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Was SWTOR worth the $60?


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This isn't a thread about whether you will subscribe or not subscribe or have already unsubscribed this thread is about what the topic says. Was SWTOR worth the $60 you paid for it to you? Do you feel you got your money's worth? Did you get $60 worth of entertainment from playing SWTOR for a month?


Personally I can honestly say I bought a lot of games in 2011 including but not limited to


Portal 2

L.A. Noire

Gears of War 3

Batman: Arkham City

Forza Mortorsports 4

Uncharted 3

Ico/Shadow of the Collossus collection

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

DC Universe Online

Mortal Kombat


There is only one game I bought in 2011 that I have sunk more play hours into than SWTOR and that is Skyrim. Considering that I feel most if not all the games I listed were worth the purchase price of $60 and I actually got less hours of entertainment out of them than I have SWTOR so far I would consider SWTOR worth the $60 to me regardless of whether I subscribe or not. In my opinion I more than that got $60 worth of entertainment hours out of SWTOR so far.


And you?

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It certainly was. It's a case of mixing some of my favorite things in one game. I guess I am lucky :)

I have bought a number of games, mostly on sale, but I think that the only one that beats SWTOR as value/money is Football Manager 2011 that I bought for 10$ (I buy FM series a year later because of the bug fixes).

Edited by Bonev
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SWTOR is worth more then 60$. It will keep me playing for years, and I won't buy any other game during that time. So SWTOR is saving me money.


Edit: I did recieve Uncharted 3 for Christmas, and I actually play that during downtime. Naughty Dog has pefected that series, and I love every minute of the story it has.

Edited by Flotsam
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Yup, glad I paid every cent. Even sprung for the CE and you know what? I'm more than ecstatic about it. I've Beta'd over 10 games and Vanilla launched closer to 25... and This?! This is the best damn launch I've been a part of, period. The least amount of bugs, best customer service and best content that I've seen to date. I have some serious hopes for this game and with Bioware backing it I can't see how it can fall short of expectation.
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This isn't a thread about whether you will subscribe or not subscribe or have already unsubscribed this thread is about what the topic says. Was SWTOR worth the $60 you paid for it to you? Do you feel you got your money's worth? Did you get $60 worth of entertainment from playing SWTOR for a month?


Personally I can honestly say I bought a lot of games in 2011 including but not limited to


Portal 2

L.A. Noire

Gears of War 3

Batman: Arkham City

Forza Mortorsports 4

Uncharted 3

Ico/Shadow of the Collossus collection

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

DC Universe Online

Mortal Kombat


There is only one game I bought in 2011 that I have sunk more play hours into than SWTOR and that is Skyrim. Considering that I feel most if not all the games I listed were worth the purchase price of $60 and I actually got less hours of entertainment out of them than I have SWTOR so far I would consider SWTOR worth the $60 to me regardless of whether I subscribe or not. In my opinion I more than that got $60 worth of entertainment hours out of SWTOR so far.


And you?


Absolutely not.

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SWTOR is worth more then 60$. It will keep me playing for years, and I won't buy any other game during that time. So SWTOR is saving me money.


Also it does my laundry, found a cure for cancer and increased my grades by 94.114%.


No seriously. The game's good.

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Yup, glad I paid every cent. Even sprung for the CE and you know what? I'm more than ecstatic about it. I've Beta'd over 10 games and Vanilla launched closer to 25... and This?! This is the best damn launch I've been a part of, period. The least amount of bugs, best customer service and best content that I've seen to date. I have some serious hopes for this game and with Bioware backing it I can't see how it can fall short of expectation.


Hmm...I forgot about the CE. How much was that version?

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I usually decide if a game was worth the purchase depending on many hours of entertainement it gave me. If I go to the cinema I pay 7.5€ for 90-120 minutes of entertainement.


So if a game gives me more then 12 hours of entertainement it was worth it. Of course I am much happier if a 50€ game gives me 120+ hours of entertainement :)

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Well considering I stopped playing already no. I usually buy my games on discount, but in MMORPGs I want to be there right from the start. It's a risk I'm willing to take, since I'm not poor (a bit cheap, maybe). Sometimes it pays off, sometimes I end up empty handed.
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Same as the above reply.


I got my money's worth out of it, but i will not sub.


Op clearly stated that subbing/ not subbing is not to be discussed in this thread so pls don´t it´s rly not hard ....


I bought the CE and i think it was whorth every Euro i payed.

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This isn't a thread about whether you will subscribe or not subscribe or have already unsubscribed this thread is about what the topic says. Was SWTOR worth the $60 you paid for it to you? Do you feel you got your money's worth? Did you get $60 worth of entertainment from playing SWTOR for a month?


Personally I can honestly say I bought a lot of games in 2011 including but not limited to


Portal 2

L.A. Noire

Gears of War 3

Batman: Arkham City

Forza Mortorsports 4

Uncharted 3

Ico/Shadow of the Collossus collection

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

DC Universe Online

Mortal Kombat


There is only one game I bought in 2011 that I have sunk more play hours into than SWTOR and that is Skyrim. Considering that I feel most if not all the games I listed were worth the purchase price of $60 and I actually got less hours of entertainment out of them than I have SWTOR so far I would consider SWTOR worth the $60 to me regardless of whether I subscribe or not. In my opinion I more than that got $60 worth of entertainment hours out of SWTOR so far.


And you?


Hey, I loved Skyrim, hands down pretty much the best game I have ever touched in my life. Skyrim was worth x3 60$ Would pay any day for that game.

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in my case this game worth the 60$ i payed for him and taking into consideration that i've only bought 3 games in my entire life(i play pc games for almost 20 years, but i live in romania and i dont afford to pay my consideration for developers if i can find somewhere the game for free) i guess that means something.


if you ask me about subscription , i propably pay it for some months, but if they dont change the textures and repare some bugs soon, i'm thinking to get back into my shaman armour and see if i can kill some pandas

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Same as the above reply.


I got my money's worth out of it, but i will not sub.


Cool, same here, I was forced to buy a 60 day time card, which cost me extra 30$ due to Credit Card fail, I was already behind playing with my friends due to retarded launch so I really really wanted to play...but I guess I'm stuck with it now, I can assure you I will not be paying another penny for it :)

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in my case this game worth the 60$ i payed for him and taking into consideration that i've only bought 3 games in my entire life(i play pc games for almost 20 years, but i live in romania and i dont afford to pay my consideration for developers if i can find somewhere the game for free) i guess that means something.


if you ask me about subscription , i propably pay it for some months, but if they dont change the textures and repare some bugs soon, i'm thinking to get back into my shaman armour and see if i can kill some pandas


noooo! don't kill Pandaaa ! :(


Did you hear WoW is remaking their characters look???? This should indeed be interesting to see!

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Much to my dismay, no, it really wasn't. I went for the digital deluxe and it wasn't worth it. I love star wars, i loved Kotor, but this game doesn't live up to the hype, broken promises, or potential. I'm not a fan of the WOW style gaming, nor did i like the fact that there is so little player choice. I can't pick powers, i pick how i hold my weapon, i can't even pick the medium armor that i want unless i roll a different character.



The game has a lot of potential but once my sub is up, i might leave it until the expansions start getting press.

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