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Comparing Tier 11 WoW gear "graphics" to a lvl 11 Inquisitor is not being honest


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Its exactly what you're doing. Which is making threads about the quality of the game that are exaggerating and opinionated rhetoric. No facts just opinions and negative in essence.


That's not what trolling is, at all.


A constructive opinion =/= trolling.


Trolling is when you make posts on the intent of getting angry responses from players.

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i'd advise everyone who keeps bringing up issues such as 'the graphics in x y z are better' to watch extra credits take on graphics vs aesthetics.




swtors graphics hit the mark in terms of aesthetics. Graphics wise, the developers have recently mentioned that they're looking at getting higher resolution textures in sometime in the future.


Remember we're one month in, changes will come with time and to quote a dev, they won't happen overnight!


thank you

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I feel sorry that you have to use a wow-related race in your name for a star wars game. Why bother with anything creative or effective when the truth suffices just fine.


What is this "truth" that you speak of? Something that you hold true? I assume and that doesn't count. You need to try harder.

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One thing WoW has done right is they make their end-game Epic items stand-out when compared to the blues and other low level items. No mmo ever learned that. Rift is a good game but you can never tell if an outfit is an end-game outfit or not because it just looks like every other outfit out there. They need to make it stand out by making the colors vibrant or something idk.


Just add more pointless spikes and make the shoulder pads bigger, that seems to satisfy WoW fanbois.


And by god, that Tera armous is absolutely loathsome.


This has to be one of the silliest troll threads I've seen yet. Jaku's 5:17 am post is the only one that I recognize from my experience of both games.


It's certainly true that WoW's art design is (apart from ridiculous spikey armour) "charming" and apt for its light-hearted content; and it's also true that SWTOR's has to stick to the canon of KOTOR and the Prequels (and to some extent IV, V and VI), so there's not much room to have the riot of colour that WoW has.

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What is this "truth" that you speak of? Something that you hold true? I assume and that doesn't count. You need to try harder.


The truth that you're just like papazookie in that you're mad that the game isnt wow but you wanted it to be. So you lash out an anyone that likes it.

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That's not what trolling is, at all.


A constructive opinion =/= trolling.


Trolling is when you make posts on the intent of getting angry responses from players.


your saying a game isnt as good as anther based on opinion within its own forums and towards the people who enjoy the game, you honestly think that your not gonna get angry responses when you don't use any facts to back up your arguments?

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I'd advise everyone who keeps bringing up issues such as 'The graphics in X Y Z are better' to watch Extra Credits take on Graphics Vs Aesthetics.




SWTOR hits the mark in terms of aesthetics. The graphics serve their purpose, and they look good. That's not to say some improvements couldn't be made, but remember the developers have recently mentioned that they're looking at getting higher resolution textures in sometime in the future.


We're one month in, changes will come with time and to quote a dev, they won't happen overnight!


Nailed it, but the SWTOR part is, I would say, opinionated. Everyone has different opinion. For me all the games from Blizz had good aesthetics, but I guess it's just me.

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your saying a game isnt as good as anther based on opinion within its own forums and towards the people who enjoy the game, you honestly think that your not gonna get angry responses when you don't use any facts to back up your arguments?


How can you use facts to back up which games graphics are better?

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Just add more pointless spikes and make the shoulder pads bigger, that seems to satisfy WoW fanbois.


And by god, that Tera armous is absolutely loathsome.


This has to be one of the silliest troll threads I've seen yet. Jaku's 5:17 am post is the only one that I recognize from my experience of both games.


It's certainly true that WoW's art design is (apart from ridiculous spikey armour) "charming" and apt for its light-hearted content; and it's also true that SWTOR's has to stick to the canon of KOTOR and the Prequels (and to some extent IV, V and VI), so there's not much room to have the riot of colour that WoW has.


I disagree. Let me preface this by saying I like TOR. Needs a lot of work but has a ton of potential.


