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Snipers the most useless class in PvP?


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we do the same damage as all the other classes, but we don't have any heals, and we don't have any decent CC (just flashbang, but that breaks on damage)


I constantly see consulars, troopers and scoundrels outdpsing me in PVP, and doing 50k~ healing also... so they get like 3-4 more medals than I do simply because they have access to healing abilities


which makes me think "why the hell would anyone wanna play a sniper?" ... troope/bounty hunters do the same damage as us, but they also have that annoying shield AND heals too... plus it looks pretty easy to play -_- GRAV ROUND GRAV ROUND GRAV ROUND GRAV ROUND MEDICAL DROID /LOL /DANCE


urgh.. time to reroll i think

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we do the same damage as all the other classes, but we don't have any heals, and we don't have any decent CC (just flashbang, but that breaks on damage)


I constantly see consulars, troopers and scoundrels outdpsing me in PVP, and doing 50k~ healing also... so they get like 3-4 more medals than I do simply because they have access to healing abilities


which makes me think "why the hell would anyone wanna play a sniper?" ... troope/bounty hunters do the same damage as us, but they also have that annoying shield AND heals too... plus it looks pretty easy to play -_- GRAV ROUND GRAV ROUND GRAV ROUND GRAV ROUND MEDICAL DROID /LOL /DANCE


urgh.. time to reroll i think


snipers are actualy pretty balanced they are squishy but they can dish out some serious damage.

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snipers are actualy pretty balanced they are squishy but they can dish out some serious damage.




This is BS. I have a 50 Sorc and a 50 Sniper on Hylian Way.



Snipers are poor in every way. A number of classes can do more sustained DPS, a couple of classes can do more burst DPS - those classes also get MUCH more survivability, significant healing and utility.


I'd go as far as to suggest Snipers are a liability in PvP.

Edited by Darhany
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I'm having the complete opposite experience as a Gunslinger. Unless my team is being steamrolled by the sorcerer bandwagon, I'm generally in top 3 with damage and getting 6-7 medals. You can NOT play like other classes so don't try. You have to find the high ground, you have to exploit LOS, and you have to utilize your teammates as...well...decoys.


And no decent CC? At any given moment I can flashbang or legshot at range, pulse detonator and dirty kick at melee distance. With talents you can make all of those more powerful if you feel like they aren't doing enough for you. Add on to that defense screen, hunker down, scrambling field and dodge...there are a ton of options for you. You have to be able to use all your abilities and it takes time to get comfortable with the thirty-odd hotkeys you'll need to do it correctly, but it is extremely rewarding once you get the hang of it.


Maybe try a different spec? I stick with sharpshooter/markmanship even in PvP, but a lot of people feel more comfortable running Engineering/Saboteur because of the added utility and defense abilites. Shock charge/interrogation probe can be a beast in PvP when talented correctly. I just didn't like relying on a bunch of cooldown abilities to do the brunt of my damage. Dirty fighting/Lethality gives you some crazy mobility that will surprise most people you're going up against. Just try experimenting. If you get the hang of it, I promise the opposing force will haaaaate you. I can't count how many times I've found myself public enemy #1 after a few minutes in a warzone.


TL;DR - Whatchoo talkin' bout?

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Here's the thing, Snipers can't be interrupted in cover.


Snipers/Gunslingers are the most balanced class in the game. the only thing that needs fixing is cover and ability lag.




Snipers CAN be interrupted in cover unless they have their 20 sec up 1 minute down ability entrench up.



I'm having the complete opposite experience as a Gunslinger. Unless my team is being steamrolled by the sorcerer bandwagon, I'm generally in top 3 with damage and getting 6-7 medals. You can NOT play like other classes so don't try. You have to find the high ground, you have to exploit LOS


TL;DR - Whatchoo talkin' bout?



You're the one who doesn't know what he is talking about. Gunslinger does not equal Sniper.


For example, it's much harder for Sniper to exploit LoS than Gunslinger because a lot of our damaging abilities are on long cast times, while classes with short and instant cast times can run circles doing LoS tricks.

Edited by Darhany
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I think they are fun, capable and well balanced, just very very clunky. Everything is fairly clunky in this game as far as pvp goes, but Snipers take it to a whole new level with the cover mechanics. I'm a big fan of mobility in pvp :)


If there were rated wz's right now, I'm not sure there would be a spot for snipers currently in the most exceptional teams. That might be down to my own inexperience with the classes abilities, and also not having met one opposing me who is capable or competent either.

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You're the one who doesn't know what he is talking about. Gunslinger does not equal Sniper.


