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The reason - why ppl are bored of this game already


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I'm not bored and I have a level 50 Sentinel which I raid and PvP with. When things get slow (before guildies log on), I play a Trooper alt.


The game is still fun, and with so many other story lines to experience, and a whole new faction, I'll have a lot to occupy me.

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I am a Star Wars fan and this game is simply great for me, therefore i am obviously not bored a bit.

I am taking my time with leveling, i play with friends, there is a ton of content, i have alts because i decided a long time ago that all 8 stories are very much worth playing through...the list can go on.


There are issues like in any game of this magnitude but to be fair it hasn't even been a month since the game out and it will all iron out eventually.


Bottom line is that you can only speak for yourself.

I am tired of the people who think that their opinion is shared by legions of others.


It reminds me of the thing one not so bright person wrote in the thread about high res textures, something like:"This game sucks because of this problem, WE quit and lets hope GW2 fulfills OUR hopes and dreams".

That was just hilarious really.

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Well, to be honest it's you and the other hundreds of thousands that play that same class seeing as though you all have the same story.

unlike wow, where its you and hundreds of thousands of chinese gold farmers that have nothing to do with the main storyline other than watching the main character npcs be heroes and all godly like.


also, absolutely none of the quests or instances (until endgame) have anything to do with the storyline of wow. unless its the poo quests, then you can associate those quests with the quality of blizzards writer/dev team that dont even know their own story, see blizzcon and the red shirt "fact checker" that had to explain to the devs their own lore.....




pandas. LMFAO.

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I think the OP is dead on target.


Whoever these "ppl" are, if they can't be bothered to use vowels of any kind, they probably can't even understand the stories, much less enjoy them, assuming their spacebar hasn't melted to their keyboard by now.


For the demographic that finds flying over an empty landscape with nothing to do "open world" and finds a laggy city full of loltards shrieking trade offers as more "interactive", he's probably right.


I'm not sure why people such as that would play SWTOR in the first place, but hey...

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unlike wow, where its you and hundreds of thousands of chinese gold farmers that have nothing to do with the main storyline other than watching the main character npcs be heroes and all godly like.


also, absolutely none of the quests or instances (until endgame) have anything to do with the storyline of wow. unless its the poo quests, then you can associate those quests with the quality of blizzards writer/dev team that dont even know their own story, see blizzcon and the red shirt "fact checker" that had to explain to the devs their own lore.....




pandas. LMFAO.


Why do people automatically bring WOW up? I said nothing of WOW. I actually like this game but HATE this community. The game won't kill this game, but the community sure might.

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Why do people automatically bring WOW up? I said nothing of WOW. I actually like this game but HATE this community. The game won't kill this game, but the community sure might.


This is your first video game forum, isn't it? They're all like this.

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I'm not bored at all.


Try getting a 9-5 job instead of playing games all day and night.


and you may as well compare this game to wow, on the wow forums people are always complaining they are bored and there is not enough end game.

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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ever notice that all these threads that are made to bash SWTOR and promote WoW. are made by ppl that can't even be bothered to set up an avatar for the forums. almost makes it look like they never had no intention of staying after the free trial. personally i can't wait till they all go back to WoW. i hope for GW's sake they put up some kind of defence against WoW trolls when they release their game Edited by grandmthethird
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I'm not bored at all. I'm actually quite anxiously wanting to play when im not playing.


I just dont have enough free time to play it as much as i'd like.


Absolutely! There are a small number of people on here who want to diss this fantastic game, the funny thing I noticed, they all registered Dec 2011 ;-) I rest my case.

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This is your first video game forum, isn't it? They're all like this.


No. I have played UO, EQ 1/2, AC, DAOC, WOW, Rift, AOC, WAR, and now TOR and I can honestly say this forum is the worst I have ever seen. Logical dissent is an impossibility due to some of the 'fans' of the game. Trolls will ALWAYS be there, but the venom from the so called fans is pretty astonishing.

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No. I have played UO, EQ 1/2, AC, DAOC, WOW, Rift, AOC, WAR, and now TOR and I can honestly say this forum is the worst I have ever seen. Logical dissent is an impossibility due to some of the 'fans' of the game. Trolls will ALWAYS be there, but the venom from the so called fans is pretty astonishing.


Then you're completely lying. It's a simple as that. And you are clearly seeking out these threads. You REALLY want to enjoy this game? Don't come to the forums. Leave this wretched hive of scum and villainy.

