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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So I did it.


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Bro, look at my join date (not that it makes me cool or anything) I was in closed beta. All of these things were addressed a million times by the beta testers a long long time ago and nothing was done by BioWare.


Guys, the beta testers didn't fail you, BugWare did.


As a former WAR beta tester from Friends and Family until launch, I approve this message 100%. Even though that was primarily Mythic, there certainly does seem to be a pattern.

Edited by Nanotech
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A side note: PvP (besides the gear inflation) in Warhammer isn't that bad right now.


Yes, the engine still sucks, but there isn't any of this ping-pong ball syndrom ******** (since knockbacks trigger a knockback immunity), you can't be stunned for longer than 3 seconds without having 30 seconds of immunity right afterwards, and you can't be rooted indefinitely since you also have a root immunity timer.




Why a mmo doesn't realize that NOT LETTING YOU CONTROL YOUR AVATAR is a bad thing absolutely astounds me.




Also, market research shows that the vast majority of WoW's monetary success comes from "carebears," or the more casual crowd. Hardcore raiders are NOT what drives a model like WoW....more something like EvE.

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The Ability lag is already announced to have a fix by patch 1.2 set to release in March. They already said its not lag, it is numerous issues that have to be sorted out.


The people crying about this game make me appalled





WoW on release of Vanilla was horrible, Bugs, gameplay, everything....With there team they turned vanilla into one of the greatest MMO's of all time in about a year.


Anyone remember when pvp was released, I almost quit the game then.




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The Ability lag is already announced to have a fix by patch 1.2 set to release in March. They already said its not lag, it is numerous issues that have to be sorted out.


The people crying about this game make me appalled





WoW on release of Vanilla was horrible, Bugs, gameplay, everything....With there team they turned vanilla into one of the greatest MMO's of all time in about a year.


Anyone remember when pvp was released, I almost quit the game then.





What's appalling is acting like we should continue to pay for the game until they fix it. I canceled, but will come back after they fix a majority of the problems. How is this unreasonable?

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A side note: PvP (besides the gear inflation) in Warhammer isn't that bad right now.


Yes, the engine still sucks, but there isn't any of this ping-pong ball syndrom ******** (since knockbacks trigger a knockback immunity), you can't be stunned for longer than 3 seconds without having 30 seconds of immunity right afterwards, and you can't be rooted indefinitely since you also have a root immunity timer.




Why a mmo doesn't realize that NOT LETTING YOU CONTROL YOUR AVATAR is a bad thing absolutely astounds me


I didn't know that Warhammer changed so drastically. It is beyond me why devs that worked on the pvp in WH would make the same mistakes in this game. I seriously cannot fathom what they were thinking. It just makes more work for them to fix later, unbelievable.

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What's appalling is acting like we should continue to pay for the game until they fix it. I canceled, but will come back after they fix a majority of the problems. How is this unreasonable?


You buy cars with flaws, you buy coffee makers with flaws, you buy scented candles with flaws.


The perfect product has never been released. There are, however great products on the market that have come close once given the time to mature.

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The Ability lag is already announced to have a fix by patch 1.2 set to release in March. They already said its not lag, it is numerous issues that have to be sorted out.


The people crying about this game make me appalled





WoW on release of Vanilla was horrible, Bugs, gameplay, everything....With there team they turned vanilla into one of the greatest MMO's of all time in about a year.


Anyone remember when pvp was released, I almost quit the game then.





Here we go with the WoW comparisons and that game was made how many years ago? So no developer should have learned from other developers mistakes at all?


Then throw in the, "THE GAME JUST CAME OUT!!!1!1!"


It's called closed beta and all of these things were brought up there a while ago.


Fanboys will be fanboys I guess. :confused:

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The Ability lag is already announced to have a fix by patch 1.2 set to release in March.


March? Hahahaha. I'm not waiting that long. Should have fixed it before release.

But they decided to make tons of money with Christmas. So be it. Their choice.

Anyway it's one problem among many.

And WoW had bugs but it had no competition.

If TOR can't compete, it can't compete.

People won't stay just "to be fair".

Edited by Lywald
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You buy cars with flaws, you buy coffee makers with flaws, you buy scented candles with flaws.


