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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So I did it.


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Although the game is pretty good in term of pve/leveling, I did it. PvP is my end-game, and well:




If it can make them move.

We'll see. But no way I'm gonna pay for that warzone experience, it's simply terrible.

A pity.


And yes, sadly, I'll have fun with pandas. No other choices.


Never get tired of seeing people go because of something ridiculous and posting this video. I'm not sympathetic either. The game is great. No game launches and is absolutely perfect in it's first month. If you can't spare $15 to sit it out and see what changes, well. Bye.


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Well.. i know this is the internet but just take my word for it. My brother worked on QA for Warhammer.. and he developed such a bad relationship with them b/c he kept submitting bugs to the Devs and they ignored him they kept his name out of the Credits on the Manual when they released the game. R.I.P. Bro btw... Died recently from cancer. My brother was GREAT AT QA....


Anyways... One time we all went out to See Ironman at the movies here in Fairfax it was a Mythic team thing, and we were sitting right next to 2 Devs i know -more of a specific story- and I remember them talking about how the "customers were crying at end game RvR" and the Devs were literally LAUGHING about it.




The reasons why i'm saying this is b/c DEVS are not gods.. they are other Human beings too.. and believe it or not (just like in Grandma's boy) they can be VERY VERY VERY ARROGANT.. and have HUGE Ego's...


This my friends is what Ruins games.


I would laugh at you too. Not because i am an evil person but i find it amusing to see biased people talking **** about things they have absolutely no idea of and just because they were successfull sometime in some game they think they know what balancing is. Gosh. It's so ridiculous how people care so much about trivial things. I am sorry for your bro but this buissnes is hard, and someone who reports bugs can't be mentioned in the credits because then theywould have to add every betatester :/.

Edited by Gouzukai
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I would laugh at you too. Not because i am an evil person but i find it amusing to see biased people talking **** about things they have absolutely no idea of and just because they were successfull sometime in some game they think they know what balancing is. Gosh. It's so ridiculous how people care so much about trivial things. I am sorry for your bro but this buissnes is hard, and someone who reports bugs can't be mentioned in the credits because then theywould have to add every betatester :/.


or you could be professional? and do your job?


Also Bugs were being submitted to them, and they ignore them out of EGO's. They refused to believe things were bugged or not working.

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You buy cars with flaws, you buy coffee makers with flaws, you buy scented candles with flaws.


The perfect product has never been released. There are, however great products on the market that have come close once given the time to mature.


I'd love to be a salesman in any store you walk into, sounds like you'll buy any crap that's offered to you.


I wouldn't buy a car with flaws. I wouldn't buy a coffee maker with flaws. I don't even know what kind of flaw a scented candle can have. No scent? No wick? If so, I wouldn't buy either.


If I did buy one of those things without knowing that it had a flaw, I would return it immediately.

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I would laugh at you too. Not because i am an evil person but i find it amusing to see biased people talking **** about things they have absolutely no idea of and just because they were successfull sometime in some game they think they know what balancing is. Gosh. It's so ridiculous how people care so much about trivial things. I am sorry for your bro but this buissnes is hard, and someone who reports bugs can't be mentioned in the credits because then theywould have to add every betatester :/.


He's story is a bit far-fetched but I was there during Warhammer testing when a guy named Testpig did exactly as the dude said. We were the only few to get up into the higher levels and when he started posting HUGE threads about issues that were prevelant in T3-4, EA/Mythic literally banned and shunned him for doing nothing more then posting CONSTRUCTIVE information. A year later, the game literally shuts down for the same exact reasons the guy talked about in the beta.

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or you could be professional? and do your job?


Also Bugs were being submitted to them, and they ignore them out of EGO's. They refused to believe things were bugged or not working.


proof or it didn't happen. I find it a very bold allegation that they ignored bugs out of ego. Are you even reading what you are writing, or do just **** out every thought you have?

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He's story is a bit far-fetched but I was there during Warhammer testing when a guy named Testpig did exactly as the dude said. We were the only few to get up into the higher levels and when he started posting HUGE threads about issues that were prevelant in T3-4, EA/Mythic literally banned and shunned him for doing nothing more then posting CONSTRUCTIVE information. A year later, the game literally shuts down for the same exact reasons the guy talked about in the beta.


Did i miss something? i thought this was swtor.

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I'd love to be a salesman in any store you walk into, sounds like you'll buy any crap that's offered to you.


I wouldn't buy a car with flaws. I wouldn't buy a coffee maker with flaws. I don't even know what kind of flaw a scented candle can have. No scent? No wick? If so, I wouldn't buy either.


If I did buy one of those things without knowing that it had a flaw, I would return it immediately.


Not all flaws are evident you twit!


At first I gave you the benefit of the doubt and thought you were only being deliberately obtuse. Now I know you have no control over such.

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This thread is pretty amazing...let me say.


First off I have absolutely no programming or development expierence so I am just going off "logic" (Please don't be flawed, please don't be flawed!). I would have to imagine that NO beta could ever reproduce the kind of activty/use/bugs/reporting that a full live launch with over one million people accessing shared content at the same time. So when people stress tha it has been out less than 30 days, literally people it has been out less than 30 days. Some posts in here make you think the game has been out over 2 years.