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Then you're completely lying. It's a simple as that. And you are clearly seeking out these threads. You REALLY want to enjoy this game? Don't come to the forums. Leave this wretched hive of scum and villainy.


Thank you for proving my point.

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ever notice that all these threads that are made to bash SWTOR and promote WoW. are made by ppl that can't even be bothered to set up an avatar for the forums.



Yes i agree with you on this, have noticed it as well.

Edited by Vlacke
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ever notice that all these threads that are made to bash SWTOR and promote WoW. are made by ppl that can't even be bothered to set up an avatar for the forums. almost makes it look like they never had no intention of staying after the free trial. personally i can't wait till they all go back to WoW. i hope for GW's sake they put up some kind of defence against WoW trolls when they release their game


Cracked out WoW addicts burning down the forums have become a major issue for all MMO's launching these days.


I would almost go so far as to say don't launch the official game forums until after the first 30 days. But there are so many detriments to that as well.


I don't know what the solution is.

Edited by savagepotato
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leveling in SWTOr was the best experience ive had leveling a char in an MMO, it was fresh, new, in converstations i could spare a life, i could kill him, i did both those options and it was all fun!


then i hit 50 and started to PvP, i noticed the difference between imps and repubs, i can handle that, its a fresh game after all, but when even the class mirrors are imbalanced, i get a bit frustrated.


i went on to craft (im a crafting kinda guy, i like to make stuff) just to discover there is no market for my crafted items even at the highest level possible to craft. no one wanna buy it, you get better from daily tokens, or ppl are happy with their greens/blue until hardmodes gives them better.


so i was thinking, oh, wait, this is star wars, there is bound to be some level 50 space missions i can do, i LOVED the space combat missions while leveling, it was new, it was fast, and gave a good amunt of credits and XP, i did them every day, even without the daily quest, i geared up my ship to be the best it could be at my level, i practiced. but at level 50, my ship is just a....teleport, with multiple loadscreens in between.


while i did some pvp, i converted WZ commendations to merc commendations, but for some reason, the 330 merc tokens disapeared over night, i made a ticket, january 6th, still havent got an answer from a CSR


then i did something stupid for a MMO veteran, i picked the wrong champion gear for my specc with 2 tokens, i felt like a newb, i didnt tell anyone, since i should know better, so i created a ticket about it, thinking they can replace it, and they can!. i was superhappy, i can now build the correct gear again, thats almost 4 days ago, still havent recieved a reply.


atleast show the set items bonus from the vendor menu, so we know what to pick, there arent alot of resources out there to show these bonuses (there are some, but not good enough for all classes)


all of this, from a AAA MMO is getting a bit frustrating, i dunno it its my expectations from a MMO thats wrong, or if its something everyone feels


ive played all the big mmos from ultima online, warhammer online, rift, wow, and SWTOR (and even did a few weeks in champoins online...)


Ultima online had it . first mmo to trully be a massive online player, warhamemr had a great (but sadly broken) pvp concept, rift had a great class system (sadly broken aswell) ans SWTOR has storyline better then anyone. but lacks everything else



i loved the leveling, i hated the endgame. (im talking, imbalance amoungst mirror classes, no economy, to shallow crafting system for us credit/gold whores, and no space combat at 50,i mean, cmon its starwars!)

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I think there is going to have to come a point where repetition illustrates the problem for "some people".


I am wondering why "some people" are not seeing a pattern yet. Launch after launch of new MMO's, very good, well formed and feature rich mmo's. And yet the same results. Blast to maximum level in two weeks (or in some cases a couple days), and proceed to walk around aimlessly wondering why there is nothing to do.


There is a void inside you, that no game is ever going to fill. The games aren't the problem, the fact that you are burned out on the genre and chasing that addictive response of your first game is the problem.


You can't even point to WoW any longer. Because it sees the same behavior with it's expansions. People come back in droves with the expansion and quickly depart again, then a new patch adds content and they come back, then leave, repeat the cycle.


The genre is so well known at this point you don't even have a learning curve. It's not the games it's a burned out core of people who have been playing them far too long and cannot admit it to themselves.

The mate said it right.




Not bored at all.

Got bored and quite pissed during the ten minutes i spent sending all my stuff to those few WoW guildmates left in Azeroth, before the end of my battlenet account.

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Absolutely! There are a small number of people on here who want to diss this fantastic game, the funny thing I noticed, they all registered Dec 2011 ;-) I rest my case.

Hahahaha? you are 100% right? this what I have noticed as well. Almost all complainers are registered in Dec 2011. Trolls??????:confused:

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