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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Reason for Orbital Stations?


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The following is pure curiosity, not a gripe ...


What purpose do the orbital stations serve, in terms of game design? Why do they have us go to, say, the Balmorra orbital station, and then down to the surface, rather than just flying to the surface directly? It reminds me of the walls directly inside the entrances to large buildings, which (I assume) prevent the game from having to render the inside of the building to passers-by, but it doesn't seem to serve the same purpose. And it doesn't seem to offer much in terms of story or gameplay, which is why I get the feeling it's a clever cover for some technical issue. I just don't know what that might be.


Anyone know?

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Heh, I was just talking with friends last night about this same thing. I didn't mind at first but after a few weeks now it gets annoying...click a door, loading screen, only to now be in an empty hallway that you must run 50 yds down to click another door, that then takes you to the orbital station just so you have to run 100yds to another door to click for another loading screen...


gets annoying. Our theory was its just for the immersion, that feeling that you are really TRAVELING somewhere.


At this point I would rather click one door, load into my ship, fly to destination, click exit door and be on the planets surface. ( I dont care if I see my ship there or not, no RP here:D)

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Orbital stations remove the lack of spaceports on some planets and overall can add a bit of realism. I just hope they eventually throw some content in them.


There is content in them... it just depends on your class story. I'm sure more will be added as well.

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My hought was maybe it was part of the server load distribution for some of the heavier traffic planets (pure speculation here).


The easy out explanation/idea makes sense tho...they didn't want to make spaceports on every planet and it adds a little variety to boot, though I to am getting sick of the 100yd dash inside of them.

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Because they thought just ONE more time sink would draw us deeper into the "immersion"


As if travel in general wasn't horribly drawn out already :rolleyes:


Complaints like that made space travel instantaneous in the beta... :mad:

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