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10 PvP Reasons why I unsubbed


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About 100% agree with all he said ... now at this point he gave some good advice on what to fix . Problem is YES its been said before BUT it got lost in the L2play and Umad BS most everyone that plays said toons do. PLZ BW pick up on this guy also i would like to add a UI fix .


A serious suggestion for the new UI. I would like to see an option in the UI to have the raid red health bars turn different colors depending on the debuff someone may have on them. So everyone can tell that they need a cure/toxic scan etc.. I realize there are tiny little icons that show in the debuff and there is animation on toons showing the debuff. But i don't have a 360 panoramic view of everybody in the raid. In a perfect world we would all be able to see the tiny little icons with the debuffs on it. Some of us though can't see as well as others and it would just be a very nice feature in the UI. I am not asking for some dumb thing were you just mouse over and cast it or aka decursor. Just something so i don't have to guess when someone has a debuff on them. If somebody out there has a better idea I would like to hear it. Troll's need not apply.

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Stop whining. When people say they are getting stunned every 2 seconds they're of course full of it. It's not that bad at all. Without the stuns the game would be ruined... besides use your own damn stuns... it's not like it's just a few classes that have stuns. Stop using your CC breaker every single time you get stunned ffs... it's concentrated stupidity.


I very much agree with the randomness of getting pvp gear... it's silly.


But the rest is just sad whining to be honest... I have played every single class (but not every class to 50 of course, but all are now above 25, except one level 16) and I have felt viable and powerful in every single class. That's a bloody great accomplishmen by the developers. You people want us all to be weak... you want it to be a slow and utterly boring grind of health with no unforseen stuff happening to you. Bah... **** it to be honest. The game is great and just because you lose as a certain class and have issues with stealth, CC, stun or whatever doesn't mean it's an issue.


Some of us actually play a lot of classes and can do ok, and have no issues with stealth and CC, so perhaps the issue isn't the game but YOU.

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10: Actually after going without getting anything but comendations for a long time.. I finally got 4 differelt slot pieces today... Only had to open 7 bags to do it.

Not a bad trade off if i might say so myself.

I think you just have had insanely bad luck though.

But yeah.. You should be able to trade them in for either 3 higher level comendation or like you say 15 lower level comendations.

Would make sense since you really dont need 3 different items of the same slot now do you? ;p

I am a new level 50 and this is confusing. Are we supposed to pvp til we have 200 warzone and 200 of another commendation, then buy which bag? How does the bag stack up against the vendors on on the empirial fleet? I just turned 50 today and i have no idea if i am doing it right or not


I have played every single class (but not every class to 50 of course, but all are now above 25, except one level 16) and I have felt viable and powerful in every single class. That's a bloody great accomplishmen by the developers. You people want us all to be weak... you want it to be a slow and utterly boring grind of health with no unforseen stuff happening to you. Bah... **** it to be honest. The game is great and just because you lose as a certain class and have issues with stealth, CC, stun or whatever doesn't mean it's an issue.


i agree with this, even though i have not tried every class, i can see that they are more than adequate and i hear they are nerfing the one trick ponies very soon. . If a person is having extreme difficulty, then maybe they chose a class that doesn't fit their playing style? It happens.

Edited by Bethivus
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I am a new level 50 and this is confusing. Are we supposed to pvp til we have 200 warzone and 200 of another commendation, then buy which bag? How does the bag stack up against the vendors on on the empirial fleet? I just turned 50 today and i have no idea if i am doing it right or not


Turn wz comms into merc comms, then buy champion bags with 200/200 (so 800 wz comms), do dailies/weeklies, rinse repeat

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i agree with 5 about the healing in pvp for a dps spec, it hink they need something for either when u que or something u can set beforehand that you need to select either dps or heal, so that if your a dps, your healing gets toned down, and for healers you cant dps the heck outta things


this wouldnt affect pve healing or dpsing, but make warzones a little more balanced, especially when expertise improves your healing, an additional 10% on the already powerful non spec heals gets a bit crazy


im sure this is unpopular but i hink its something that needs to get looked at

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What Bioware is actually doing is compiling data, the very same thing you would get in competitive games like SCII and even LoL, from this data they look for anomalies, disparties and things that could be a major problem and proceed to "rebalance" that single area in such a way that it would not "break the class" but would make it less to deal with when someone hybrids..


Wouldn't the smart time to balance class be during the beta of a game instead of releasing yet another imbalanced pvp mess like this?

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excelent post op.


there are a few more reasons and i dont agree much with one or 2 of your post but, and generally speaking yes..