The perfect product has never been released. There are, however great products on the market that have come close once given the time to mature.


NO i don't?


Who the @#@# does that?


If i buy a car with flaws I take it back THAT DAY. What the hell is wrong with you?

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I didn't know that Warhammer changed so drastically. It is beyond me why devs that worked on the pvp in WH would make the same mistakes in this game. I seriously cannot fathom what they were thinking. It just makes more work for them to fix later, unbelievable.



Yeah that's my biggest gripe.





It's astounding. If they had just put the current Warhammer cc system in place for this game I guarantee you the pvp in SWToR would be 10x better. None of this being knocked back and rooted, waiting for 4 seconds (or more) to be unrooted, only then to be stunned. Then maybe your resolve bar is full, but it fades within 8 seconds so you're cc'ed for another 8 seconds, etc.

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Bug reports are a lot more effective than moaning on the forums.

The Ability lag is already announced to have a fix by patch 1.2 set to release in March. They already said its not lag, it is numerous issues that have to be sorted out.


The people crying about this game make me appalled





WoW on release of Vanilla was horrible, Bugs, gameplay, everything....With there team they turned vanilla into one of the greatest MMO's of all time in about a year.


Anyone remember when pvp was released, I almost quit the game then.




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Its not unreasonable, People did that in wow. What people dont understand is what it takes to put out a game like this. The thought that this should be perfect is ignorant. A game of this magnitude will have bugs. The face it they had been constantly patching fixed.


I have played almost every MMO to hit the US since Everquest 1.








Age of conan


Aion 2






a FACT is they have all had more bugs then this game.

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And yes, sadly, I'll have fun with pandas. No other choices.


You had a choose when you used in the un-sub reason saying Republic is one sided and crying over something about a mirror rah rah.


I don't think you know the reason your quiting, and is trolling us with your BS.


Kick mud.

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Yeah that's my biggest gripe.





It's astounding. If they had just put the current Warhammer cc system in place for this game I guarantee you the pvp in SWToR would be 10x better. None of this being knocked back and rooted, waiting for 4 seconds (or more) to be unrooted, only then to be stunned. Then maybe your resolve bar is full, but it fades within 8 seconds so you're cc'ed for another 8 seconds, etc.


Quoted for truth.

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You buy cars with flaws, you buy coffee makers with flaws, you buy scented candles with flaws.


The perfect product has never been released. There are, however great products on the market that have come close once given the time to mature.


Easily the most absurd thing I have ever read and i've read A LOT of ****.

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Yeah that's my biggest gripe.





It's astounding. If they had just put the current Warhammer cc system in place for this game I guarantee you the pvp in SWToR would be 10x better. None of this being knocked back and rooted, waiting for 4 seconds (or more) to be unrooted, only then to be stunned. Then maybe your resolve bar is full, but it fades within 8 seconds so you're cc'ed for another 8 seconds, etc.


Did they really? I know those guys, well some of them personally. I live right down the street from where they were setup at EA/Mythic in Fairfax Virginia.


Listened to them talk about their customers before as if they were ANTS.. complete and utter TOOLBAGS... trust me.

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Did they really? I know those guys, well some of them personally. I live right down the street from where they were setup at EA/Mythic in Fairfax Virginia.


Listened to them talk about their customers before as if they were ANTS.. complete and utter TOOLBAGS... trust me.


It wouldn't be hard to trust you on that considering their actions mimic this sort of attitude. Oh, that and I know a BioWare employee, too. Yes, he is a pretentious dick.

Edited by Nanotech
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I just canceled as well.


I can see balance changes being rolled out after release but its clear that this game was not ready. I'm not sure how many of you remember that EA Louse guy who said quite a few interesting things, but it's really beginning to show now that he may have at least knew a little about what he was talking about.


The VO and story was either going to make this game a huge success or a huge flop. Right now, it seems like hits holding everything back. Combat is clunky and slow and is really nothing new 90% of the time.


This game looked great in screenshots and its carefully planned videos but once release came around it was really exposed as being a lot of nothing.




If you look at the first flashpoints of each side (Black Talon and The Esseles) it's obvious that more time was put into those than anything else until level 50. All of the FP's between level 15 and 45 are complete garbage. It's obvious all of those were rushed out.