For example, it's much harder for Sniper to exploit LoS than Gunslinger because a lot of our damaging abilities are on long cast times, while classes with short and instant cast times can run circles doing LoS tricks.


Wat. The abilities are identical except in two places which actually favor Sniper (dirty kick forces you to stand still while the Sniper equivalent doesn't and our flash grenade has 30 sec longer cooldown). Now you're just making **** up.

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Snipers CAN be interrupted in cover unless they have their 20 sec up 1 minute down ability entrench up.






You're the one who doesn't know what he is talking about. Gunslinger does not equal Sniper.


For example, it's much harder for Sniper to exploit LoS than Gunslinger because a lot of our damaging abilities are on long cast times, while classes with short and instant cast times can run circles doing LoS tricks.


I didn't think you'd be so anal about that. Yes you can be CCed without Entench up but that actually fills your resolve bar, interrupts don't and whilst potentially serving an interrupt feature that isn't their primary design. Also take into account that most CC's make you actually leave cover ;)


You also know that Snipers + Gunslingers have the exact same abilites (animation and Flash Grenade withstanding) so I'm stuggling to see how it's harder for a Sniper to cast before someone enters LoS than a Gunslinger.

Edited by Beelzebubs
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I don't feel useless on my gunslinger. But again, after watching some melee PVP movies or general commando/sage/sorc/bh performance I feel like I'm missing something important.


Making leg shot NOT break after 2 seconds would go a looong way to make the class balanced perfectly(since it clearly have obvious counters as well as is decent in killing softies).

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As a gunslinger ive only really got 3 problems:


1: Getting back into cover to push back a op is a ***** in a half seems to take forever for Luthir to get down then i hit pushback and by that time im about 22% health and droping fast...(Yes go ahead and tell me how you can fight off 3 ops and a sorc all by yourself while smoking a cig):D


2: Warzones and Ilum need more chest high walls....not enough for my liking


3: The delay for cover is way...way...way to long

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which makes me think "why the hell would anyone wanna play a sniper?" ... troope/bounty hunters do the same damage as us, but they also have that annoying shield AND heals too... plus it looks pretty easy to play -_- GRAV ROUND GRAV ROUND GRAV ROUND GRAV ROUND MEDICAL DROID /LOL /DANCE


The only reason you see Grav Round so much is that it's one of two abilities we have that are channeled. Believe me, we're hitting you with a bunch of instant casts as well. ;)

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Nope, snipers are kind of awful, they depend too much on cover and long casts. And OP you are wrong, as far as DPS goes you are beneath the rest of the classes because they don't rely so much on long casts. Frankly as a tank Jug I outdamage snipers in most warzones.


Real bad kite abilites, imo, and low survivability. Yeah, if that's balanced, take a look at the rest of PVP.

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I've been out-damaged + out-killed in full-length Warzones maybe 3-4 times in the past week. Once was by a Sniper.


Snipers are also the most tedious class to kill because of their cover and CC capabilities.


Snipers are exceptionally vulnerable to Ops/Scrappers though, and Assassins, which are all FOTM.


So, Snipers are fine in general but slightly weak in the current "metagame".

Edited by EasymodeX
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I didn't think you'd be so anal about that. Yes you can be CCed without Entench up but that actually fills your resolve bar, interrupts don't and whilst potentially serving an interrupt feature that isn't their primary design. Also take into account that most CC's make you actually leave cover ;)





You should read up on how resolve works.






We are so squishy that by the time resolve does anything for us we have about 0.5 of a second to live.




Please feel free to expand on your statement and discuss on how useful you've found resolve as a Sniper. No ? I thought not. Resolve does two things for us - jack and ****.




It's not anal to point out your statement was flat out wrong. You said Snipers can't be interrupted. Pretty dumb thing to say.

Edited by Darhany
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As a gunslinger ive only really got 3 problems:


1: Getting back into cover to push back a op is a ***** in a half seems to take forever for Luthir to get down then i hit pushback and by that time im about 22% health and droping fast...(Yes go ahead and tell me how you can fight off 3 ops and a sorc all by yourself while smoking a cig):D


2: Warzones and Ilum need more chest high walls....not enough for my liking


3: The delay for cover is way...way...way to long


Ops/Scoundrels are definitely a pain in the butt, but then I think they're designed to be a hard counter to a class like ours. If they catch you unaware, all things being equal, they should win. However, their stealth is not perfect (I see them coming half the time) and if they can't down you after that initial volley, you can definitely turn the tide. But no, I'm not going to pretend my *** hasn't been handed to me several times by Ops.


