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More info on 1.1


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I dunno if anyone saw this but I just found this. Gives us a bit more info about 1.1 and future patches to come with a short video as well.



The pace BioWare will release beefy content patches for Star Wars: The Old Republic will be "more aggressive" than even World of Warcraft, the company told Eurogamer.


These SWTOR content patches will be known as Game Updates.


Rise of the Rakghouls - patch 1.1 - will be the first of these, and will be released this Tuesday, 17th January.


But BioWare has also revealed to Eurogamer details of a second Game Update in March, and a third Game Update "as soon as possible" after that.


"For the first patch we have the first part of Rise of the Rakghouls," SWTOR game director James Ohlen informed Eurogamer. "For the second patch in March we have the second part of Rise of the Rakghouls.


"Rise of the Rakghouls is quite an epic story, it's really really long and really really epic. The development of Rise of the Rakghouls has happened over the past year, so we've had people working on it off and on for a long time, so people are going to be quite impressed with it."


1/5 Rakghouls were in Knights of the Old Republic, if you don't remember.

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Rise of the Rakghouls adds a Flashpoint on the planet Kaon for level 50 characters only. Here you'll attempt to stop a Rakghoul outbreak. You can be tackle this Flashpoint in Normal or Heroic mode.


There's also a new Operation called Karagga's Palace for eight to 16 players. Here you'll face Karagga and the Hutt Cartel, in an effort to find out why Karagga broke agreements with both the Republic and the Empire. This Operation can be tackled on Normal, Heroic and Nightmare difficulty.


Ohlen said the second, March-bound Game Update will also feature a new world - "And on that world we have a new Operation, which is playable by eight or 16 players."


"We're also going to have a new Warzone," Ohlen added. And new systems.


"So we have most of the Legacy system coming in our Game Update two," said Ohlen, referring to the Legacy feature that encourages and rewards players to make additional characters.


"I'd say we're gaming to be more aggressive than the industry standard World of Warcraft in terms of how often we release our post-release content. "


James Ohlen, game director, SWTOR


"We also have more guild functionality coming in - we're going to be introducing guild banks."


"We're also going to be introducing changes to the space game to basically make it more usable to the endgame players.


Ohlen continued: "We're going to be adding PVP ranking. This is really important to the PVP community; they want to be able to compare themselves against each other. So we're porting that in. So we have a lot of different game systems and a lot of different content coming in March."


Some "other stuff" the SWTOR team is working on besides these Game Updates is, "We want to make the galaxy feel more alive". "So we have a team that's entirely focused on events in the galaxy," Ohlen revealed. "We'll be giving more information on that in the future."


"We have multiple teams working on content and game systems and we already have people working on the third patch."


What will be in that third patch, Ohlen wouldn't specify.


"We know people expect the game to continue to grow. And this is kind of the test for players - our players want to know are we going to continue to grow the game, are we going to support the game? And the answer is yes," he said.


"We've got our entire team focused on releasing new Game Updates on a regular cadence and making sure that we continue to work on balance issues and bug fixes.


"I can't give you an exact date on the third Game Update," he said, "but I'd say we're gaming to be more aggressive than the industry standard World of Warcraft in terms of how often we release our post-release content.


"We know that that's something we have to do because we need to convince our fans that we're serious about this."


SWTOR patch 1.1 was added to the game's public test realm recently, and patch notes divulged accordingly.

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Awesome, more broken content for us.


And I am sorry. But this is just laughable. "Things" that are in 99% of MMO's at launch...they are adding that in later and calling it adding content. LOL


Yep, pretty absurd that he's actually using the term "post-release content", when a lot of features mentioned are actually launch features on other games.

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The pace BioWare will release beefy content patches for Star Wars: The Old Republic will be "more aggressive" than even World of Warcraft, the company told Eurogamer.


Yeah, so you not aiming too high then. WoW does a lot of things well but pushing out content at quick pace is certainly not one of them and never has been.


Oh well :rolleyes:

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"We aim to be more aggressive than world of warcraft in delivering new content"


Good one. Except ofcourse, wow has tons more content and this game barely finds anything to give players to do, so this..."aggressiveness" is actually mandatory to keep the game afloat.



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"We aim to be more aggressive than world of warcraft in delivering new content"


Good one. Except ofcourse, wow has tons more content and this game barely finds anything to give players to do, so this..."aggressiveness" is actually mandatory to keep the game afloat.




You know WoW has been out for more then seven years, right?



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Man I love you guys.. the game gives all you want in a relatively short timeframe (1.1 this mounth, 1.2 in March) and you guys still complain.


Most posters in this thread are clearly the entitlement generation. Ok.. last thing I'll say in this thread because it will become a flamefest between defenders of the game and entitlement idiots in..











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Bioware doesn't have all the features people demanded on launch, people whine.


Now they begin implementing content at a steady pace, people still whine.




As for bug fixes and broken features... They're working on them. Yeah they shouldn't have existed in the first place. But as long as they are releasing these fixes steadily and consistently, it wouldn't hurt to show a little patience.

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Yep, pretty absurd that he's actually using the term "post-release content", when a lot of features mentioned are actually launch features on other games.


Go play the game with the features you want then no one is stopping you from doing that


If you dont like this product move on its very simple, your wasting your time on forums of a game you do not like the door ------------------------------------>



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Bioware doesn't have all the features people demanded on launch, people whine.


Now they begin implementing content at a steady pace, people still whine.




As for bug fixes and broken features... They're working on them. Yeah they shouldn't have existed in the first place. But as long as they are releasing these fixes steadily and consistently, it wouldn't hurt to show a little patience.


not only that, people working on content are usually not the same ones as those working on fixes...


the guy who built your car is not the guy who also works in the garage you send it to when your engine won't start :D

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Go play the game with the features you want then no one is stopping you from doing that


If you dont like this product move on its very simple, your wasting your time on forums of a game you do not like the door ------------------------------------>




I concur. Content is being added quickly and I like that. This is exactly what the need to do. Oh yeah, and they also can afford to have people working on different things at the same time, so bug fixes will keep coming.

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I for one am excited. I understand the issues with SWTOR however it is how you deal with them that will effect your gameplay. I choose to ignore the random green blinding beams or sudden dips in performance (most of the time blaming my laptop for this one). I personally try to bring out the best out of each sit down cause honestly, your paying for this. Why on earth would you pay to complain? Either play the game or don't. The options aren't rocket science. I've played tons of MMOs and the fact that we are getting almost daily bug fixes and will be getting monthly content patches is great. In one weeks time it will make SWTOR 1 month old. I cannot imagine where the game will be 6 months from now.


Keep it up Bioware! (Just please please please fix the random green beams =x)

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Christ you guys are a spoiled, uptight pathetic lot aren't you? "Nnnnngggh! The game didn't LAUNCH with this stuff lulz hurhurhur". Sound like school children whining that they got a cookie after the other kid instead of before.
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