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Why do SWToR shadows look so bad and impact performance so much?


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My shadows look amazing. I don't know what you have for a system but in that screen you linked they look horrible.


Yea, I wonder who helped you build such a good computer.




@OP, as an educated Game Developer (not practicing one), I can tell you that shadows are very expensive to "compute".


There are a vast multitude of styles of shadows, the cheapest/easiest being ones that don't move; are static and usually come from inanimate objects and stationary light sources.


Once objects move, shadows change, things need to get re-computed / rendered.


When it all comes down to it, in my personal opinion, shadows is one of the most impacting graphical features one can add to a game. This isn't necessarily true, I'm not going to back it up, but most computers will gain more performance by disabling shadows altogether, than any other tweak in the settings. (Unless you're running some like 16x pass aliasing)


I personally have a few rules of thumb based on setting graphical settings in games I play:


When my skill or performance is in consideration, shadows are off completely.

VSync is always off, unless tearing _really_ is an issue.




Now addressing specifically you're issue. I don't fully trust shadows are fully implemented yet, as anti-aliasing isn't in as well, but it likely will get better/smoother in time. Make sure your drivers are up too date, a lot of good info is in this thread to help as well, but as long as you can get past using shadows, you'll be fine.

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Shadows, the most important thing in this game. Pro-tip: Turn them off as you will not be missing much.


If we only discussed the most important thing in this game, we'd be a forum of one thread.


Shadows are actually a big deal to me, both visually and because of the impact they can have on performance. I dislike playing with shadows off as I feel characters look like they're floating without them. It just looks unnatural not to have shadowing beneath an object (go figure).

Edited by Apax
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Yea, I wonder who helped you build such a good computer.




@OP, as an educated Game Developer (not practicing one), I can tell you that shadows are very expensive to "compute".


There are a vast multitude of styles of shadows, the cheapest/easiest being ones that don't move; are static and usually come from inanimate objects and stationary light sources.


Once objects move, shadows change, things need to get re-computed / rendered.


When it all comes down to it, in my personal opinion, shadows is one of the most impacting graphical features one can add to a game. This isn't necessarily true, I'm not going to back it up, but most computers will gain more performance by disabling shadows altogether, than any other tweak in the settings. (Unless you're running some like 16x pass aliasing)


I personally have a few rules of thumb based on setting graphical settings in games I play:


When my skill or performance is in consideration, shadows are off completely.

VSync is always off, unless tearing _really_ is an issue.




Now addressing specifically you're issue. I don't fully trust shadows are fully implemented yet, as anti-aliasing isn't in as well, but it likely will get better/smoother in time. Make sure your drivers are up too date, a lot of good info is in this thread to help as well, but as long as you can get past using shadows, you'll be fine.


Shadows are generally up there as far as performance hogs go, but nowhere near as large of an impact as they used to make. These days, turning shadows on can cost you a few frames per second, and that's perfectly normal. However, in SWToR they seem to have a much larger impact on performance than just a few frames, and on top of that they don't even look very good to boot. That's just a bad combination. I would be more understanding of the current performance impact if these were just stellar shadowing effects, but they're just years behind what other MMOs are doing in addition to performing so much worse.

Edited by Apax
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Shadows in beta looked better.


Also, shadows are rendered differently indoors and outdoors.


You can check for yourself by stepping in and out of a building and noticing how your well-defined shadow indoors turns into a jagged and blurry shadow outdoors.


Yep, noticed it too. I have a suspicion it's related to the filters they're using for lighting, particularly the yellow filters, such as is used for the sun and many indoor areas.


The shadows are smooth under lights with a white or bluish filter,such as spaceports and certain areas.

Edited by Zorvan
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Uhm, so is the Unreal engine... Isn't it basically FREE? Man, by your logic, it must suck worse than the Hero engine!


Only free to use until you want to make and release a commercial game with Unreal, then you're going to pay a hefty ( I believe it was around $500k last time I looked, been a bit ) license fee. Heroengine doesn't even let you use the whole engine with their "free" version.

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the second picture shows the problem its very pixelated, btw this is is how my shadows look on tatoine in closeup: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/192/swtor2012011410175339.jpg/

Edited by Myshella
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My shadows look silky smooth. I don't know how you can have those with everything maxed.


And I'm not forcing AA or anything.


I have a hard time believing this, and I get called a fanboy constantly.


There are two kinds of shadows in the game: The lighter ones that are pretty much OK, and the darker ones that just suck. For an example of sucky shadows... well, just stand under a tree. Trust me, you'll see it.


No amount of forcing AA or tweaking graphic setting will fix them. They're blocky and ugly and the best you can do to make them better is shut them off.


I find a lot of complaints on these forums to be overblown, exaggeration or pointless, but this one's definitely legitimate. The darker shadows are just awful.

Edited by imtrick
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People that thing the shadows look great in this game obviously have recently upgraded from an N64 and have never seen what variable intensity shadows are supposed to look like. In SWTOR... regardless if you have AA turned on or not... are rendered in 1 shade of 1 color.


You even cast the same exact shadow intensity on Dromund Kaas (a cloudy planet) as you do on Tattoine.


I've said it before... this game is 7 years behind the power curve technologically. It was old before it ever went into closed Beta and it's even older now. The reason why it looks so bad is because its old and this engine lacks the capabilities.


Remember: If anyone says this game looks amazing or that there's nothing wrong... they just have no concept of how good computer gaming has come in the past decade (they've likely been playing WoW like the OP).


Here's an MMO to compare SWTOR to. Notice the difference?


RIFT's Shadows


Rift not only looks better but has better performance.


1920x1200, AAx16 AFx16 all to the maximum, 40-45 fps average.




1920x1200 AAx4 forced, AF - no idea, all decently high, shadows OFF, ~40 fps average with lower setting worse grapics etc.

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I don't know what to tell you. My Sager with a 6990 runs everything on high fine. I don't get up to 200 fps, but I don't drop to 20 , either.


I remember reading on the Faeblight forums that you quit TOR, so none of this should really matter.


6990 should eat it, digest and **** out, 6990 should be a total overkill for SWTOR, this game is supposed to run on older PCs.



Just wait and see how performance wise GW2 will run. I bet i will run it on my work laptop better than i can SWTOR

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We're all playing the same game here.


We all know the shadows look bad, especially for the performance hit we take in displaying them. That goes for the devs, too.


Don't you think other bugs/features are more important than shadows right now?

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High Quality shadows look like crap in the majority of mmorpg's, and also have performance impacts.


Even Rift HQ shadows are crap when you move around, they tend to make some annoying flickering on edges in the landscape.


I still don't have the issue the person is referring to


Character shadows are not softening out, to hard edges, and no AA. ;)

Edited by Mineria
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I feel it has the same shadow trouble as Skyrim. From far away the shadows look decent but the closer you get the crappier they become.


There were some ini tweaks in Skyrim where you basically sacrificed the distance at which shadows appeared for close up quality. Haven't kept up with it though, so no idea if the shadows there have gotten better in patches.

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