Until all the bugginess of cover is fixed, I rarely bother with physical cover right now. I reset my middle mouse button to activate portable cover rather than roll to cover. If it's nearbye, I still have shift + middle mouse button for that, but I always found that dropping to cover immediately to get shots off is superior to trying frantically to find physical cover. At least until Bioware does something about cover.


If cover bothers you that much, you practically don't need it at all if you go Dirty Fighting. You can do insane burst if you get all your DoTs and multipliers on in a timely fashion. Also, the talent to lower the cooldown on dirty kick and increase your runspeed after you use it is so much fun in PvP.

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I've been out-damage in Warzones maybe 3 times in the past week. Once was by a Sniper.


Snipers are also the most tedious class to kill because of their cover and CC capabilities.


Snipers are exceptionally vulnerable to Ops/Scrappers though, and Assassins, which are all FOTM.


So, Snipers are fine in general but slightly weak in the current "metagame".


Thats the truth....Every time i go into cover i might as well hit the pushback button...there is atleast 2-3 stealthers coming up behind me

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Snipers/gunslingers do decent damage from cover but they need some good 'on the run' shots not activated by low health or hardcasted shots. It seems to me, through the talents for the sharpshooter tree at least, they want the to go in and out of cover constantly to trigger cover screen, ballistic dampeners, snap shot, etc, which lowers dps when having to redeploy cover constantly. Even though cover gives access to harder shots, it's incredibly easy to knock you out of and then you have to spend time reentering it, hoping you don't get lagged or someone doesn't use their skill which prevents you from using cover. The cc immunity skill and its cooldown should last proportionally less time. No one is going to stay in one spot for 20 secs against non-braindead opponents. Right now, the advantages it gives hardly offsets having to stay still with a big 'come kill me' sign in front of you when you're that squishy.
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You should read up on how resolve works.






We are so squishy that by the time resolve does anything for us we have about 0.5 of a second to live.




Please feel free to expand on your statement and discuss on how useful you've found resolve as a Sniper. No ? I thought not. Resolve does two things for us - jack and ****.




It's not anal to point out your statement was flat out wrong. You said Snipers can't be interrupted. Pretty dumb thing to say.


I know how resolve works, obviously you have never used the resolve system to reposition yourself/kite it can be extremely useful. If you're just sitting there trying to tank damage all the time you are playing your class wrong.


I also know how my class abilities work, and as I said, yes you can be CC'ed without Entrench up but Interrupts and Crowd Controls are 2 different beasts. Once you get out of the CC you are generally able to move into a much better spot. Most decent players will just LoS you while Entrench is up anyway.


Although your mastery of this class must be complete due to not knowing anything about your mirror class.


Again I say, we are the most balanced class in the game. We just need a couple of tweaks.

Edited by Beelzebubs
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This is BS. I have a 50 Sorc and a 50 Sniper on Hylian Way.



Snipers are poor in every way. A number of classes can do more sustained DPS, a couple of classes can do more burst DPS - those classes also get MUCH more survivability, significant healing and utility.


I'd go as far as to suggest Snipers are a liability in PvP.


I hear you.


Honestly, if you can choose between a sorcerer, bounty hunter or a sniper there is no good reason to choose the latter (for pvp). The 2 others offer the same damge (even more on heavy armoured targets - what a joke, eh?) and burst plus have more utility and in case of the BH even heavy armour.


Oh, and they have easier access to their abilities. We need to be in cover...from which you get pushed back or have to wait 1-2 seconds because of laggy WZs...and of course the odd bug that sometimes you cannot go into cover after having been knocked out of it.


However, often it is like this: you get someone down. He just LoS you and heals up and wittles you down.


Fun times!

Edited by Desgarden
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No one is going to stay in one spot for 20 secs against non-braindead opponents. Right now, the advantages it gives hardly offsets having to stay still with a big 'come kill me' sign in front of you when you're that squishy.


If you want more run and gun abilities, go Dirty Fighting/Lethality. It's really that easy. I totally sympathize with you as a sharpshooter spec'd Gunslinger, though. That bright blue screen is practically a bull's-eye. I understand the cover graphic in a game world sense, but I just wish we could drop to a knee without the graphic.

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Of all the Imp Advance Classes, Sniper is probably the one I know the least about. Outside of the occasional one picking away at targets in Huttball, I hardly see them in game.


Just two days ago I was on Ilum waiting to do my Dailies and I did a /who to see who was playing on the planet. I saw lots of BHs, Inquisitors, and Sith Warriors - with both advance classes well represented. The Imperial Agent on the other hand ... not so much. In fact there was only one Sniper on the whole planet.


40 plus players on Ilum and only one sniper amoung them. That pretty much tells me all I need to know about the viability of this class in PVP.

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