Stealth / restealth and cc/stun almost nonstop are just insane.


Another thing that is annoying is.. no matter how much gear you have, you will feel like paper in warzones nless you get someone constantly healing you.. wich favor a lot premade groups vs random groups where healers rarely appear and much less heal properly.

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Wouldn't the smart time to balance class be during the beta of a game instead of releasing yet another imbalanced pvp mess like this?


Wouldn't that also apply to Trion with Rift? or Blizzard with WoW? or any game for that matter?


Balance isn't always dictated through beta, because balance always changes...thus it's easier to sort it out in live when you know how the playing field is stacked.

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Here are my top 10 issues with the pvp side of the game and why I have unsubbed(bring on the qq etc it doesn't bother me).


1. Resists - or lack thereof. Each class has its own damage type, some classes have alot of one and little of others. Which means that some classes spammable abilities will do more damage than others. Also this benefits some class armor wearers against other classes whose damage is white (or weapon based).


2. Stealth - (I know this doesn't apply to every stealth class). Stealth should have super burst - they should be the kings of assination. What they shouldn't have is stealth, burst, speed, restealth (in the middle of aoe/4 people hitting them), and the abiltiy to heal themselves.

IMO - they should trade 1 or 2 of each off on the others. Want to heal - then give up burst, want to run around on crack level 5 then no restealth, a character shouldnt be able to use all 4.


3. Cover - bad mechanic - to slow etc etc etc


4. One trick ponies whose trick is very good. We all know who they are - interrupt them and they stand looking at you for 4 secs. Then it starts all over. No class should use 1 skill the majority of the time. Make it so to PvP successfully you have to use all your hotkeys/skillbars. Spamming one skill that does a **** tonne of damage is not good game design. Make interrupts last a decent amount of time not 2 GCDs - 10secs should be good. That will keep people on their toes and force them to utilise what other skills they have.


5. Healing. Classes that heal themselves ie Commando/BH/Ops/Scoundrel etc who are not highly specced in their heal tree should have small hot type heals. Not big heals that can get them the 2.5k medal. Unless they spec 1/2 way up 2 different trees. Seeing players in WZs that have dominated come out with 200kdamage and 100k healing is wrong. (yes I know people can get 300-500k damage - you are not dominating here - the other team is healing alot!)


6. Stuns - Part 1 - Stuns in pvp are wrong. CC is good and should be used. It makes people think about breaking it - ie Mez someone and if someone damages them they are free to go, root them and they are able to use range abilities, KB's are situational and good at times - stuns - no.

Part 2 - Stuns with damage - see part 1 and multiply the bull**** that it has become.


7. Escape/Breakfree - give an immunity of a few secs ffs! 5 - 10 should be minimum


8. Resolve - good in theory still needs a lot of tweaking - fill up faster, disappear alot slower.


9. WZ Balance - no brackets at release really? Lvl 50s have nothing to do at 50 - well 80% of player base wouldn't care at this stage. Premade lvl 50s vs greys is crazy - its not really fun when you do it because all you are doing is spending time to get some medals. It's less fun on the receiving end.


10. RNG Bags for PvP Gear - see other numerous threads. My fix. +5% chance for every bag you open to get an item until you get an item. Get a duplicate? Trade for Centurion piece or 15 commendations.


(edit: forgot the lack of afk kick in WZs but this would make 11 reasons so no matter:P)


I know most of this has been said in numerous other threads, but my chest is a little lighter. BTW I am Lvl 50 Valor 59 with 2 pieces of my Champ clothes, 1 off hand weapon, 1 earpiece, 1 belt, 1 Implant. My luck has it so that whatever piece I buy with Centurion commendations I will get next - or a duplicate.


I hope everyone enjoys their gaming experience be it in this game or another.




A good list of things that need to be looked at...

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People really need to let this RNG loot bag thing go. Yes, it's random. Just like PvE drops. What a shocker. Since I've been 50 I have been running hard modes quite often and have not seen one set token piece for my class. Welcome to the world of random set drops.
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4: I play one of those "one trick ponys" as you call them.. We have more then one trick you know.. Most people dont really pay attention to what they do though, and really.. They just suck :p


No you don't. Because all your synergies on talents come from spamming that skill. For mercs/comandos it's 1 1 1 2 3 maybe 4, then 1 1 1. For Sorcs it's 1 2 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3. It's dumb gameplay. Nothing wrong with it, some people need to be able to play mac classes.

