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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

POLL!! Help Bioware AND yourself!


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I really appreciate your effort, pal! I guess you've pretty much covered most of the issues this game is currently having.


Though, I've stopped playing SWTOR but I've of course filled in the survey in hope this game will get the fixes it urgently needs so I might be able to come back.

Edited by Quorthun
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A couple of things are missing in the survey. I'd like to see MORE of a Star Wars feel to the game and also better use of the Star Wars soundtrack. The game feels very generic with a Star Wars skin. And a reworking of armour designs needs to be included also.. just to make it a more complete survey.




Could not get every question into the survey but there is one for more customization of armor/weapon greaphics though

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A wonderful personal effort you have made and because of this I took the survey and answered the question which were very well thought out.


I unfortunately had to click very important on a lot of it but that is what feedback is meant for isn't it? Real answers across a majority.


It will be interesting if BW actually ask you for the totals data or link to that page so they can mine the feedback.


Wonderful effort, your a credit to this community.


Thank you for taking the time to take the survey and thank you very much for the kind words:)

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Very well thought out survey Sorrow, 11 out of 10 for your work :) It's just a pity Bioware hasn't bothered with a poll such as this :(


I would just like to address something that certain posters are saying in regards to not many SWTOR players using these forums. In this day and age where net access and use of social media sites is now in the realm of the everyday user and the web can now be accessed from mobile phones, TVs and tablets never mind computers, I don't think its a case anymore of a games official forums just being the purview of the minority.

Edited by Jounar
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Good survey. Shouldve had, however, options for "Important THAT THIS NEVER MAKES IT IN THE GAME!".


Things like Macros, for exemple, or many mods, completely wreck online games. They modify the way the game is played, modifying the balance. THink of Decursive in WoW vanilla: all of a suddent Blizz went from interesting debuff mechanics to throwing a thousand debuffs everywhere. Why? Because now they had to balance with the idea that everyone had Decursive and could see instantly who had what debuff while removing them without even having to target them.

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There are many different opinions on what should be fixed or improved in this game. In order to help Bioware prioritize what to work on I have created a fairly large survey where you can vote on what you believe is important to fix first in this game.


We all want this game to get better so take 3 minutes and vote now!


Update Sunday 3:37PM CET. we now have over 800 participants in this poll.


Top issues that needs to be adressed on a 1-5 scale where 1 = not important and 5 = very important so far are:


1. Abilities not fireing of when pressed = 4.61

2. Ability delay = 4.32

3. More rewarding end game crafting = 4.17


I will publice the full result as well as analyses of it tuesday the 17th of january on these forums.


Here is the link:







There will ofc be tons of different views on what should have been included in this survey and I do not claim it to be complete in any way. However its better to get structured feedback to Bioware from a survey even if its not including every aspect of the game than to just randomly complain or voice opinions on the forum.





Good job figure out their issues that already supposed to be figured out during testing time. How about you stop getting milked by Ea and Bioware and help yourself /uninstall SWTOR and unsub.

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I took the survey :) Only things missing from it were more character customization (though this may be coming with legacy because they know we like it) and more class story.


So, how about getting us some more legacy rewards, whatever they might be? That would be cool. I suppose I can't expect more class story to be added until the first expansion, but regardless, it is more important to me than new flashpoints. ~ And bug fixes I should add, more important than new flashpoints etc.

Edited by grania
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Hi again,


Im aware that people reading the forum (and thus voting) would not be a 100% accurate representation of the total account base. However its most likely better than nothing especially if we can get enough votes.


I would idealy like to get +1K votes to make some analyses thats worth something, so keep bumping this thread:)




I disagree - The proportion of people here on the forums directly relates to proportions of people that do not come here.


if 5% of the forums wants X feature, you can pretty much assume 5% of the population not using the forums would feel the same.

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Honestly I'm afraid this poll is useless, as it's EA Who call the shots on budget for BW.


EA doesn't really care for anything but profit, and quality can go straight to Hell.


Gotta do what you can though, otherwise there's no comeback. Also I am just personally interested in the results.

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Taking the poll solidified in my mind that I like the game pretty much as-is. Of all the "big issues", I don't rate them very important at all.


The problem with polls such as this is the extremely limited participation. 800 responses so far? If we presume 1 million players (I think I saw it had close to 2 mil in sales though, as estimated by an outside group), then that is just 0.08% of the playerbase, or 8 out of every 10,000. It's not representative of the general population, nor is it probably even representative of the active forum population.

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The problem with polls such as this is the extremely limited participation. 800 responses so far? If we presume 1 million players (I think I saw it had close to 2 mil in sales though, as estimated by an outside group), then that is just 0.08% of the playerbase, or 8 out of every 10,000. It's not representative of the general population, nor is it probably even representative of the active forum population.


From a statistical point of view you are wrong, 800 is enough to get a relatively (or at least vaguely) accurate consensus of opinion.


However, there are many reasons a survey can be unrepresentative of the whole "population", in this case the obvious candidate is that only active forum readers will respond.



--> section Potential for inaccuracy

Edited by Ibix
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