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I've figured out why i'm not enjoying the game


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Well, i guess not wanting to hoof it through the same overly extended linear zones in which ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENS, is carebear. And apparently it is challenging work (LOL) that one must put in.



Running through any zone is fun the first time. But coming back, to that same zone, and seeing the objective marker on the other side of the map, knowing there is nothing but a 10 minute jog ahead of you, is intimidatingly tedious.

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Funny, what do you guys want then?


A button that says "Auto Complete all quests on this planet and transfer the Loot to my cargo hold" and be done with a planet ?


EQ did not have mounts and we had to find a druid or wizard to port us between continents or end up running for an hour, wow seems small in comparison...


Yep. The boat between continents took forever (especially if you just missed it). And, if one wanted a speed buff, SoW was it. So, if your character had it, you were constantly being asked for it...



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Agreed. Even SWG gave new players a speeder at about level 5. They had a level 90 at cap.


When did they do that?


I played at launch, but quit about the time that they first added land transportation to the engineer's craft... I remember having to run (not ride) everywhere in that game...



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The amount of travel downtime is ridiculous. Especially the airlocks BS with planets that have space stations. I hit Corellia and stopped playing for a week. Terrible traveling there. I felt a duty not the desire to finish my class quest after 4 days played.



The complete lack of alternative leveling options killed my desire for alts. Having done nearly all the quests each planet the class quests are not seeming worth it. I'm not about to do that again soon.


I got my money's worth from the box sale. BW can have $15 one month at a time after they modernize their game.


I could see this happening to me, but not because of travel time, but because i had seen all the quests already.


As i said i enjoy trying to get places i probably shouldnt be and looking for datacrons.

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What on a bantha's backside is a opfor?


"Please use simple happy language words to help me understand"


OpFor stands for Opposing Forces.


It's a military term.


For future reference, BluFor is allied forces.

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Travel early on is drag in any game.


Remember vanilla WOW, where you only got a mount at 40? As in, 40 levels of running WITHOUT sprint? Yeah.


What got me in SWTOR I think is all the instancing. Especially unnecessary ones, like leaving the ship and jogging across empty hangars and stairways and stations. Pointless, just an obvious time sink, not even anything interesting to look at, no possibility of PvP, etc.


I mean, take WoW and the boat from Menethil to Theramore. You had to run to the dock, wait for the boat, hop on, wait for travel/loading screen, get off, run across the docks again. Boring, right? Not really. You could fish, for example. You could encounter world PvP on the docks or on the boat itself. On my druid I often rode that boat and ganked Alliance who felt safe since both of those were Alliance ports. Heck, you could just sit on the docks and watch the sunset. Something you can't do in SWTOR because the damn sun never sets! (seriously, who dreamed that one up?)


What's more, lack of class variety in SWTOR really gets to me. I have a ton of alts. Specifically, one of each Empire AC. Lowest one is 22. Most are in mid-high 30s. And I don't really LOVE any of them. They're all a little...bleh...a little vanilla. Lacking in personality.


I'll use WoW again as an example. Try playing a mage in that game, and you feel ludicrously squishy, but also insanely powerful and highly mobile - blink, port, sprint, etc. Now take a druid - you can be a rogue, a tank and a healer all at once, and it takes a button push to switch roles. Amazing class, purely amazing. And the sense of freedom and fluidity of movement I got from playing it, I have yet to experience in any other GAME, not just any other MMO. Though from what I hear Blizz nerfed the hell out of that in Cata, I just wasn't there to see it.


Quite a few other reasons why I'm not enjoying the game. Immersion for me just ain't there. Crafting is weak because companions do it, there was something to be said about your character becoming a master blacksmith and joining the Mithril Order and slaving away at the forge crafting things. As opposed to just hitting one button in SWTOR and items appearing in your inventory minutes later.


I could go on, but what's the point. It is what it is, and it's not going to change. Take it for what it is, if you can. Personally I'm taking a few days off to think about it. In all honesty I might come back as early as this weekend out of sheer boredom. Or not. Time will tell.

