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There Are Too Many Servers


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Most servers have "standard" populations now, which I feel is utter bull. It's just Bioware renaming "low" to "standard." All the areas feel empty at higher levels. There is no instancing going on to separate players...There just aren't many players. Rarely do higher level worlds get above 50 people. It super aggravating to find groups to do heroic quests.


One for the reasons beta was so fun was because they had all the beta testers on 3 servers which ran great. It was a blast. Now they have all these servers with low populations, and it makes everywhere feel empty. Bioware has spread its players too thin. They need to combine servers, but if they do that now it'll look bad in the press. Good job Bioware... Whoever thought up this plan at Bioware needs to be fired.

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It's not peak time in either the EU or the US so of course they're all standard now. :rolleyes:


Come back between 18:00 and 02:00, my server is heavy/very heavy/full during that period.


They are like this all the time. And "full" is what "standard" should be...

Edited by Thamelas
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It's true for the Euro servers. My server is dead and I play on the Imp side.

Besides 9/10 Warzones being Huttball I need to wait hours to be able to finish my ilum dailys.

There are no Hardmodes being done ever since there are only a handful level 50's.

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my server is very heavy between 8 to 1 am east coast time on a west coast server. i look at the server list and see plenty of heavy servers at that time.


all mmos lose 50% of their subs due to many of things.


some such as game does not run well on some pcs due to people think they see min req and they meet them then they think it will play well.


just plain do not like it , all games are not liked by everyone. i just hate the i quit threads they accomplish nothen cause we are in that 1% that actually trolls the forums

Edited by jinxsters
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A week ago people were complaining about queues. Server pops probably haven't changed, only server capacity. FULL, HEAVY, etc are relative terms. With a higher server cap, what was HEAVY last week is just STANDARD this week. Edited by Zeppelin
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Last night, on my Heavy Imperial server, 231 people in the fleet. If I go to Balmorra, there are about 150 people and I see people everywhere. There were 67 on Belsavis and that meant I had to do my dailies in a different order because there were too many people for the spawns (I am unapologetic about soloing dailies).


Logged over to my Standard republic server, 39 people in the fleet......


You get Huttball because no one rolled Republic. You can't do Ilum because no one rolled Republic. The world feels dead because you rolled Republic or because you are higher level than the casuals who actually spent time with people over the Holidays.

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A week ago people were complaining about queues. Server pops probably haven't changed, only server capacity. FULL, HEAVY, etc are relative terms. With a higher server cap, what was HEAVY last week is just STANDARD this week.


Queues are a symptom of Bioware's bad management. Its because they have set the server caps way too low. Then they opened up too many servers, and spread players too thin. In beta we had 3...THREE...servers. They were not "full", had tons of players, and the servers ran fine.

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Maybe because its the truth, and it pissing players off.


No. It's because people are idiots.

Two weeks ago it was: "More server now! MOAAR!!! Or I quit!"

Now it: "Game is dying!! Less servers! Or I quit!"


The game is doing just fine and servers are well populated. Bioware managed the distribution of new players very well and opened new servers just in the right time. Now, as you said, most servers have a "standard" population, which is good.

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Most servers have "standard" populations now, which I feel is utter bull. It's just Bioware renaming "low" to "standard." All the areas feel empty at higher levels. There is no instancing going on to separate players...There just aren't many players. Rarely do higher level worlds get above 50 people. It super aggravating to find groups to do heroic quests.


One for the reasons beta was so fun was because they had all the beta testers on 3 servers which ran great. It was a blast. Now they have all these servers with low populations, and it makes everywhere feel empty. Bioware has spread its players too thin. They need to combine servers, but if they do that now it'll look bad in the press. Good job Bioware... Whoever thought up this plan at Bioware needs to be fired.


fair enough i'll bite.


Tell me how many people are on a server when it is "standard" now and how many people was it before they changed it?

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No. It's because people are idiots.

Two weeks ago it was: "More server now! MOAAR!!! Or I quit!"

Now it: "Game is dying!! Less servers! Or I quit!"


The game is doing just fine and servers are well populated. Bioware managed the distribution of new players very well and opened new servers just in the right time. Now, as you said, most servers have a "standard" population, which is good.


"Standard" = low population. Its just Bioware playing word games.

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Rarely do higher level worlds get above 50 people. It super aggravating to find groups to do heroic quests.


Not everyone is 50. some people enjoy the trip there instead of rushing it. Make an alt or something, theres plenty of people in the low to mid level worlds.

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Queues are a symptom of Bioware's bad management. Its because they have set the server caps way too low. Then they opened up too many servers, and spread players too thin. In beta we had 3...THREE...servers. They were not "full", had tons of players, and the servers ran fine.


And how many players did you have in beta? On the open weekends there were a hell of a lot more than 3, btw.

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"Standard" = low population. Its just Bioware playing word games.


Going to need your evidence for this. Please tell me exactly how many people make a server qualify for standard vs. light. And please also provide hard evidence that server caps have not been raised since release.


Not your "guess," but hard solid evidence.

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No. It's because people are idiots.

Two weeks ago it was: "More server now! MOAAR!!! Or I quit!"

Now it: "Game is dying!! Less servers! Or I quit!"


The game is doing just fine and servers are well populated. Bioware managed the distribution of new players very well and opened new servers just in the right time. Now, as you said, most servers have a "standard" population, which is good.



Don't be so ignorant as if you know the population on every server.


My server is dead that is a fact. Its has a insane low population.

At any day of the time there will be no more than 60 people at Imperial fleet.

I have to wait hours to finish my dailys at Ilum because there are barely any 50 Republic players.

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Going to need your evidence for this. Please tell me exactly how many people make a server qualify for standard vs. light. And please also provide hard evidence that server caps have not been raised since release.


Not your "guess," but hard solid evidence.


You're joking right? Who the hell would have that besides Bioware? And they sure as hell aren't going to say. That's a pretty ridiculous thing to request from a player. I'm talking from play experience from months in beta and now.

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You're joking right? Who the hell would have that besides Bioware? And they sure as hell aren't going to say. That's a pretty ridiculous thing to request from a player. I'm talking from play experience from months in beta and now.


I don't think he is joking, and i am with him on this one. You can't prove it.

Edited by Merihim
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