There are *********** hackers in this game. Not glitchers, sploiters, dupers, but HACKERS. I have never seen anyone "hack" in an MMO outside of Everquest or F2P MMO's with my own eyes until I saw it last week in TOR.


Everything in this game seems to dumbed down and intentionally handicapping. UI is terrible. Social Items still not loading upon zoning.




Just wait you say? We've waited this long for a subpar overly hyped MMO. Upon release we really saw what it was, which is incomplete and empty. 100m dollar voice over project really doesn seem to describe this.

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it might not get done as quickly as the spastic red bull swilling 15yr old pvp fanatics want, but I have faith it will get done.


I laughed.


Oh, and I give every new MMO at least 3 months. If by then the whole package (PvE, PvP, player base, etc) does not please me I move on. There will always be a next MMO.

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I feel for you guys having problems I really do. It must suck to come from an established gaming environment to the relatively unknown that is TOR, only to have problems and setbacks. Most of the bugs and imbalances I can deal with especially since this is a new MMO launch after all, but performance issues can be really aggravating.
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It wouldn't be hard to trust you on that considering their actions mimic this sort of attitude.


Well.. i know this is the internet but just take my word for it. My brother worked on QA for Warhammer.. and he developed such a bad relationship with them b/c he kept submitting bugs to the Devs and they ignored him they kept his name out of the Credits on the Manual when they released the game. R.I.P. Bro btw... Died recently from cancer. My brother was GREAT AT QA....


Anyways... One time we all went out to See Ironman at the movies here in Fairfax it was a Mythic team thing, and we were sitting right next to 2 Devs i know -more of a specific story- and I remember them talking about how the "customers were crying at end game RvR" and the Devs were literally LAUGHING about it.




The reasons why i'm saying this is b/c DEVS are not gods.. they are other Human beings too.. and believe it or not (just like in Grandma's boy) they can be VERY VERY VERY ARROGANT.. and have HUGE Ego's...


This my friends is what Ruins games.

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So you think that bioware didn't solve any issues that were adressed in the beta. Are you kidding me?

`NO they propably didn't get to fix everything till release. And they had a fix release date. They fixed the issues that would make the pve contetn unplayble because that comes first. Pvp is more endgame content and so it will take more time till they will also fix this.


they didn't touch PVP from beta to live.


- Lag and latency issues not fixed


- UI and raid frames not working as they should in PVP


- Class animation effecting PVP performance, (project takes 1.8 sec between use and damage application for example)


- RNG system being horrible. People absolutely hated this in the beta and they don't seem to like it any better right now


- no bracket system so anyone under 50 gets ANNIHILATED


- expertise does not exist on lower end PVP gear which of course does even more to unbalance the already non-existant bracket system


- sheer boredom after you reach 60 present right now as it was in the beta (this correlates to my next point)


-open world PVP non-existant as the rewards for it are non-existant, you get nothing for killing people outside of knowing you're griefing them


-Illum is HORRIBLY implemented and for 3 builds in the beta, people stood around and win traded for their dailies just like they do now... and, they JUST NOW say they're gonna add kill count for dailiy requirements. kinda sad when your awesome PVP planet is nothing more then a cluster ****ed stealther gank fest which does NOT promote PVP by itself so you gotta REQUIRE people to beat on each other..



I could really go on for a bit more but I'm not going to. I was in the BETA for about a year and each point above, I brought up MYSELF numerous times. Look at the issues right now. I know hundreds of people who have already left and by the way it looks right now, majority of the hardcore PVP crowd is already packing up their bags and leaving. As someone said before, first impressions are what counts and in this game... they're beyond horrible. PVP just seems like a tacked on after taught, which they're trying to justify by "fixing" blatent issues that should have fixed half a year ago in their fricking beta test.


One of the guys above said it right. People pay for their games and currently, there are so many amazing games out there that it makes no sense to spending money on bad ones. If companies wanna act all high and mighty and not listen to their customers just like Bioware has done in this case, then they deserve to loose subs and go under. I'd rather unsub from this POS for 3 months and buy Witcher 2 for the second time on the XBOX then waste time with ****** games.

Edited by Paralassa
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