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SW:TOR Subscriptions Dropping By 4% Every Single Day Since Release? Disturbing News


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A decreased level of over-all account activity (logins per week, not how much time you play), ignoring all else, means that the player-base is steadily becoming disinterested in this game.


That ALONE is enough to indicate that subscriptions will subsequently drop.


A decreased level of subscriptions also means a decreased level of activity since you can NOT be active without a subscription.


speculation. A decreased level of over all account activity can also mean the player base has less free time.


also, less interest =/= fewer subscribtions. I am interested enough in this game to play it 6 days a week at first, then after a few weeks I am only interested enough to play it 2 days a week. In this example my sub is not lost.


Again, you simply can't come to any sort of solid conclusion with out hard sub numbers and whether those are rising, declining or keeping steady.

Edited by SalaciousD
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D3 doesn't take a subscription and is still a Blizzard game. If you purchased the 12-month sub for WoW, you get D3 free along with a guaranteed beta entry. Most people who play WoW and are interested in D3 purchased that 12-month sub, meaning that WoW's subs will not be dented.


Wait, wait, I'm seeing one of Xugos' mystical correlations here.


The tea stain in the bottom of my cup is telling me that Xugos paid a year up front for WoW to get D3, and now he's doubting if he'll play WoW that long when it turns in to panda land. That's why he is trolling here instead of playing the game he actually likes, and forgetting he ever had the displeasure of playing this one.


The logic follows, no matter how weak and tenuous the connections, according to Xugos' methodology I must be utterly correct.

Edited by PJEBarlow
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I'll still be laughing since it ain't gonna be me stuck in this ghostland paying to play a singleplayer game ROFL.


And calling me a troll? Shame on you. You don't seem to respect the forum rules much.


I am calling you a troll, problem? And we both don't know if this will be a ghostland, now do we? Still i enjoy it, nothing you can change about that.

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Yeah I would bother doing so if it wasn't a well known fact that you spend all your time on this forum gloating on the future demise of TOR, so now you lost ANY credibility.

Trying the 'concern troll' card is fine if you haven't burnt yourself with being a 'hate troll'. capisc?


Well, then by your own admission you enjoy getting "trolled" because you're still here in this thread.



If I'm a troll, maybe you should ignore me and leave the more objective-minded to listen.

Edited by Xugos
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Decreased level of play after holidays != subscriptions dropping.


We don't even know if the server pop indicator (light/standard/heavy/full) indicates the whole server population (it could indicate a single bottleneck zone; we won't know until BW tells us).


The sub numbers and in-game population have been growing according to Stephen Reid. Pointless thread based on poor logic and data selection.


It indicates activity only, being a UK player that plays on a US server I've seen servers at light loads when I get home from work (work nights) and be sitting at light to standard, to later on when the US players start logging on for them to go to heavy to full.

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It's logins per week. You're going to have a hard time doctoring that fact to fit your allegation of people not being active due to work, etc. I find it hard to believe that someone who pays a sub for this game can't even log in ONCE per week, even if it's for 15 min.


okay then so in 25 days the game is dead? Okay then mark the calendar that at Feb 7th the games dies and if it isn't and nothing has changed we will know him to be a fool and a liar.



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okay then so in 25 days the game is dead? Okay then mark the calendar that at Feb 7th the games dies and if it isn't and nothing has changed we will know him to be a fool and a liar.




After 30-40 days the game will have 352k subs, +/- 30000. You can document me saying that, and if I'm correct, maybe I ought to go work for Goldman Sachs. :D

Edited by Xugos
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Wait, wait, I'm seeing one of Xugos' mystical correlations here.


The tea stain in the bottom of my cup is telling me that Xugos paid a year up front for WoW to get D3, and now he's doubting if he'll play WoW that long when it turns in to panda land. That's why he is trolling here instead of playing the game he actually likes, and forgetting he ever had the displeasure of playing this one.


The logic follows, no matter how weak and tenuous the connections, according to Xugos' methodology I must be utterly correct.



I rofled so hard

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1. It's got piecharts therefor it MUST be true!

2. Graphs are not att allll to small to read.

3. notice that the graphs update about once per hour (you know what else does, the server status page from Bioware).


Now, lets look at point 3 yes.. basicly i'm saying these stats come from the bioware page. Wich as far as i know is the only way this would be possible anyway.


Bioware has artificialy been raising the level cap of all servers since release! This is known and often said by bioware representatives (steven reid :p)


So a Standard server today... would be a FULL server 3 weeks back....


get it.. the stats are not stable, you have no way to find out howmanny people actualy ARE online because we do not know the cap bioware has set.

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It is no wonder really.


Customer Service is horrible. The game has been released with so many game breaking bugs that do actually spoil it and it seems that you have to wait for at least 3 days for a response from GMs on anything and the responses are always copy/paste jobs and your ticket doesn't look like its been read.


The performance of the game for a lot of people is simply terrible, reasonable spec PCs are struggling with basic things such as warzones and flashpoints, i haven't done an operation yet but i'm not looking forward to it.


The testing hasn't been very thorough, hard mode flashpoints seem to have been missed as there are bugs that are preventing completion of certainly 1 so far that i've tried.


But its ok, they fixed the most important bug, you can now emote whilst travelling...


The game was promoted on the back of something new, complete voice over, lets face it though, voice over is fairly insignificant and aside from the main story was very quickly skipped, it looks like this voice over has taken priority over a lot of other parts of the game and it shows.