That out of the way, despite technically higher quality graphics (let's forget about the textures for a minute) TOR just doesn't have the same artistic styling that the art and design department in WoW has been able to achieve. The designs there have more appeal to me. More soul. The graphics here, while nice, seem somewhat dull and uninspired.


Just my opinion.

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It is your opinion. Lol.


The detail on that stormtrooper armor is *********** attrocious, no antialiasing at all. The very few details on the armor are distorted and blurry.


The WoW screenshot has a huge amount more detail and that detail is far clearer.


It actually isn't really a matter of opinion, lol. You might like the STYLE of SWTOR better, but as far as graphical quality, it isn't really close.


^^^^ This x1000

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So you somehow know all my motives?


Hmm, who should I trust about my motives.... me or you?




Ok so let me ask you this. If you wanted any civil debate on wow vs swtor graphics that means you would have had to have an open mind about it and submit to the possibility of being wrong. However i doubt that ever occurred in your mind. You think wow is better and just wanted to argue over it. Tell me im wrong, seriously you cant.

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Ok so let me ask you this. If you wanted any civil debate on wow vs swtor graphics that means you would have had to have an open mind about it and submit to the possibility of being wrong. However i doubt that ever occurred in your mind. You think wow is better and just wanted to argue over it. Tell me im wrong, seriously you cant.


You're wrong.


I wanted to have a good discussion over how SWTOR could improve their graphics, and how it's sad that WoW.. a game from 2004 is comparable to it.


Go on, read the thread again.

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You're wrong.


I wanted to have a good discussion over how SWTOR could improve their graphics, and how it's sad that WoW.. a game from 2004 is comparable to it.


Go on, read the thread again.


You dont want a discussion you just want to sway people into disliking swtor just like you do. You are so painfully obvious in your subtle attempts, its funny to watch you try and fail.

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You assume that I don't like this game and I am a fanboy, but yet you are sitting here on forums replying to people. What does that make you? A die-hard SW: TOR fanboy whose getting mad about people bringing reality into these forums. You got caught and I actually didn't assume like you. I did some logical thinking there. You are weak.


Dont worry little guy the pandas will be here soon to take away all that anger you have inside you.

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You're wrong.


I wanted to have a good discussion over how SWTOR could improve their graphics, and how it's sad that WoW.. a game from 2004 is comparable to it.


Go on, read the thread again.


if you are looking for answers about what is already being done, go look over at the the dev tracker, there are in depth articles about this topic.

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You're wrong.


I wanted to have a good discussion over how SWTOR could improve their graphics, and how it's sad that WoW.. a game from 2004 is comparable to it.


Go on, read the thread again.


To be fair, WoW didn't look anything like it does now when it first launched. They've updated the client capabilities many, many times to add dynamic shaders, bloom etc.


In all honesty though, TOR looks like ****. I love the game but I'm having a really hard time switching to it from say, Skyrim. I realize that Skyrim is not an MMO and I fully understand the limitations placed on MMO's, I'm just using it as an example.


To clarify, I like many others have a high-end PC built to handle high fidelity graphics. Why? Because I like high fidelity graphics. It's really difficult for me to stomach the dated, medium-quality textures that TOR offers and I think Bioware did a large portion of the community a disservice in their decision to not render high-res in-game.

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To be fair, WoW didn't look anything like it does now when it first launched. They've updated the client capabilities many, many times to add dynamic shaders, bloom etc.


In all honesty though, TOR looks like ****. I love the game but I'm having a really hard time switching to it from say, Skyrim. I realize that Skyrim is not an MMO and I fully understand the limitations placed on MMO's, I'm just using it as an example.


To clarify, I like many others have a high-end PC built to handle high fidelity graphics. Why? Because I like high fidelity graphics. It's really difficult for me to stomach the dated, medium-quality textures that TOR offers and I think Bioware did a large portion of the community a disservice in their decision to not render high-res in-game.


Well said. And yes, WoW has definitley updated their graphics over the years.



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