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Here are my top 10 issues with the pvp side of the game and why I have unsubbed(bring on the qq etc it doesn't bother me).


1. Resists - or lack thereof. Each class has its own damage type, some classes have alot of one and little of others. Which means that some classes spammable abilities will do more damage than others. Also this benefits some class armor wearers against other classes whose damage is white (or weapon based).


2. Stealth - (I know this doesn't apply to every stealth class). Stealth should have super burst - they should be the kings of assination. What they shouldn't have is stealth, burst, speed, restealth (in the middle of aoe/4 people hitting them), and the abiltiy to heal themselves.

IMO - they should trade 1 or 2 of each off on the others. Want to heal - then give up burst, want to run around on crack level 5 then no restealth, a character shouldnt be able to use all 4.


3. Cover - bad mechanic - to slow etc etc etc


4. One trick ponies whose trick is very good. We all know who they are - interrupt them and they stand looking at you for 4 secs. Then it starts all over. No class should use 1 skill the majority of the time. Make it so to PvP successfully you have to use all your hotkeys/skillbars. Spamming one skill that does a **** tonne of damage is not good game design. Make interrupts last a decent amount of time not 2 GCDs - 10secs should be good. That will keep people on their toes and force them to utilise what other skills they have.


5. Healing. Classes that heal themselves ie Commando/BH/Ops/Scoundrel etc who are not highly specced in their heal tree should have small hot type heals. Not big heals that can get them the 2.5k medal. Unless they spec 1/2 way up 2 different trees. Seeing players in WZs that have dominated come out with 200kdamage and 100k healing is wrong. (yes I know people can get 300-500k damage - you are not dominating here - the other team is healing alot!)


6. Stuns - Part 1 - Stuns in pvp are wrong. CC is good and should be used. It makes people think about breaking it - ie Mez someone and if someone damages them they are free to go, root them and they are able to use range abilities, KB's are situational and good at times - stuns - no.

Part 2 - Stuns with damage - see part 1 and multiply the bull**** that it has become.


7. Escape/Breakfree - give an immunity of a few secs ffs! 5 - 10 should be minimum


8. Resolve - good in theory still needs a lot of tweaking - fill up faster, disappear alot slower.


9. WZ Balance - no brackets at release really? Lvl 50s have nothing to do at 50 - well 80% of player base wouldn't care at this stage. Premade lvl 50s vs greys is crazy - its not really fun when you do it because all you are doing is spending time to get some medals. It's less fun on the receiving end.


10. RNG Bags for PvP Gear - see other numerous threads. My fix. +5% chance for every bag you open to get an item until you get an item. Get a duplicate? Trade for Centurion piece or 15 commendations.


(edit: forgot the lack of afk kick in WZs but this would make 11 reasons so no matter:P)


I know most of this has been said in numerous other threads, but my chest is a little lighter. BTW I am Lvl 50 Valor 59 with 2 pieces of my Champ clothes, 1 off hand weapon, 1 earpiece, 1 belt, 1 Implant. My luck has it so that whatever piece I buy with Centurion commendations I will get next - or a duplicate.


I hope everyone enjoys their gaming experience be it in this game or another.


All of those things you have written here already exists in all mmorpg . However they are designed far better in swtor. If you dont have an idea of their purposes , you shouldnt subscribe to any mmorpg.Try playing FPS they will suit your mentality and I believe you will have more fun.

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Stop whining. When people say they are getting stunned every 2 seconds they're of course full of it. It's not that bad at all. Without the stuns the game would be ruined... besides use your own damn stuns... it's not like it's just a few classes that have stuns. Stop using your CC breaker every single time you get stunned ffs... it's concentrated stupidity.


I very much agree with the randomness of getting pvp gear... it's silly.


But the rest is just sad whining to be honest... I have played every single class (but not every class to 50 of course, but all are now above 25, except one level 16) and I have felt viable and powerful in every single class. That's a bloody great accomplishmen by the developers. You people want us all to be weak... you want it to be a slow and utterly boring grind of health with no unforseen stuff happening to you. Bah... **** it to be honest. The game is great and just because you lose as a certain class and have issues with stealth, CC, stun or whatever doesn't mean it's an issue.


Some of us actually play a lot of classes and can do ok, and have no issues with stealth and CC, so perhaps the issue isn't the game but YOU.




Only point is if you are a healer or squishy then you don't live though the Trooper chain stun's. You have to try and get a hot on right away, you have to brake stun 1st the time or right after its K.O. back in you cast game over. Stuns are a real problem when you are not the stunner. Yes then been in MMO's that don't make it a good Mechanic. It makes it same old same old if you have it you love it if you don't then you feel cheated.

