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What Class are Vangaurds most affraid in a 1v1


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For me its the Operative. Majority of their damage is non-mitigated, non-interruptedable, and does a stupid amount of damage.


Sorcs can be problems but get in their face and interrupt not really an issue.


Assassins damage is mitigated and just don't keep your back to them.


Gunslingers damage is mostly mitigatable, and you can LOS the crap out of them since they don't move when in cover.


Mercs are annoying with there ***** rocket spam, but get in their face and interrupt and they stand their for 4 seconds not knowing what to do


Powertechs are mirrors and usually go 50/50.


Guardian/Marauders are mitigateable as well so no real big issue there.


Post below on how you feel your match-ups are against empire.


PS- I'm shield specialist lvl 50

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I hate sorcs the most personally. I'm 100% tank spec so for my damage to eat through their shield and then deal with the heals on top of it is aggrevating.


Any class can give any class a hard time if they know what they're doing. Ops and Jugs can be a pain as well.


I'm talking about similarly geared lvl 50 sorcs.

Edited by TheHexxus
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As an Assault spec Vanguard, I have to say well played Marauders give me the most trouble. They do a ton of dmg, have alot of defensive cds, and are really hard to kite. It's usually really close, but def not a fun fight for me.


Operatives can also be hard if they jump you. The good ones will open with that knockdown, wait til your resolve bar is gone, then vanish and knockdown again. If they're geared/good, I don't see how to survive that.

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Mercs are annoying with there ***** rocket spam, but get in their face and interrupt and they stand their for 4 seconds not knowing what to do


That's very funny, and very true. I've seen that on several occasions. They do just kinda stand there and stare...


I'm lvl 40 and Assualt spec. Only in the last two days have I been the victim of the Operative. I guess I've just been lucky. Yesterday I was victimized by a 50, I must have owed her money. Three times I got smacked in the back from stealth. 2 hits and I was dead. She was hitting for 5.5k each shot. I was 39 at that time in "pve" armor.


I'd be curious to see how it would go now in PVP armor. I also ran into her twice when she was not stealthed and was able to drop her. Not easily though. But she was 50 b'jesus!

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The high lvl sorc and bh that just spam lightning and rockets respectivley...i guess more annoying than anything.


Operatives are my worst in a "fair" fight tho. if they're good, you won't see them and they do crazy stuff and move very fast. very hard to kill 1 on 1 with only cryo as cc.


snipers don't bother me too much, but they are hard to kill as well; maybe if there were more.


as a tank i'd say that juggs in huttball suck when they're going in for a score, but then again, so are we :p

Edited by aikitexan
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Warriors, by far. It blew my mind when I saw BW saying they think these guys are too easy to kite. Their survivability seems very high, they have more roots and snares than I have escapes, and if they can kill me, tank-specced, that fast they must go through everybody else like wet tissue paper.
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Warriors, by far. It blew my mind when I saw BW saying they think these guys are too easy to kite. Their survivability seems very high, they have more roots and snares than I have escapes, and if they can kill me, tank-specced, that fast they must go through everybody else like wet tissue paper.


yeah BWs comment on buffing them made me die inside.


I dont have much faith for seeing a balanced pvp game if people with opinions like that are running the show.

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I'm not 50 but I've done enough warzone for like 6k comms so far. Sorc and operative are /sigh and wait for spawn. Sniper have some combo shot they pull after the KD root that seems like an insta kill. Some shadows can pull a combo that seems like it takes 60%+ life in one second but I feel like I have a chance at least. Everyone else doesn't seem so bad juggs are easily kited.
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For me its the Operative. Majority of their damage is non-mitigated, non-interruptedable, and does a stupid amount of damage.


Sorcs can be problems but get in their face and interrupt not really an issue.


Assassins damage is mitigated and just don't keep your back to them.


Gunslingers damage is mostly mitigatable, and you can LOS the crap out of them since they don't move when in cover.


Mercs are annoying with there ***** rocket spam, but get in their face and interrupt and they stand their for 4 seconds not knowing what to do


Powertechs are mirrors and usually go 50/50.



Id agree mostly.



Sorcs are a huge issue for me, I feel they can zap away a good 60% of my heath before I can usually get a few of my good hits off on them, they usually have lower health, but they force me to go in to panic defensive mode, and by then, i'm producing no damage on them and Ive poped all my cc and shields. By far I need to research/work at finding a way to take out sorcs.


Operatives & Assassins are painful, but if I LOS them or if I turn around and wack them a few times it forces them to back off real fast, sometimes I just keep them movement snared with my HOB, keep em out of melee range, and its no issue at all.



Mercs are just plain ol annoying, I always save my inturups just for them :p, that usually makes em mad.



The rest is fairly manageable, unless they are strong at their own class.

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Warriors, by far. It blew my mind when I saw BW saying they think these guys are too easy to kite. Their survivability seems very high, they have more roots and snares than I have escapes, and if they can kill me, tank-specced, that fast they must go through everybody else like wet tissue paper.


I disagree, they are easy to kite. Some tips :


1) Stay in 5-9 meter range, not allowing them to leap and disrupting melee attack range.


2) This is even more important - use the terrain to your advantage - kite them around pillars rocks etc., but try to surprise them with your movement, fire away and then break LOS etc.


And there's also the issue of shield not proccing on most attacks in the game (it only procs off of weapon based attacks at the moment) so that's why you're feeling vulnerable when fighting them.

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yeah BWs comment on buffing them made me die inside.


I dont have much faith for seeing a balanced pvp game if people with opinions like that are running the show.




warrior/guardian that is tank spec have completely negliable damage output. Their abilities are all 4 m range and kinetic/energy, so for a heavy armor class with many ranged/10 m abilities that do elemental damage, like vanguard, they are extremely easy to kill.


You might mix their tank spec up with Focus spec which is a one trick pony spec where you can stack multiple things up to do one very heavy aoe hit.

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Operative, duh.


Sorcerer, they'll just eat through your shield, stun you with electrocute, slow you, throw you around, run away. Annoying little faks.


Mercenary, you can interrupt their tracer missile, which will mean they'll stand there like an idiot for 4 seoncds, then they will resume spamming tracer missile. Then you can cryo them, but even if they don't trinket, I can't kill them in time as a shield spec to stop them from tracer missile spamming me to death, as they've got CC as well.


Any healer who knows what he's doing as shield spec (1vs1).


In open world pvp though, I haven't lost a single 1vs1 fight against any class.

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