Also Valsdad your original post about everything having flaws was SPOT on. Everybody making claims about there being products without flaws drastically misinterpreted your point. Yes YOUR 2008 Mustang might not have any flaws to you, but so far SWTOR does not have any flaws to me. Everybody views products differently.


Also allow me to troll a bit here at the end. Everybody making a huge deal about "unsubbing to make a point" when the game has been out less than 30 days and not even one billing cycle has taken place. I will just pay you 15 dollars a month not to post anymore. PM if interested.

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Im the same and ive done the same too.Im not sticking in a game that has 0 customer response nor the ability to balance the PVP like other mmo's.I'll be dancing with the pandas on MOP expan too lol.

TOR you made me happy but then you gave people the ability to abuse the PVP with biochem stims/adrenals and simply lame competition.

Thanks though lol


PVP is very well balanced, much better so the WOW ever was. And I spent 5+ years in wow.

However, Im comparing same level with same gear.

Of course if you are angry that you are killed by a lvl 50 when you are running around in stockings and a training sword at lvl 20, then thats your fault.


The reason they have it as it is, is to ensure minimal ques, so people can play and have fun.

Or do you prefer to have 20 minute ques, just like wow had once upon a time?


You was looking for a wow clone with tropper armor and light sabres, you didnt get it and is dissapointed. Im glad you are dissapointed cause I did not want a wow clone.

Im having a BLAST in Tor that I never had in wow, although I played wow from vanilla until latest expansion. Wow is great, but Tor is better. Simple as that.


Good luck playing a panda, enjoy the same game you have played for the past 6 years.

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He's story is a bit far-fetched but I was there during Warhammer testing when a guy named Testpig did exactly as the dude said. We were the only few to get up into the higher levels and when he started posting HUGE threads about issues that were prevelant in T3-4, EA/Mythic literally banned and shunned him for doing nothing more then posting CONSTRUCTIVE information. A year later, the game literally shuts down for the same exact reasons the guy talked about in the beta.


I was not in the BETA, my brother was actually Employed at EA/Mythic in Fairfax. (As a QA Tester Full time)


I don't expect you to believe it, but i'm going to say the story anyway.. maybe someone might.



If you want i can describe the building to you... tell you that the movie theater down the street has a Piano in it... but do I really have to go that far?

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Did i miss something? i thought this was swtor.


You lube yourself up for Bioware every morning or what?


Read my previous post. This game is 1.3 years old for me. I know what they did during the beta and what issues they have now.


Same old ****. You can defend them all you want but anyone who has tested this game can and will tell you that 99% of the PVP issues weren't even looked at. Now they're forced to cuz their unsub due to bad PVP thread had 50+ pages.

Edited by Balmuck
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Everybody making a huge deal about "unsubbing to make a point" when the game has been out less than 30 days and not even one billing cycle has taken place. I will just pay you 15 dollars a month not to post anymore. PM if interested.




You sir, get the slow clap treatment.

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Same old ****. You can defend them all you want but anyone who has tested this game can and will tell you that 99% of the PVP issues weren't even looked at. Now they're forced to cuz their unsub due to bad PVP thread had 50+ pages.


100% of people who post statistics do 25% of total research.

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You lube yourself up for Bioware every morning or what?


Read my previous post. This game is 1.3 years old for me. I know what they did during the beta and what issues they have now.


Same old ****. You can defend them all you want but anyone who has tested this game can and will tell you that 99% of the PVP issues weren't even looked at. Now they're forced to cuz their unsub due to bad PVP thread had 50+ pages.


You claim and claim things that you can't proof so what is your point?

Either you look at the whole thing with logic or your stay in your little world where everything you think must be true.

And you know why this thread got so much pages? Simply because alot of people play and love/hate this game. So unsubbing won't do a thing.

On top of that i think that most of the player who say that they will unsub, either won't do it in the end or just wanted to get some steam of. Either way nothing serious.


But i don't like the attitude people have here. My goal is not to defend bioware, but to defend gamedeveloper who still sometimes have to work under horrible conditions due to the branche, and all they read in the forums are the problems of little douchebags who can't even appriciate what they have done to make this game release at all.

Edited by Gouzukai
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Absolutely this. Also word of mouth.



Casuals leave the game quickly, especially with the kind of reputation this game as being more of a single player game than a true MMO. Your hardcore crowd is the one that keeps a subscription and is where you make all your money. So you launch to cater to the casuals that would be gone in a month or two anyway, and piss off all the hardcore players by ruining every in depth and hardcore aspect of the game, from crafting to raids to pvp? Not a smooth move there, especially with as many internet forums with hardcore MMO/RPG players saying that endgame sucks as there are.


Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Casuals are the ones who will stick around. Casual players are not going to cry because they got ganked by an Operative. They won't cry because they got 5 duplicate Champion Relics.


Heck, most are still leveling to 50. A lot of true casual players are not worried about the min-maxing of PvE and PvP.


Don't trust the forums. The word of mouth in REAL LIFE is good. The reviews are positive, my friends and I are enjoying playing the game, the only QQ I read is on the official forums.

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