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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Would you switch factions if you could?


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I would 100% switch to Republic if this were available. I'm certain that a majority of my guild would switch as well. What's holding back a few of my guildmates is the fact that each class isn't an exact mirror of the same class of the opposing faction. If Bioware actually made each class an exact mirror, nearly all of my guild would switch.
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I don't have the numbers in front of me but I really don't think I lose 8/9 matches anymore. Maybe when I was lvl 20 or something.


I really don't see the appeal of the sith/empire/dark side tbh. I never have. For any game.

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Probably not, no. Not unless they made a LOT of changes to the Republic.


Quite frankly, I want to ENJOY the look and feel of the class that I'm playing, and I have to like the story. Republic failed on all fronts.


Take Sorcerer vs Sage. One shoots lightning, the other throws pebbles? Helloooo?! Jedi in brown robes vs cool Sith armors and masks? A friggin' Bounty Hunter with a friggin' jetpack and friggin' laser beam attached to his friggin' glove? Yeah, OK, the Trooper is also pretty impressive, but it's not quite the same.


The story on the Republic side was so full of saccharine morality and so little-goodie-two-shoes it made my skin crawl. Companions were largely lackluster (mostly human, compare to BH companions - Gault, Blizz, etc!) at least for me. It just seemed...I don't know...infantile, in a Treasure Island kind of way.

Edited by Sabbathius
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Republic win a vast majority of the warzones on my faction (we must be kidna balanced cause i dont get Huttball half the time)


Id change in a heart beat so i could stop playing against the god damn republic premades all day long.

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Would you switch factions if you could?


If we could have switched factions on release day without causing our guild peoples problems (reroll effort, etc), then yes we would have. Some folks just don't have that kind of time to invest.



On the other hand, the Marauder Force Scream sounds beastly awesome.



Also, I do have some Republic toons, but don't get around to them much because it takes 15 Warzone wins to count for my "3 wins" daily.

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I'm just curious how many players would switch factions (while retaining their characters) if this service was available. My guild was talking about it yesterday and said that if faction switching was available just about all of us would want to go Republic.


No. I would not.


The game has only been out for a month, everything I've accomplished could easily be accomplished again in very little time. If I desired to be on the other faction (or both, which I currently am) I would just re-roll.

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Since this is star wars, it is so much harder to do this. People invested in the lore do not and probably will not roll republic if its not their thing. I would personally do it because I'm more interested in game balance than looking cooler. Game balance destroys all mmos if it cant be figured out.


No Way BW is letting anyone do this unless they are losing significant money. Way too much invested in the story to let people just completely bypass them to switch sides.

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Spoken like a true little kid.


Did I hurt your feelings with truth? Sorry.


I mean....hand a room full of kids a star wars game. You think think once the character select screen pops up they are picking any Jedi character over some dark broody emo character with a red saber shooting lightning and force choking people? Nope. That's how kids are. That's why empire attracts more of the younger, immature gamers than Republic.


It's not trolling, it's spending a lifetime gaming and seeing the same trends in every game.

Edited by Vlaid
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Did I hurt your feelings with truth? Sorry.


I'd hardly call the statement "all imperial players are little kids" truth. Even if this happened to be the case there are no metrics measuring peoples exact age. If what you mean is that everyone that plays Imperial acts like a little kid, this too is impossible to prove.

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