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I want teleporters (no cooldown) to every discovered mission and important location.


This means no tedious running and grinding mobs for some.

No effort for Bioware; like changing parts of the game world.

Allows everybody to play like he wants.

Huge difference between quality zone layout and having lolteleporters to get you everywhere without any effort.


So much of every zone feels unused, and that's not even accounting for all the red shields of "no content for you."

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omg ya the running is obsurd and tedious... like aion grinding tedious. and dont forget the run to the transport up to the orbital station then to your ship to take the holocall then back across the orbital station down the transport back to the taxi to get to your original point. spend less money on absurdity and spend it on the gameplay.
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I've been trying to figure out why such an originally addicting and fun game became a chore for me to play. It's the running.


Non-stop. Every time i do a sidequests, i have to run across a barren maze which is out of the way of my main objective to complete it. THEN, i have to run back. And then i get a new phase in which i have to run to another competley out of the way and on-the-other-side-of-the-map place.


I have just realized now that when i log out, it's right after i get a side quest. I look at my map, and just like the previous 2 quests that i spent my last hour on, it is located at an unmapped zone that requires a non-exaggerated 10 minutes of running.


When i had the audacity to skip these time-sinks, i was severely under levelled for a story boss. It's just a waste of time. If you're going to force these repetitive side-quests and teeth-grindingly long runs that take you through nowhere land, at least put them on the road to your main objective, or put the objective marks somewhat close to eachother! Not on the other side of the map!


INB4: "This is what MMOs are about noob"; "The environments are amazing brah, why not run for 20 minutes on end?"; "Start grinding *****"


Yes, instant teleportation everywhere, scotty beam me up! You could always ask a developer to make a game where you're in a 10X10 field and have all the quests within 1x1 of each other.

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Running? What do you know about running? When I was younger, we didn't get vehicles at 25 - we got mounts at 40, and we liked it! "Better run down to Gadgetzan" we might say, and damn if we ran for 20 minutes.


Running... pfaugh. There's almost no running at ALL in this game. Part of why it takes so little time to level.


I remember those days... :cool:

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So what is it - corridors or vast and barren?


City Planets are corridors and planets like Hoth and Tatooine are vast and barren but I like Tatooine, Hoth and Alderaan that is how the planets should be design. Whoever thought needing a taxi to travel from zone A to Zone b instead of having a huge landscape to explore should be fired.

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omg ya the running is obsurd and tedious... like aion grinding tedious. and dont forget the run to the transport up to the orbital station then to your ship to take the holocall then back across the orbital station down the transport back to the taxi to get to your original point. spend less money on absurdity and spend it on the gameplay.


Gosh, takes me a couple minutes to do all that, how exhausting!

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WoW player that thinks he's an MMO veteran. How amusing.


My first MMO had no mounts, no sprinting, no flight paths, and only a handful of portals sprinkled throughout the world, so you had to learn the global portal system if you wanted to get anywhere in a timely fashion, but with tons of great exploratory content if you chose to walk.


None of this hand holding advanced quest tracking nonsense that completely divests the player from becoming involved in the content beyond "kill 10 X" or "collect 10 Y." None of this linear map ********, where even when I explore I just have to backtrack out once I want to move on, because I literally have to follow the road to progress through a zone.


And because the world was comparatively smaller, and the developers were legendary cool, you'd get actual world events, good ones at that.


Rose colored glasses....not at all. They really just don't make them like they used to.


City Planets are corridors and planets like Hoth and Tatooine are vast and barren but I like Tatooine, Hoth and Alderaan that is how the planets should be design.
Alderaan had some nice, fairly open zones, but the content was used so poorly.


Alphis Coast = Hillsbrad ... would have been a highlight of the game if they had used the zone better.


But these maze-like zones are awful, compartmentalized pieces of junk that work well in a single player RPG by making the most use of the space (except most of it's locked behind red shields), but does nothing to enhance the massive feeling of an MMO.


Open world does not mean sandbox.

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