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As underpowered,gimped,and over complicated as this class may be....


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it gets pretty fun :p starting to like the overly complex-ed rotation , more awarding i guess then spamming tracer missile :p


I don't get it. Hundreds of videos of BH killing people in 5gcd's by pressing 2 buttons.


How is Sentinel more awarding(did you mean rewarding?) in any way?

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I don't think any BH can kill me on on one, i obliterate most of them without losing 20% hp and by most i mean even level 50 geared ones, really skilled ones might be a bit more difficult but honestly our class has all the tools to beat them one on one, and to be a strong glass in general... It's just significantly harder to play our class... We can't bind tracer missles to spacebar and slam our forehead on our keyboard to get 300k damage per warzone, but we can do very well if not better than mercenaries/commandos in a lot of situations.
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I don't think any BH can kill me on on one, i obliterate most of them without losing 20% hp and by most i mean even level 50 geared ones, really skilled ones might be a bit more difficult but honestly our class has all the tools to beat them one on one, and to be a strong glass in general... It's just significantly harder to play our class... We can't bind tracer missles to spacebar and slam our forehead on our keyboard to get 300k damage per warzone, but we can do very well if not better than mercenaries/commandos in a lot of situations.


I really want to see a video of this happening now.

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The BHs on your server must be bad...BHs are stupid OP they just spam tracer and profit..Hard to kill that.


They aren't bad... I'm on one of the more competitive pvp servers in this game, and they aren't hard to beat. They put up great numbers and will tear you apart from range, but in a one on one situation I honestly think we have a significant advantage on them. Yeah, they're going to hit you for crazy numbers when you're in the middle of huttball and they're pounding you from the upper ramps, but if you can get on him without interference from his teammates you're in a pretty good position. Interrupts on tracer missile really hurts them.

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I would make one but my computer lags enough without fraps... Tried running it a few days ago and it's painful + difficult for me to play with and would be terrible to watch anyway.


oh I didn't mean the PVP, I meant the bounty hunter player, killing people by bashing his face on the keyboard.


I have seen a bunch of vids of sent's doing just fine in PVP. We have the tools to win fights, and the damage as well. I think I went the hard road by playing combat all the way through the "bad" levels. I wish I had gone Focus till 35. Watchmen is good, but non-ranged DoTs are annoying to keep up for consistently high damage with all the knockbacks and stuns :-/. Maybe I'm just bad, but Combat seems very close in power, and "stickier" which I like.

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I don't think any BH can kill me on on one, i obliterate most of them without losing 20% hp and by most i mean even level 50 geared ones, really skilled ones might be a bit more difficult but honestly our class has all the tools to beat them one on one, and to be a strong glass in general... It's just significantly harder to play our class... We can't bind tracer missles to spacebar and slam our forehead on our keyboard to get 300k damage per warzone, but we can do very well if not better than mercenaries/commandos in a lot of situations.


Be that as it may, even if that is true, PvP isn't the only issue. Try soloing as a Bounty Hunter, and then as a Sentinal... the difference is just sad. My bounty hunter can AoE down an entire pack in less time then it takes my sentinal to kill the first enemy, and does so with much less skill needed and with much less recovery downtime.

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To be honest, if you lose against ANYBODY in pvp (except a marauder or sentinel in a duel)



1. I've never lost a duel (both against republic and against sith while win trading in Ilum)


2. We may not be a faceroll class but the best 1v1 in the game atm.


3. Refer to number 1 and 2.

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Really, any class that can heal is a bit of a problem, as you won't kill them if they just focus on healing. Now, they won't kill you either, but can still poke you and prevent you from capping anything.


Interrupts on Tracer missle isn't a great solution. Assuming it works as intended, and PvP lag is always a factor, it doesn't really shut them down. They can tracer more often than you can interrupt, and can knock you back to get space to get a damage a lead on you, while not suffering any real disadvantage after catching up.


Tank defense isn't really that much better than anything elses if the people are smart enough not to use attacks that actually go through mitigation. Most attacks just pass through everything but armor.

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I'm level 50 and I'm definitely undergeared. However I win 9/10 fights 1on1. I rarely lose. If I do it's my own fault for not pressing something, or force leaping in.

Watchman spec has slight heal. I love pinning an enemy down in a solo fight and ripping them to shreds. As much as I'd like this class to have something done to it, to make it a bit stronger... I really like being the underdog. We can get pwned whenever we're in a group of people, but if we weed an enemy out.. No mercy! Sents are devastating when used effectively (especially with a healer). Trust!!

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oh I didn't mean the PVP, I meant the bounty hunter player, killing people by bashing his face on the keyboard.


I have seen a bunch of vids of sent's doing just fine in PVP. We have the tools to win fights, and the damage as well. I think I went the hard road by playing combat all the way through the "bad" levels. I wish I had gone Focus till 35. Watchmen is good, but non-ranged DoTs are annoying to keep up for consistently high damage with all the knockbacks and stuns :-/. Maybe I'm just bad, but Combat seems very close in power, and "stickier" which I like.


dont know how you play so i cant judge if bad or not, but your theory is correct, every class but ours has 1 to multiple knockbacks, playing a melee is very... pingpongish, even thens its not a problem, the problem is when inquis and sniper spec so their knockbacks add a 6-8 sec root, now THAT is op.

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yes 1v1 we do great, but the fact of the matter is pvp is hardly ever about 1v1.. By the time we kill someone the have already had a healer, or range, or op come in to beat the living **** at of you.. I hardly EVER get to 1v1 on my sentinel. Reason why other melee classes still excel is because either they kill faster as hell, or have the defenses or cc to prevent other characters from allowing them to finish their work .. Sentinel doesn't. Most battles that I have ever seen a sentinel do well (( yes even 50s )) Is if he A. Has really good heals to support him B. The team is literally trash C. all the other team members are under 50 . On every other occasion when the teams where evenly matched, or we were at a disadvantage.. I just keep visiting the graveyard over and over, and I see the level 50 sentinel sitting right next to me . Alone in pvp they are at a disvantage to say the least while most classes can still do semi well even if their entire team sucks .
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