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Finding my desire to play waning...


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During early access and for the first couple weeks after launch I was having a blast. It was the midst of winter break and I was playing quite a bit. I got my gunslinger main up to 39, a mercenary to 20, a consular to 22, and just about every other class to 10. I had no complaints, and I don't really have any major complaints now. The game is just very quickly losing its fun factor for me.


Just about the only thing I haven't done is PvP, and that's because I dislike it. I've grouped with real life friends, I've pug'ed, I've done the space combat missions numerous times, I've done the flashpoints... I really want to like this game, but I'm finding I do less and less every day now.


I know a lot of people still love it, and that's great. I envy you.


Can anyone else identify?

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Nope. Loving every second. What really makes the game shine is getting with a great group of friends and tackling the worlds together. Been apart from my guild friends for two years since we left SWG in 2009, now we all finally back and its like old times...only better! :D
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During early access and for the first couple weeks after launch I was having a blast. It was the midst of winter break and I was playing quite a bit. I got my gunslinger main up to 39, a mercenary to 20, a consular to 22, and just about every other class to 10. I had no complaints, and I don't really have any major complaints now. The game is just very quickly losing its fun factor for me.


Just about the only thing I haven't done is PvP, and that's because I dislike it. I've grouped with real life friends, I've pug'ed, I've done the space combat missions numerous times, I've done the flashpoints... I really want to like this game, but I'm finding I do less and less every day now.


I know a lot of people still love it, and that's great. I envy you.


Can anyone else identify?


Not in this game yet, but definitely in other like Rift. It's a bad sign too, as far as what the future of the game holds for ya.

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Sounds like your burning yourself out too fast. Perhaps excessive playing?


Its probably good that I'm back in winter classes now. Can only play for maybe 5hrs a night now if even. Oh well leaves me wanting more.

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Right now it's just personal motivation for me ... when i started on Pre-release i wanted to get to 50 asap so my RL friends and I could hit the ground running when it came time to raid... I made the mistake of leveling a Sorcerer heal spec to 50 in just over 5 days played time, and they are everywhere now. So i'm back on the leveling boat for an operative. Yes the game can get tiresome and boring b/c of the quests, but it helped having a friend to compete with level wise, as well as knowing that every class quest seems to bring my focus back and have fun. It also may be b/c i'm a huge fanboy and my only other option is WoW, which I wont go back to after 5 years of playing haha
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During early access and for the first couple weeks after launch I was having a blast. It was the midst of winter break and I was playing quite a bit. I got my gunslinger main up to 39, a mercenary to 20, a consular to 22, and just about every other class to 10. I had no complaints, and I don't really have any major complaints now. The game is just very quickly losing its fun factor for me.


Just about the only thing I haven't done is PvP, and that's because I dislike it. I've grouped with real life friends, I've pug'ed, I've done the space combat missions numerous times, I've done the flashpoints... I really want to like this game, but I'm finding I do less and less every day now.


I know a lot of people still love it, and that's great. I envy you.


Can anyone else identify?


I get bored every once in a while. Then I come to the forums. :p


I usually find that I just don't feel a "pull" towards playing the game. As soon as I get on, though, I'm immediately drawn in and can't quit playing again.

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The sameness to other MMOs has reared it's head early, I think that's the feeling. It isn't long before you're in the same exact grind you were in WoW and endgame.


Luckily with teh first content patch coming out next week, if BioWare can keep that up every month, then that will balance it out.

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i have leveled a character off since EGA but cant for the life of me start another character. i think its a waste of time. I feel riped of and only got some of what a MMO should be and have never been on the forums of any other MMO more than this one. I think its because im old and know what hard work is and i dont see it here . all i see is alot of guys patting themselfs on the back for a bunch of Voice Acting which could have been used in a single player game. Edited by Hingster
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During early access and for the first couple weeks after launch I was having a blast. It was the midst of winter break and I was playing quite a bit. I got my gunslinger main up to 39, a mercenary to 20, a consular to 22, and just about every other class to 10. I had no complaints, and I don't really have any major complaints now. The game is just very quickly losing its fun factor for me.


Just about the only thing I haven't done is PvP, and that's because I dislike it. I've grouped with real life friends, I've pug'ed, I've done the space combat missions numerous times, I've done the flashpoints... I really want to like this game, but I'm finding I do less and less every day now.


I know a lot of people still love it, and that's great. I envy you.


Can anyone else identify?


Welcome to my world. Except I have lots of minor complaints, and I PvP.


That said, your final sentiments are essentially the same as mine, I really want to like TOR, but as time progressed, I found myself asking whether or not I was enjoying playing an alarming number of times.