Personally, i think the game was released 6 months too early and is still in a beta state.


With Diablo 3 coming up fairly soon, i can see SWTOR going the same way as Warhammer/AOC/Aion and other games with great potential that failed to deliver. Sad really as i was a fanboy.

Edited by Writer
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Not only that he uses nearly a dozen different names to troll and bash SWTOR all day long. Its funny, someone called him out the other day on it and proved all the alternate names were him. His opinion is worth as much as the turd my dog left in the backyard 10 minutes ago.


Who spends all day bashing a game, in multiple forums on multiple toons that isn't paid to do so? Not that I have proof of anything but who really cares that much to do so?


On top of which, it's pretty pointless...getting people riled up to hate game A doesn't necessarily mean game B will benefit, as WoW is bleeding subs at several hundred k per quarter for a year now, and has another couple quarters of bleeding to do before MoP, and this has been happening regardless of SWTOR.

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Well, then by your own admission you enjoy getting "trolled" because you're still here in this thread.



If I'm a troll, maybe you should ignore me and leave the more objective-minded to listen.


And waste an opportunity for authentic comedy value? Nah mate, I like watching trolls trying to explain that they really are doing this just because they want the game to survive. Xugos, we know you well, we know yo uare made of the same material classics are made of

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It is no wonder really.


Customer Service is horrible. The game has been released with so many game breaking bugs that do actually spoil it and it seems that you have to wait for at least 3 days for a response from GMs on anything and the responses are always copy/paste jobs and your ticket doesn't look like its been read.


The performance of the game for a lot of people is simply terrible, reasonable spec PCs are struggling with basic things such as warzones and flashpoints, i haven't done an operation yet but i'm not looking forward to it.


The testing hasn't been very thorough, hard mode flashpoints seem to have been missed as there are bugs that are preventing completion of certainly 1 so far that i've tried.


But its ok, they fixed the most important bug, you can now emote whilst travelling...


The game was promoted on the back of something new, complete voice over, lets face it though, voice over is fairly insignificant and aside from the main story was very quickly skipped, it looks like this voice over has taken priority over a lot of other parts of the game and it shows.


Personally, i think the game was released 6 months too early and is still in a beta state.


With Diablo 3 coming up fairly soon, i can see SWTOR going the same way as Warhammer/AOC/Aion and other games with great potential that failed to deliver. Sad really as i was a fanboy.



I, too, was once very hyped for this game, but I stop short of calling myself a 'fanboy.'


I wouldn't be foolish enough to get involved with the irrational praising of a game.

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It's showing current server activity -_-


They are light now because its off-peak weekday.


Must I really have to link you people to a trollface for you to click that this guy is trolling you to kingdom come and you are all falling for it?

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It's logins per week. You're going to have a hard time doctoring that fact to fit your allegation of people not being active due to work, etc. I find it hard to believe that someone who pays a sub for this game can't even log in ONCE per week, even if it's for 15 min.


Oh also it's NOT logins, it's server population at any one time. I could log in 8 times in one hour and the per hour chart will only mirror me in our out of the the number recorded based only on whether or not I was logged in our out at the time of it's recording.

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He specifically said SUBSCRIBERS. Therefore he is WRONG.


Besides, you also need to count those who added a 60 day game card. Those things are non-refundable once the code has been entered.


I work with numbers.... big numbers are good when I want more of the things I am am counting. A game needs more logins as more logins mean people are well using the game. less people using teh game means less people will eventually pay for it...


It happened in M59, EQ, SWG, LoTRo, Rift and every other game out there... the only MMO so far that has increased day one logins significantly has been WoW and yes there were bugs, and yes there was a toxic forum community, and yes people still came back...


the different issue is here we have a game that is 7 years too late. its not geared for Hardcore MMo players due to lack of tools and content, and it is not really very ADHD friendly for the facebook generation. Its falleing between the two...


It will have a very loyal following and it will remain profitable. I think every one can now agree it won't be the WoW killer it was hyped to be.


Just face facts... just because people are leaving does not mean teh game will die. It just wont be that successful so what?


I might resub in a few months if they radically improve but hey either way noone died!

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How about this?


If they had actually tried to release a game with SOME vision, instead of trying to capitalize on another game's audience, subs wouldn't be dropping at this rate.


EA and BioWare have only themselves to blame for releasing a game like it's 2004. For companies of this magnitude people and MMO players expect so much more. And they should.


True, they won't have a problem keeping the game alive with 500.000 subs. But that is not the point.


The point is that the audience expected more and they got a rehash of an older game AND with less features. There is no vision in this game, nothing.


And with Guild Wars 2, The Secret World and ArchAge coming, WoW reigning supreme still, it's simple logic that this game will never be the megaton EA and BioWare hoped.


They wanted the big number subs but they had no idea how to do it.

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After 30-40 days the game will have 352k subs, +/- 30000. You can document me saying that, and if I'm correct, maybe I ought to go work for Goldman Sachs. :D


Wait, wasn't there already a thread supposedly created by an employee of Goldman predicting the downfall of the game?



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I, too, was once very hyped for this game, but I stop short of calling myself a 'fanboy.'


I wouldn't be foolish enough to get involved with the irrational praising of a game.


LOL have you started bringing in your 'alts' and answering them? You are bordering schizophrenia....

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