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Thanks to those with the kind words. I will use you as references for my next (first) application as a PvP designer :p


I obviously forgot about things like Biochem stacking etc, but my top 13 doesnt sound as good as 10 :)


Enjoy your gaming!


You have alot to learn about game feature designing and theorycrafting.

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Here are my top 10 issues with the pvp side of the game and why I have unsubbed(bring on the qq etc it doesn't bother me).


1. Resists - or lack thereof. Each class has its own damage type, some classes have alot of one and little of others. Which means that some classes spammable abilities will do more damage than others. Also this benefits some class armor wearers against other classes whose damage is white (or weapon based).


2. Stealth - (I know this doesn't apply to every stealth class). Stealth should have super burst - they should be the kings of assination. What they shouldn't have is stealth, burst, speed, restealth (in the middle of aoe/4 people hitting them), and the abiltiy to heal themselves.

IMO - they should trade 1 or 2 of each off on the others. Want to heal - then give up burst, want to run around on crack level 5 then no restealth, a character shouldnt be able to use all 4.


3. Cover - bad mechanic - to slow etc etc etc


4. One trick ponies whose trick is very good. We all know who they are - interrupt them and they stand looking at you for 4 secs. Then it starts all over. No class should use 1 skill the majority of the time. Make it so to PvP successfully you have to use all your hotkeys/skillbars. Spamming one skill that does a **** tonne of damage is not good game design. Make interrupts last a decent amount of time not 2 GCDs - 10secs should be good. That will keep people on their toes and force them to utilise what other skills they have.


5. Healing. Classes that heal themselves ie Commando/BH/Ops/Scoundrel etc who are not highly specced in their heal tree should have small hot type heals. Not big heals that can get them the 2.5k medal. Unless they spec 1/2 way up 2 different trees. Seeing players in WZs that have dominated come out with 200kdamage and 100k healing is wrong. (yes I know people can get 300-500k damage - you are not dominating here - the other team is healing alot!)


6. Stuns - Part 1 - Stuns in pvp are wrong. CC is good and should be used. It makes people think about breaking it - ie Mez someone and if someone damages them they are free to go, root them and they are able to use range abilities, KB's are situational and good at times - stuns - no.

Part 2 - Stuns with damage - see part 1 and multiply the bull**** that it has become.


7. Escape/Breakfree - give an immunity of a few secs ffs! 5 - 10 should be minimum


8. Resolve - good in theory still needs a lot of tweaking - fill up faster, disappear alot slower.


9. WZ Balance - no brackets at release really? Lvl 50s have nothing to do at 50 - well 80% of player base wouldn't care at this stage. Premade lvl 50s vs greys is crazy - its not really fun when you do it because all you are doing is spending time to get some medals. It's less fun on the receiving end.


10. RNG Bags for PvP Gear - see other numerous threads. My fix. +5% chance for every bag you open to get an item until you get an item. Get a duplicate? Trade for Centurion piece or 15 commendations.


(edit: forgot the lack of afk kick in WZs but this would make 11 reasons so no matter:P)


I know most of this has been said in numerous other threads, but my chest is a little lighter. BTW I am Lvl 50 Valor 59 with 2 pieces of my Champ clothes, 1 off hand weapon, 1 earpiece, 1 belt, 1 Implant. My luck has it so that whatever piece I buy with Centurion commendations I will get next - or a duplicate.


I hope everyone enjoys their gaming experience be it in this game or another.


meh your drawing attention to yourself more than anything so have fun drama man



also oblig can i have your stuff.



Have fun out in the world, do whatever you enjoy, if you dont enjoy the game thats fine, we dont need a 10 point post explaining why you are quitting because well, we dont care.

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The other thing that bothers me is the animation bugs on skills like ravage . Every time i press ravage and the target moves a bit i am stuck in some awkward animation for 3 sec at the end of witch i do no damage and my ravage shows as off CD . Sometimes i spend half the battle running after someone pressing Maul with my assassin only to see him pull his hand back and then drop it down and nothing happens, then again and again and i look like an idiot running after someone shaking my hands and doing 0 damage.


I feel your pain. I play a shadow and this happens to me all the time with shadow strike (the equivalent of maul). I will stun someone, get behind them and just stand there like a fool because for some reason shadow strike just wont go off even though I have enough force. BW really needs to look into this type of stuff (I am sure it's not just shadows/assassins suffering from it).

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