Hopefully the game gets fun for you again and you can go back to feeling awesome as you finish up your class stories. For now I have no suggestions.

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Nope. Loving every second. What really makes the game shine is getting with a great group of friends and tackling the worlds together. Been apart from my guild friends for two years since we left SWG in 2009, now we all finally back and its like old times...only better! :D


Grouping is what I enjoy most in the game, and most of my time has been spent in group. I've never solo'd my gunslinger. He's been grouped with my best friend for every quest on every planet. My mercenary was leveled with my best friend and his foster brother, and my sage was leveled with another good friend. Flashpoints are obviously group content. Just about the only thing I've done solo is space combat and that's only because I don't have the option to group.


Sounds like your burning yourself out too fast. Perhaps excessive playing?


I did play quite a bit during winter break, but now that I'm back in class (17 credits with two labs) I don't have much time to play, but I oddly don't have a huge desire to.


I get bored every once in a while. Then I come to the forums. :p


I usually find that I just don't feel a "pull" towards playing the game. As soon as I get on, though, I'm immediately drawn in and can't quit playing again.


The opposite has been happening for me of late. I get a small itch to play, but after about 10 minutes I find myself logging and looking for something else to do.


It got to the point today where I was sitting at my desk thinking, "Class work is well in hand, I suppose I could play some TOR... ooh, or I could get an early start on that bio lab due next week..." I'd say it's bad sign when I'm naturally more excited about a biology lab report than about playing TOR...




I think the people citing similarity to other MMO's as the cause may be correct. Once you get past the voice acting, which I love by the way, it's really just more "kill x creatures," "click x objective point," "deliver x to a far off NPC." I think the voicing was able to mask that fact for me for a while, but I think it's starting to show through.

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Welcome to my world. Except I have lots of minor complaints, and I PvP.


That said, your final sentiments are essentially the same as mine, I really want to like TOR, but as time progressed, I found myself asking whether or not I was enjoying playing an alarming number of times.


Hopefully the game gets fun for you again and you can go back to feeling awesome as you finish up your class stories. For now I have no suggestions.

I think this is the case for the majority of players who are less than thrilled with SWTOR. They followed the game development exceedingly closely, built up their expectations, then played and had their expectations confirmed or disappointed. Then the burnout set in because they lived and breathed SWTOR from the moment of its announcement right up to the last minute they played where they felt they were having fun.


I gave this advice over and over in the GD forum to people who were following the game too closely: Don't. Do other things until the game releases so that you could play it with a relatively neutral outlook. Building up expectations to the point where you go beyond reality will almost never end well.

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I think this is the case for the majority of players who are less than thrilled with SWTOR. They followed the game development exceedingly closely, built up their expectations, then played and had their expectations confirmed or disappointed. Then the burnout set in because they lived and breathed SWTOR from the moment of its announcement right up to the last minute they played where they felt they were having fun.


I gave this advice over and over in the GD forum to people who were following the game too closely: Don't. Do other things until the game releases so that you could play it with a relatively neutral outlook. Building up expectations to the point where you go beyond reality will almost never end well.


I'd say my expectations weren't exceedingly high, and find the fact that I was even disappointed to be somewhat alarming, but that's a thread for another time. It would be one thing if i'd been playing TOR all this time, or taking sneak peeks at the plots or anything like that. But when I'm disappointed with the things I am: the overuse of certain lines of dialogue, the utter lack of some other basic features as well, it just seem the developers weren't going to please me regardless of whether or not I'd followed it. I'd argue that no matter how I followed the game or didn't, my satisfaction with the game would be about the same.

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I think this is the case for the majority of players who are less than thrilled with SWTOR. They followed the game development exceedingly closely, built up their expectations, then played and had their expectations confirmed or disappointed. Then the burnout set in because they lived and breathed SWTOR from the moment of its announcement right up to the last minute they played where they felt they were having fun.


I gave this advice over and over in the GD forum to people who were following the game too closely: Don't. Do other things until the game releases so that you could play it with a relatively neutral outlook. Building up expectations to the point where you go beyond reality will almost never end well.


The thing is, I didn't follow the game at all. I have a vague memory of my best friend, who is more of a gamer than I am, telling me something about it a few years ago. Then he told me a few months ago that he pre-ordered. I like MMO's and Star Wars, so I figure what the hell and pre-ordered in November. I really had no preconceived notions about the game at all. Like I said I loved it at first, but not so much now. Not because of any specific major issue. It feels more intangible, like a combination of small annoyances or things I may not even consciously be aware of.

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