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Question about Roleplaying?


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I am on a roleplaying server (RP-PVE). My friends and I chose this server BECAUSE it is listed as a RP server. However, despite all the many hours I've played, I never see anyone roleplaying at all in general chat. The other day, a friend of mine and I started a little roleplaying for fun in the chatroom and got a LOT of hateful flack for it. When we reminded them that this was a roleplaying server, we were told to take it all to a different room. (Of course, other people in the room defended us and asked us to keep playing because they were actually enjoying the chatroom for once). We stopped out of respect for those who were so hatefully adamant against it.


But, I don't get it?


I thought this was a MMORPG? Isn't Roleplaying in the actual name of the genre?


Is anyone actually roleplaying on their server at all?


My friend and I wanted other people to roleplay with us (which we said as it was an open invitation we gave to the entire chatroom). Some people joined in. Others made amusing comments to things people said. But, then, we had that handful of people who were very angry about the whole thing.


And when we stopped doing it entirely, the chatroom became a dead zone. Not a word was typed for over 20 minutes. It wasn't like our roleplaying was "interfering" with discussions people weren't having.


There's no OFFICIAL roleplaying chatroom for RP servers? If we can't roleplay in general, but we want to encourage MULTI-USER roleplaying, why can't we have an official roleplaying chatroom listed for the server? Then, there'd be a General (only OOC chat), a PVP, a Trade, and a RP chatroom for those servers that are listed as RP servers.


I'm really disheartened by this. I thought roleplaying was part of this game for users as a social tool. It was something I was looking forward to. I didn't expect a hateful backlash.


Anyone else actually roleplaying at all?


Thanks for reading this.

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Just suspect folks don't even look at server type most of the time. RP should be fine in General, just use ignore judiciously if you get complaints. Sigh - times were you would get the negative comments if you didn't RP in General on RP servers in MMOs.
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I am on a roleplaying server (RP-PVE). My friends and I chose this server BECAUSE it is listed as a RP server. However, despite all the many hours I've played, I never see anyone roleplaying at all in general chat.


That's generally how it works. The general channels are usually non-RP, because it's damned hard to keep it up all the time without a channel to go OOC (out-of-character) in (and, as the guy before me mentioned, global channels are pretty much impossible to really roleplay in, by definition). You can always turn it off if you want to go 100% RP.

Edited by imtrick
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General Chat is an OOC channel, just like pvp, guild and Trade. In most RP-PVE servers you wont find anyone Rping in it.


Rp is mostly done ICly in Say and even Yell. Whisper is in general IC, but can also be used as OOC. So when typing OOC use (( text here )) brackets before and after your sentence.


If you are on European time, join Trask Ulgo as your server. Both the Republic and Empire have large guilds there that are atleast 75% RP. Including the one I am in. We organise Events quite often :)

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That's generally how it works. The general channels are usually non-RP, because it's damned hard to keep it up all the time without a channel to go OOC (out-of-character) in. You can always turn it off if you want to go 100% RP.


But then you just use [OOC] *hey - need help with xyz


I really think the RP takes precedence, not on one here but was on EQ and it stayed RP most of the time.

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Is it possible for BioWare to give the RP specific servers an additional chat tab for roleplaying (so roleplaying can occur outside the general chat for the general populace to join at their leisure)? I just think that MMORPG should have roleplaying at some point actually involved (other than the abbreviation for the genre).


Besides, what was the point in having specific RP servers if roleplaying was going to be discouraged in the general chat? You can roleplay "secretly" on any server from what I understand?


I guess I'm not understanding what the difference was then between a normal PVE or PVP server and a RP-PVE one?

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Lord Adraas ftw, I"m not a roleplayer but I love our server. This server for example has a rp channel that they usually all hang out in. The server you're on likely does as well just need to ask.


There is? What's it called? First I've heard of this channel.

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Dumb question---


Then why have RP servers? I mean if it's discouraged in general chat-- what's the point? You can RP on any server in a group chat.


Exactly. RP in General would be far preferable to the drivel that is there most of the time atm.

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I actually asked about that in our chatroom. I was told that there was no such thing. But...we could make a private chatroom for just my friend and me to game in, if we wanted.


We wanted to roleplay with OTHER people. It's a MMO for a reason, right? Shouldn't we be able to actually roleplay with other people instead of having to hide in a private chatroom to do it like a dirty little secret? Especially on a dedicated RP server?

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Besides, what was the point in having specific RP servers if roleplaying was going to be discouraged in the general chat? You can roleplay "secretly" on any server from what I understand?


