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"There's Part 2 of Rise of the Rakghouls, a brand new planet called Denova which has an 8-16 man Operation and a new Warzone. So that's three big pieces of content."


I like the sound of a new planet



Best thing this patch is slated to come out in MARCH!!!! That rocks

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Heh, March. Def. not sticking around that long, oh well. Going to miss you TOR, woulda been nice to play you with all features in at launch having been fully functional, but, your Bioware, you do things half a**ed, good luck, have fun. Edited by JSykes
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heh, march. Def. Not sticking around that long, oh well. Going to miss you tor, woulda been nice to play you with all features in at launch having been fully functional, but, your bioware, you do things half a**ed, good luck, have fun.



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Heh, March. Def. not sticking around that long, oh well. Going to miss you TOR, woulda been nice to play you with all features in at launch having been fully functional, but, your Bioware, you do things half a**ed, good luck, have fun.


okay have fun going back to wahtever made you leave that game in the first place. then coming back to this because you cant stand the game you left sw for agian.

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@ chiselyou can't you just guy? you have been here for days saying you leave or have left... somekind of disorder?


He's upset because all of his threads all end up deleted. I am not even sure why the mods just don't ban him as an obvious troll, but I guess in a few days it won't matter. He'll be whining on some other forum.

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Heres the problem with this


"It's further out from launch, so we can have much more of the team focussed on it"


focus on new content does not seem logical. Becuse chances are it will be implamented in a halfassed fashion just like the current content (that was complained about during closed beta and never addressed).



Right now the biggest concerns for this games survival are not content. They should have most of there team focussed on fixing there core gameplay mechanics, crafts, aswell as vendor/gear systems including the current daily system in place. At the moment all these aspects seemed rushed with little forsight in there design. All these aspects had been complained about sense Closed beta and never addressed.


As of right now i have not seen sweeping bug fixs and changes, even 1.1 does not address alot of major issues, just minor easy to fix API script edits.




Overall the feels like bioware is repeating mythic's mistakes. (all these rumors of there outsourced programming and art staff dont inspire much confidence ether)

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blimey.. i havent reached 50 yet and they are bring out new operations already.


I truly wonder why people rush like hell to reach level cap when the game has only just come out. Enjoy the journey.


Some just play A LOT. It happens.


Fact is that there is a lot to fix and not all of it only affects level 50 characters.


Mainly looking forward to the next big patch which ought to fix the mod system if they stick to what they promised us anyway.

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blimey.. i havent reached 50 yet and they are bring out new operations already.


I truly wonder why people rush like hell to reach level cap when the game has only just come out. Enjoy the journey.



You must be new to MMO's, The level is only a speedbump for character progression into end game. If you wanted story go play a single player game. its cheaper and overall a better experience if you enjoy that sort of thing.

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okay have fun going back to wahtever made you leave that game in the first place. then coming back to this because you cant stand the game you left sw for agian.


Sorry, but once I'm gone, I'm gone. I keep going back to WoW because it's a excellent game with a few bad ideas, the main problem is the content delivery speed, if WoW had content patches each month, even just a new instance, I'd never have left. TOR is just a WoW wanna-be with clunky, delayed combat, laggy PvP even with sub 20ms pings and high end hardware (talking both frame rate and actual latency), and the sheer fact there is no choice, you're going to do x, y and z in that order, over and over and over, there is no options, whereas leveling up in WoW you at least have some options in where you go to make it less tedious.

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Wow. 2013 aint that something.
Now you didn't even read the article did you? Read the title and thought "I kow, I'll go post a trolling comment" even though you didn't read the 3 pages that describe the massive amount of content planned for 2012...


The point about 2013 is this people, for those that might take BushidoRavens comment at it's word; Bioware have a slew of new content, planned and in active development, that will be hiotting this game all through 2012 and into 2013...


That means they have at least a 12 month roadmap already in progress that defines how this game will develop and grow.


Don't let the disgruntled minority try and convince you that SWTOR is anything other than "The Fastest Growing MMO" and that Bioware can already see from the numbers that they will be looking foward to many more announcements of this kind in the future.


Game On!

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You must be new to MMO's, The level is only a speedbump for character progression into end game. If you wanted story go play a single player game. its cheaper and overall a better experience if you enjoy that sort of thing.


Funny, I play SWTOR because I want story...


If you don't want story, play WoW... :D

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Heres the problem with this


"It's further out from launch, so we can have much more of the team focussed on it"


focus on new content does not seem logical. Becuse chances are it will be implamented in a halfassed fashion just like the current content (that was complained about during closed beta and never addressed).



Right now the biggest concerns for this games survival are not content. They should have most of there team focussed on fixing there core gameplay mechanics, crafts, aswell as vendor/gear systems including the current daily system in place. At the moment all these aspects seemed rushed with little forsight in there design. All these aspects had been complained about sense Closed beta and never addressed.


As of right now i have not seen sweeping bug fixs and changes, even 1.1 does not address alot of major issues, just minor easy to fix API script edits.




Overall the feels like bioware is repeating mythic's mistakes. (all these rumors of there outsourced programming and art staff dont inspire much confidence ether)


Game updates include bug fixes too. Just sayin

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