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My experience after visiting swtor.com forums daily for 2 weeks now.


I have never seen anything this sad. Overwhelming negativity. Last I cried like that, I was 4, and my lollipop fell to the ground. When disappointment caused by a game is so bad that you can't get over that... something is wrong, and it's not in the game.

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Are you sure it's not in the game? Are you so sure that the community has been spoiled by having their every whim satisfied for so long that they don't realize that games used to be made with things they didn't like and couldn't be remade? Are you so sure that this newest generation of gamers is the most selfish and those filled with the most entitlement issues?
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If your new fridge that you bought would not work and spoil your food, wouldn't you complain.


I bought a car a while ago and twice it did not start in the morning, it seems that the dealer did not want to face it in court and refunded back the cost.


Search some forums of bad products you will see the same amount of QQ.


Would you pay for a pc which does not work?

Would you pay for a keyboard which does not always send the keys?


I am sure that you would return any of the above mentioned and ask for a replacement.


Now you may say that a game is not like the above, but it is still a product and it was advertised as such.


It's like you would have a car and pay for each fix although the car is covered by warranty.


If it would be not payed than I would agree with your assessments.


Maybe future patches will fix the problem, but why pay for it until than?


The ones which are entranced by story and light sabers will pay. I think it is wise to wait for them to pay fixes.

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My experience after visiting swtor.com forums daily for 2 weeks now.


Right now, many have access to the forums, that won't have it later this month, and by being online, they are complaining about anything and everything. The other problem is that many are coming here from another very popular game ... with features that aren't here, but those people expect those features because their other game has them.

Edited by Ohnoto
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The internet is much different in terms of MMOs than it was 'back in the day', just look at what people put on Facebook & other places for all the world to see. Makes you wonder... Why?


In short, people are less intelligent than they were 10-15 years ago.

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My experience after visiting swtor.com forums daily for 2 weeks now.


You have to take the bad along with the good, and I've seen some nice and helpful people in my short time in these forums.


It's the internet and, unfortunately, a culture of cry has errupted, but the best thing you can do is focus on the positive members of the community and not give anymore of a venue than they already have to trolls and nonconstructive and/or self-entitled chronic whiners.


It's not your job, nor is it helpful to give negative attention to those people looking for it, it's a waste of your time (unless you enjoy it), and only fuels and encourages them.



TL; DR? Don't feed ze trolls & focus on what you want to get of your time here.

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