase unlike some people I don't have that much time.


Anyway there are no cons to respecing your advanced class so /signed.


What made you think Assassin would be fun only to realize that it's not? The game gave you a lot of information about it before you made your choice.


The con to respecing advanced class is losing the commitment of the choice. It's the same as being able to simply respec all of your dark/light side points regardless of the choices you made.


Leveling to 10 does not take much time. Then beyond that you're already having fun with the new choice you made.


I'm not understanding why it took you an extra 10 levels to figure out that you hated the AC you chose...

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If you can't understand that an AC and a talent spec are completely and totally seperate things you might want to reconsider the insults.


I reported once of his posts for the insults already.


It's quite clear that he knows he can't win the argument with logic or facts, so he's resorting to name calling.

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but you arent rerolling back to level 10 you are rerolling back to level 20-30 and for some that can be a few weeks of real time. I dont want to replay the same story just because i want to try the other AC. I just wont try it. especially when i dont have any choice of where to level since you have to follow the same path on your first character.


Yes, exactly! I'd be happy re-rolling if they gave you other options. Divergent storylines, options for other planets to level on, etc..

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Watch that, they state it there, and a class is not a specialization a specialization is what that class excels at.


And what does the terminology matter at all?


Who cares if they called ACs farfengughens? You still shouldn't be able to switch them.

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The bit where two of us posting separately in this thread have already given you EXACT explanations for how it works which came from Mythic's Dark Age of Camelot. The Knight is your base class, the Sentinel is your Advanced Class and your skill tree is your specialisation line.

It's exactly how it worked in DAoC and there wasn't anyone in that game asking to suddenly swap their thane for a skald without expecting they'd have to level it from one to five to get to choose the AC all over again.


EQ2 also used that same system. Every game with that system has reffered to them as classes. I'm taking it the people that don't get this likely have only played wow and haven't experienced the plethora of games that use this system.

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Yes, exactly! I'd be happy re-rolling if they gave you other options. Divergent storylines, options for other planets to level on, etc..


Rolling an alt in other games didn't do this at all either and people did it all the time just because the classes played as significantly different as ACs do here.

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