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Illum - Patch changes won't stop people from cooperating


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You know what else would stop you from doing this?


Banning your account. Since you've now annoucned that you do it, I very much hope this thread has been forwarded to the ban department so they can be ready to dish them out.


Playing badly isn't a bannable offense. If it was you wouldn't have permission to post on the forums.

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You know what else would stop you from doing this?


Banning your account. Since you've now annoucned that you do it, I very much hope this thread has been forwarded to the ban department so they can be ready to dish them out.


Banning the account? What are you talking about? Show me were in the UA it states that not killing each other is bannable or for that matter killing each other. How's the player's fault that the design of Ilum is so horrible that doing any actual killing can effectively stop you from completing your own quest objectives? Give an intelligent answer on this and solution and you may have your argument, otherwise foot in mouth is in order here.

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You have no idea what you're talking about.


My comment was about the tendency (more like inevitability) of industries to collude because it is more efficient to cooperate than to compete. Capitalism is, ideologically, about competition. However, if you look at nearly every industry, including this one (Computer Entertainment), there is collusion among companies, either implicitly or explicitly (that is, at face, or behind the scenes). This is often done to enforce prices and to reduce competition. After all, the goal of any company in any market is to be the sole provider of a service - to monopolize. Once you've monopolized an industry, you control the services, the products, and the profit margins. Some industries are de-facto monopolies because of collusion. And, of course, there are various levels of monopolization. It isn't a process that occurs overnight, but often starts with collusion.


Why else do you think all "AAA"-rated titles cost the same regardless of production costs? A **** game releases at the same $60 as every other game. If there was any real competition, there would be a variance in pricing. But no, you spend the same on every major title every time you purchase one, whether it's SC2 or SWTOR. I don't expect the average person to actually understand when they're getting swindled, though.

If that is really the idea you drew from Illum, you must looks for places where capitalism has "hurt" humanity somehow.


your mini diatribe sounds like a common talking point ridden speech we hear so often by those who have never produced anything of value, yet they pretend to have been always servants for our common welfare. No thanks I will stick with my individuality and choice provided by capitalism.


I will be more than happy to debate you in a proper forum, and not continue to derail the OPs thread.

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Ilum is a joke. I had to wait one hour today for 1 imperial to show up. Do you honestly believe i will waste time trying to kill the guy, get my 1 cap (out of 5 or 15 if doing weekly), wait for him to respawn, fly back, move to resource node and rinse repeat?!




Until population issues are resolved I will not waste more time on Ilum than is necessary for the pvp dailies.


The end.


Cheap design is cheap.



Edit: considering win trading. Your point? If you dont want to swap objectives dont... and just attack the other people?

Edited by raduph
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And this is also a perfect example of why Free Market Capitalism, based on "perfect competition", always fails. It's simply more efficient to cooperate.


So your saying the free market promotes peace and teamwork? And that's a bad thing? The system sounds like it is working for those who are implementing it. Also it's not a free market if their are moderators controlling it.

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So your saying the free market promotes peace and teamwork? And that's a bad thing? The system sounds like it is working for those who are implementing it. Also it's not a free market if their are moderators controlling it.


necro thread. It's invalid anyways as come 1.2 Ilum is no more.

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