I guess I'm not understanding what the difference was then between a normal PVE or PVP server and a RP-PVE one?


You're confusing roleplaying with speaking in character. They're not quite the same thing.


Roleplayers play their characters as if they are real people. It comes into play when interacting with others, generally face-to-face. While it's possible to roleplay in general chat, it's not the same thing. Your character couldn't shout loud enough for everyone on the planet to her, right? You actually need to go out of character to do that (not that you can't talk like your character would, but it's not really roleplaying because you're doing something your character couldn't possibly do).

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Is it possible for BioWare to give the RP specific servers an additional chat tab for roleplaying (so roleplaying can occur outside the general chat for the general populace to join at their leisure)? I just think that MMORPG should have roleplaying at some point actually involved (other than the abbreviation for the genre).


Besides, what was the point in having specific RP servers if roleplaying was going to be discouraged in the general chat? You can roleplay "secretly" on any server from what I understand?


I guess I'm not understanding what the difference was then between a normal PVE or PVP server and a RP-PVE one?


You can make your own channel, and advertise it.

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Is it possible for BioWare to give the RP specific servers an additional chat tab for roleplaying (so roleplaying can occur outside the general chat for the general populace to join at their leisure)? I just think that MMORPG should have roleplaying at some point actually involved (other than the abbreviation for the genre).


Besides, what was the point in having specific RP servers if roleplaying was going to be discouraged in the general chat? You can roleplay "secretly" on any server from what I understand?


I guess I'm not understanding what the difference was then between a normal PVE or PVP server and a RP-PVE one?


You are able to create your own channels and chat tabs. Use that. On my server the Empire has created a channel called "EmpireRP" it is an OOC channel, but quite a few guilds and people use it. Channels, even custom created ones, stick after you joined them even after logging out. The question is, getting your custom channel broadcasted over the server.

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Dumb question---


Then why have RP servers? I mean if it's discouraged in general chat-- what's the point? You can RP on any server in a group chat.


My experience with RP on other games has always been that general wasn't an RP channel, and that RP mainly took place in character. Guilds were also often in character, usually under the guise of guild chat being a "guild hall" of sorts (which I never liked) or with some kind of mass communication device (my preference). RP servers were created so that RPers would have an easier time finding each other. Just because you could RP in party chat on a plain old PVE or PVP server doesn't mean you'd ever find someone willing.


That said I've seen people RP in general chat before and have no problem with it; it's honestly better than no RP at all. I love RP myself, but have found none of it on my current RP-PVP server.


Quin, you could always create an RP channel and advertise it in general as a sort of chat based RP cantina or the like. I'm unfamiliar with how well you can moderate channels, but I imagine you'd be able to do things like kick trolls. Or you could create your own guild. Poor options, I know, but something to consider.


Regardless, you have my sympathies. >:

Edited by deadselly
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McFabulous...this isn't about a PVP server, though. The server I'm on is flagged as RP-PVE.


Why bother with a roleplaying server at all? It's not like roleplaying is actually happening other than the occasional random dancer.


But this is where you are wrong. Roleplay happens a lot. You just cant expect to find it in General chat. Again General chat is mainly Out of Character. On my server people create RP events, joined RP guilds and Set up events involving the entire server.

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My experience with RP on other games has always been that general wasn't an RP channel, and that RP mainly took place in character. Guilds were also often in character, usually under the guise of guild chat being a "guild hall" of sorts (which I never liked) or with some kind of mass communication device (my preference). RP servers were created so that RPers would have an easier time finding each other. Just because you could RP in party chat on a plain old PVE or PVP server doesn't mean you'd ever find someone willing.


That said I've seen people RP in general chat before and have no problem with it; it's honestly better than no RP at all. I love RP myself, but have found none of it on my current RP-PVP server.


Quin, you could always create an RP channel and advertise it in general as a sort of chat based RP cantina or the like. I'm unfamiliar with how well you can moderate channels, but I imagine you'd be able to do things like kick trolls. Or you could create your own guild. Poor options, I know, but something to consider.


Regardless, you have my sympathies. >:


Gotcha! Thanks for the info.

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See..I understand what a lot of you are saying. I even agree. I am just wondering why the server was flagged as RP when you can RP on any of the other servers the exact same way? If you can't or aren't expected to RP in the general chat, what was the point in it? You could just roleplay in private or make another chatroom yourself on any server.


This is what I'm confused about.


What is the difference between a RP-PVE server then...and a regular PVE one?


And why is it okay then to talk about everything else under the sun in general chat (not game related at all), but actual game-related roleplaying is discouraged?


*shrug* Guess I'm just an old-skool gamer still.

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