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Question about Roleplaying?


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See..I understand what a lot of you are saying. I even agree. I am just wondering why the server was flagged as RP when you can RP on any of the other servers the exact same way? If you can't or aren't expected to RP in the general chat, what was the point in it? You could just roleplay in private or make another chatroom yourself on any server.


This is what I'm confused about.


What is the difference between a RP-PVE server then...and a regular PVE one?


And why is it okay then to talk about everything else under the sun in general chat (not game related at all), but actual game-related roleplaying is discouraged?


*shrug* Guess I'm just an old-skool gamer still.


I am an old school rp'er (pen and paper) and I appreciate your effort! Carry on!

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See..I understand what a lot of you are saying. I even agree. I am just wondering why the server was flagged as RP when you can RP on any of the other servers the exact same way? If you can't or aren't expected to RP in the general chat, what was the point in it? You could just roleplay in private or make another chatroom yourself on any server.


Because, as someone mentioned earlier, it tells RP'ers where they can easily find other ones.


And, again, the point of general chat is usually to give people a way to communicate with each other in a way that isn't in-character, which is actually pretty important. If you've ever played pen-and-paper RPG's, it's the way you have of telling people you're doing real-world stuff. "I'm rolling 3 dice to see if I hit," for example. Having a channel to do that is pretty critical.


Now, would I slam you for talking in character in general? No. I doubt many RPers would.

Edited by imtrick
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the point of general chat is usually to give people a way to communicate with each other in a way that isn't in-character, which is actually pretty important.


I actually do agree with this...absolutely. At the same time, I'm wondering why a dedicated chatroom can't be added OFFICIALLY on RP servers specifically for open roleplaying?


It would encourage more social interaction and would make the RP portion of the RP server designation actually relevant.


I get now that it wouldn't be appreciated or wanted in general chat. I now understand the reasons why.


So, I'll just drop the subject.


Thanks, everyone, for your input. It was greatly appreciated. :)

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See..I understand what a lot of you are saying. I even agree. I am just wondering why the server was flagged as RP when you can RP on any of the other servers the exact same way? If you can't or aren't expected to RP in the general chat, what was the point in it? You could just roleplay in private or make another chatroom yourself on any server.


This is what I'm confused about.


What is the difference between a RP-PVE server then...and a regular PVE one?


And why is it okay then to talk about everything else under the sun in general chat (not game related at all), but actual game-related roleplaying is discouraged?


*shrug* Guess I'm just an old-skool gamer still.


In plain text, the difference is this:


On a server with a RP tag, you will have far more luck going into a cantina and trying to roleplay with someone than you EVER would on a server without a RP tag. Yeah, you might run into some trolls on an RP server, and you might not. But on a non RP server? Get ready to have people wondering what the heck you're doing when you go up to them all "I say there, sir, I'll buy you a drink if you tell me about your epic star wars!"


You could not create an RP guild on a non RP server because there would be no demand. Any RPer who actually wants to find RP is going to be on an RP server of some sort. Same goes for the channel.


I hate to bring up WoW, but it's unfortunate that SWOTOR doesn't have modding capabilities. There were all kinds of nice mods on WoW that identified RPers when you moused over them, so you'd know who to approach. Most RPers had these mods, and it's so much easier to approach someone if you know for a fact that they aren't going to be a stupid troll.


Edit: In place of mods, it'd be great if we could at least have server-specific forums so we could organize our own RP meetings and create server wide channels with easier ways of advertising them. >: People could start a list of RPers, we could build friends' lists off of these lists... it'd be really helpful.

Edited by deadselly
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I am on a roleplaying server (RP-PVE). My friends and I chose this server BECAUSE it is listed as a RP server. However, despite all the many hours I've played, I never see anyone roleplaying at all in general chat. The other day, a friend of mine and I started a little roleplaying for fun in the chatroom and got a LOT of hateful flack for it. When we reminded them that this was a roleplaying server, we were told to take it all to a different room. (Of course, other people in the room defended us and asked us to keep playing because they were actually enjoying the chatroom for once). We stopped out of respect for those who were so hatefully adamant against it.


But, I don't get it?


I thought this was a MMORPG? Isn't Roleplaying in the actual name of the genre?


Is anyone actually roleplaying on their server at all?


My friend and I wanted other people to roleplay with us (which we said as it was an open invitation we gave to the entire chatroom). Some people joined in. Others made amusing comments to things people said. But, then, we had that handful of people who were very angry about the whole thing.


And when we stopped doing it entirely, the chatroom became a dead zone. Not a word was typed for over 20 minutes. It wasn't like our roleplaying was "interfering" with discussions people weren't having.


There's no OFFICIAL roleplaying chatroom for RP servers? If we can't roleplay in general, but we want to encourage MULTI-USER roleplaying, why can't we have an official roleplaying chatroom listed for the server? Then, there'd be a General (only OOC chat), a PVP, a Trade, and a RP chatroom for those servers that are listed as RP servers.


I'm really disheartened by this. I thought roleplaying was part of this game for users as a social tool. It was something I was looking forward to. I didn't expect a hateful backlash.


Anyone else actually roleplaying at all?


Thanks for reading this.


You should turn off general chat. Strictly speaking this is an OOC area on most roleplaying servers so its the one place where people tend not to roleplay at all. Usually roleplaying is more local, try cantinas or hanging out near mission areas. Thats usually where you will see the RP and mind you not everyone participates but I have found the RP servers to be pretty good as long as you kind of know how people approach it.

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Unless your channel is intended to simulate some kind of Holonet group chat, I generally see RPing as something you do face to face with other players and not in some server wide chat room. I can't talk to folks that aren't in the same place as me unless I'm on a communicator, and I wouldn't be chatting to random people on one either...


Try visiting some cantinas in popular spots like Coruscant or Dromund Kaas. I've found plenty of RP in those. Hell, I even had a great time the other week with some impromptu RP during the balloon ride on Tatooine; me and another sith vs 2 jedi. That was an.... interesting ride! ;)

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Left The Progenitor RP server at level 15.

I remember very well how was on on an RP server in wow at the beginning and until the end of TBC. With wotlk a new flow of players, the so called new generation, flooded the game in each and every server. They didn't understand what RP was and as almost every human being they hate or disrepect what they don't understand. Those that are there to roleplay , simply because they play in a different way and enjoy different things are a kind of alien to them. I don't want to start a flame now, but, seriously, think about this. Imagine you are a teenager: you go in room where you meet gays; if you are alone, you most probably keep quite and a low profile.

You are in group with friends and then you feel much stronger; you start making jokes and having fun of the gays, just because they are different... I know that not everyone would act lke that, but, most teenagers would, just because they are teenagers. Well, i've been a teenager and i know what i'm talking about. I'm not being racist now, mine was just an example and you all know it....

Months ago there was already a war on these very forums about roleplaying servers, with many angry about the creation of dedicated RP servers. Bioware gave to roleplayers their servers and made a mistake not enforcing some rules.

I can guarantee you that general chat on The Progenitor is a disgusting one, you really feel the need to leave the general chat because of the immature people that fill ti with nonsense and spam.

I'm playing on 2 different servers now, normal pve ones, one for Republic characters and one for Empire characters.

Don't know why, but i never felt the need to close the general chat. Usually, players, are much more mature and there is no spam at all neither.

My guess is that RP servers have been flooded by people trat know what they are doing, their goal is to disrupt the enjoyment of roleplayers.

Probably i'm being paranoic now, but that's what i feel, sorry about it and i apologise if i hurted someone feelings.

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