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i agree 1 skill class oh and they heal themselfs as well

this skill needs a nerf, damage is to much and i wouldnt mind that if they couldnt heal themselfs.


Heavy armor, range, heal, 1 skill that does 12 things at once. Sounds legit to me.

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i agree 1 skill class oh and they heal themselfs as well

this skill needs a nerf, damage is to much and i wouldnt mind that if they couldnt heal themselfs.


the damage is good but absolutely not over the top,there are classes outthere that can do double of the damage of tracer instantly,our heals if we are not bodyguard are pathetic,have you heard of something called interrupt?Why dont you start to using it?


mercs are the worst 1v1 class out there and if you stay on LOS without interrupting someone that is shooting missiles at you,you DESERVE to die.

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the damage is good but absolutely not over the top,there are classes outthere that can do double of the damage of tracer instantly,our heals if we are not bodyguard are pathetic,have you heard of something called interrupt?Why dont you start to using it?


mercs are the worst 1v1 class out there and if you stay on LOS without interrupting someone that is shooting missiles at you,you DESERVE to die.




I started to ignore complete warzones just to laugh at merc's that stand there and can't do **** cause I interrupt them all day long. The point is. THERE ARE LIKE FIVE OF THEM.

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Heh spamming tracer and only tracer is bad. Kinda like inquisitors spamming only lightning.. but worse.


And we can't really heal all that well with the 30% less healing in pvp unless we spec into healing. But sure, nerf the 31/31/31 spec. =)

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Heh spamming tracer and only tracer is bad. Kinda like inquisitors spamming only lightning.. but worse.


And we can't really heal all that well with the 30% less healing in pvp unless we spec into healing. But sure, nerf the 31/31/31 spec. =)


Almost all of the sorcerer's skills look like lightning, (force lightning, shock, lightning strike, force storm, chain lightning) and only one of which is spammable (which, honestly, only a horrible sorcerer would do). I have seen a guildie crit for 7k on a tracer missile on a boss.. that kind of damage paired with self heals and heavy armor is overkill.

Edited by Thurinlore
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Almost all of the sorcerer's skills look like lightning, (force lightning, shock, lightning strike, force storm) and only one of which is spammable (which, honestly, only a horrible sorcerer would do). I have seen a guildie crit for 7k on a tracer missile on a boss.. that kind of damage paired with self heals and heavy armor is overkill.



Ya as opposed to say the Operative that hit a player for 10k, that 7k on a boss is looking pretty effing OP.


Look I hit you for like than 1/2 of 1% of your life while the Operative hit you for over 98% of your life.

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Wish people would stop spreading the fallacy that Tracer crits for that high. 2500-3k crits. Maybe a tad higher with relics and stims going. For the most part, if you see it spammed you're most likely seeing it used 3 times in a row to get our heat signatures and tracer locks up and to wait for barrage to proc. Heatseeker is the ability that hits hardest for the most part with Unload right behind and oftentimes surpassing it with a lucky string of crits. Quit faulting people for operating within their spec parameters.
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Please stop feeding the trolls. They're like stray cats. If you feed em they tell their friends. The next thing you know you've got a heard of cats in your yard making kittens.


Feed the trolls and more posts show up, more people 'arguing' about it just makes more posts which makes the problem seem like a bigger deal than it is which eventually makes the devs reach out and touch something which usually leads to an unwarranted nerf.


If you play a merc with any skill at all you know that spamming tracer missile doesn't happen, even fully specced if you spam tracer missle and only tracer missle at 50 you've essentially cut your potential DPS down by 20-30% due to heat issues eventually, not utilizing other abilities or talents properly, and ineffecient use of the GCD. The trolls don't know that and if they post you should just ignore it.


tracer spam is something that people 'think' happens because as soon as you get the ability that's sort of what you do. In PVE questing when grinding out mobs, after you AE down the weaks you tend to just spam tracer on the strong/elite because theres not a more heat to damage effecient ability. People see this because they level up around mercs or play them in wz's when they're at lower levels.


Tracer spam isn't something we do because it's op, it's something we do because the rest of our skills suck without talents to support them that come much later in life.



My sniper opened with ambush then spammed snipe for a while until he got other abilities and worked into a rotation. They get a more dynamic rotation early on whereas mercs have pretty much no rotation early on. We have one ability that does our debuff and damage and theres not much point in hitting another one for a while. The ability isn't OP, it's just annoying that we don't have enough dynamic abilities to play that our rotation ends up beinbg tracer x5 (until a talent) then maybe a railshot or unload just to spice things up.


Almost every other class has a series of abilities that sort of chain off each other or strengthen each other to the point that each of their abilities get better and a priority list shows up. Our abilities are mostly lack luster until DEEP into a tree.


If anything TM doens't need a nerf, it needs a buff and a cooldown so we have a reason to run other abilities and have some dynamic to our play.


Also, something most people don't recognize is that almost every other ability on our bar has a multiple second cooldown meaning we 'cant' spam anything else. It's our primary resource attack and I can tell ya with proper stats it's no different than snipe on a sniper.



Stop responding to these posts, let them stay unanswered and just fall off the page. If some one posts multiple times with the exact same topic, don't reply, report it as spam.


Don't feed the trolls

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I started to ignore complete warzones just to laugh at merc's that stand there and can't do **** cause I interrupt them all day long. The point is. THERE ARE LIKE FIVE OF THEM.


If they only bound Tracer then yeah. If not, you would eat power shots while tracer is on cd, while tracer is nice for procs and stuff, is not 100% mandatory to do great dmg. We have 35% armor pen passive, which affects all our attacks. And you sure can fire some tracers in a stun / knockback etc.

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